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Subject: HK Bird Report 1958-2012 Available for Download NOW! [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 19/09/2012 11:52     Subject: HK Bird Report 1958-2012 Available for Download NOW!

HKBWS is now 55 years old. Do you know her exact birthday? Is there any difference between the existing HKBWS logo and 55 years ago? How many birds species were there in 1958?
You can get the answers from the Hong Kong Bird Report.

Hong Kong Bird Report 1958 – 2016 are all uploaded to the HKBWS main website. You can go to “Download” or click here:

Thank you very much to all senior members that give us such a valuable and precious heritage.


Author: sdavid    Time: 19/09/2012 12:01

Well done - what a good idea! Very useful.
Author: lrichard    Time: 19/09/2012 13:01

Very useful! Well done.
Author: handrew    Time: 19/09/2012 13:11

Great idea. Congratulations.
Author: brendank    Time: 19/09/2012 16:27

Brilliant, this will be a big help especially when we want to look up bird records which occurred after the avifauna was published.
Author: Sze    Time: 19/09/2012 20:53

Cannot download year 1959 report.

[ Last edited by Sze at 20/09/2012 00:13 ]
Author: thinfor    Time: 20/09/2012 01:35

Million of thanks!  
Author: garykctse    Time: 26/09/2012 15:09

Original posted by Sze at 19/09/2012 20:53
Cannot download year 1959 report.
思姐妳用乜 version (Adobe Reader)? 我用 10 (Adobe Reader X) 冇問題喎

檔案內註明左係用 Acrobat 9.x 黎做, 如果用 8 或者以下可能會有問題
Author: HKBWS WY    Time: 28/09/2012 20:28

Hong Kong Bird Report Index 1970-1998
香港鳥類年報 1970-1998 索引

Coutesy Mr Angus Lemont

HKBR INDEX 1970-1998.xls (94.5 KB)

Attachment: HKBR INDEX 1970-1998.xls (28/09/2012 20:28, 94.5 KB) / Download count 1473
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 29/05/2014 10:15

HK Bird Report 2007-08 & 2009-10 are available !!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 28/05/2015 14:41

HK Bird Report 2011 is available for download now !!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 17/05/2016 17:59

HK Bird Report 2012 is available for download now !!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 21/07/2017 10:44

HK Bird Report 2014 is available for download now !!

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