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Subject: [China] Hubei 湖北 9-2012 (2) [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 20/09/2012 17:02     Subject: Hubei 湖北 9-2012 (2)

Early Sept. 2012
Shenlongjia 神農架
Areas covered : Muyu 木魚鎮, Banshan Hotel(+2,000m above sea level)半山酒店 & Dajiuhu Wetland Park (+1,700m above sea level)大九湖濕地公園

Pied Harrier  鵲鷂

[ Last edited by Paux at 22/09/2012 20:36 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_03439rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:02, 75.47 KB) / Download count 516

Image Attachment: IMG_03423rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:02, 120.77 KB) / Download count 499

Author: Paux    Time: 20/09/2012 17:07

White-crowned Forktail 白額燕尾

Little Forktail 小燕尾

Image Attachment: IMG_02578rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:07, 99.36 KB) / Download count 522

Image Attachment: IMG_03056rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:07, 98.02 KB) / Download count 504

Author: Paux    Time: 20/09/2012 17:15

Brown Dipper 褐河烏

Plumbeous Redstart 紅尾水鴝

Image Attachment: IMG_02529rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:15, 70.89 KB) / Download count 542

Image Attachment: IMG_02617rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:15, 70.04 KB) / Download count 535

Image Attachment: IMG_02546rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:15, 56.8 KB) / Download count 461

Author: Paux    Time: 20/09/2012 17:24

Collared Finchbill 領雀嘴鵯

Oriental Turtle Dove 山斑鳩

(to be cont'd)

Image Attachment: IMG_02781rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:24, 66.85 KB) / Download count 482

Image Attachment: IMG_02790rb.jpg (20/09/2012 17:24, 112.37 KB) / Download count 493

Author: lpaul    Time: 21/09/2012 14:19

The first is a Pied Harrier, not a hen.
Author: Paux    Time: 22/09/2012 20:34

Paul, thanks for your correction. It's really hard for me to tell if it's a Pied Harrier or Hen Harrier as their features are so confusing, even harder for an immature!

Elliot's Laughingthrush 橙翅噪鶥

Image Attachment: IMG_02971rrb.jpg (22/09/2012 20:34, 78.62 KB) / Download count 531

Image Attachment: IMG_03011rb.jpg (22/09/2012 20:34, 118.87 KB) / Download count 506

Author: Paux    Time: 22/09/2012 20:44

Chinese Babax 矛紋草鶥

Red-billed Leiothrix 紅嘴相思鳥

Image Attachment: IMG_02934rrb.jpg (22/09/2012 20:44, 104.6 KB) / Download count 490

Image Attachment: IMG_03103rb.jpg (22/09/2012 20:44, 90.58 KB) / Download count 534

Author: Paux    Time: 22/09/2012 20:53

Marsh Tit 沼澤山雀

Grey-headed Flycatcher 方尾鶲

Image Attachment: IMG_02836rrb.jpg (22/09/2012 20:53, 104.06 KB) / Download count 505

Image Attachment: IMG_02914rb.jpg (22/09/2012 20:53, 94.04 KB) / Download count 485

Author: Paux    Time: 22/09/2012 21:02

Long-tailed Shrike 棕背伯勞

Chestnut-eared Bunting 栗耳鵐

(to be cont'd)

[ Last edited by Paux at 25/09/2012 23:36 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_03197rb.jpg (22/09/2012 21:02, 132.6 KB) / Download count 471

Image Attachment: IMG_03311rb.jpg (22/09/2012 21:02, 55.39 KB) / Download count 464

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2012 13:39

Sooty Tit 銀臉長尾山雀

Brown-breasted Flycatcher 褐胸鶲

Image Attachment: IMG_02877rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:39, 136.98 KB) / Download count 531

Image Attachment: IMG_02862rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:39, 63.87 KB) / Download count 529

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2012 13:44

Grey-crowned Warbler 灰冠鶲鶯

Plumbeous Redstart 紅尾水鴝

Image Attachment: IMG_02929rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:44, 117.84 KB) / Download count 490

Image Attachment: IMG_02335rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:44, 83.39 KB) / Download count 466

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2012 13:55

Some butterflies (Please correct me if the names are wrong as I am not familiar with butterflies. Thanks)
Chinese Peacock 碧鳳蝶

Asian Swallowtail 柑桔鳳蝶

Image Attachment: IMG_03263rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:55, 97.01 KB) / Download count 494

Image Attachment: IMG_02719rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:55, 98.84 KB) / Download count 500

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2012 13:58

Indian Fritillary 斐豹蛺蝶

Finally, a view of Dajiuhu. Thanks for viewing.

Image Attachment: IMG_03532rb.jpg (24/09/2012 13:58, 108.98 KB) / Download count 481

Image Attachment: Dajiuhu.1.jpg (24/09/2012 13:58, 67.13 KB) / Download count 480

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 24/09/2012 18:24

the Brown Shrikes looks like Long-tailed Shrike. The Brown-breasted Flycatcher looks like a Ferruginous Flycatcher, quite far north I think for this species.

All the best,

Author: Paux    Time: 24/09/2012 21:13

Jonathan, thanks for your comments.
Regarding the Brown-breasted Flycatcher, I've ruled it out as a Ferruginous Flycatcher due to its pinky leg colour. For the range, both of these two birds can be found in southern China including Guangdong. ... p;bh=0731&sl=19

For the Brown Shrike, it's very common in the areas I visited, much more in nos. than Long-tailed Shrike. For the bird in the picture, I think the base colour of the breast & tail colour look more like a Brown Shrike.

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 25/09/2012 09:46

I think your bird has too long wing to be a Brown-breasted Flycatcher, and is very rufous on the underparts especially on the undertail coverts where BB Fly should be of white. I've mystaken about the range of Ferruginous Fly, and i agree it is nothing unusual. Ferruginous Fly has pinkish legs as well.

For the Shrike, rather than the tail color, I would say that the grey mantle is much more distinctive for Long-tailed, even comparing with a male lucionensis,same for the rufous on the underparts, should be peach color in Lucionensis,  as well as the tail length, really too long for a Brown Shrike. The juvenil shows too much black in front of the eye to be a Brown Shrike.

Author: ajohn    Time: 25/09/2012 17:25

On the shrikes, the wings and tail contrast with the mantle and rump - this rules out the possibility of Brown Shrike, but fits with Long-tailed.
Author: Paux    Time: 25/09/2012 23:32

Jonathan & John, thanks for your further comments. I'll correct the name of the Shrike. And I post here a photo of Brown Shrike which I hope would be correct this time !

Regarding the Flycatcher in question, for the time being, I'm still in favour of a Brown-breasted Flycatcher. A photo showing the bill colour which fits the description of a BB Flycatcher is attached. For the wing size, I don't think it's too long (relative to the tail) comparing to the picture shown on "Birds of HK & South China". Furthermore, there were records of BBF in Shennonjia in recent years but no Ferruginous Flycatcher (non-official).


Image Attachment: IMG_02751rb.jpg (25/09/2012 23:32, 97.29 KB) / Download count 495

Image Attachment: IMG_02854xa.jpg (25/09/2012 23:32, 65.7 KB) / Download count 458

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 26/09/2012 00:32

I expect Brown-breasted to show much more yellow on the lower mandible especially to the tip of it, and a much more longer bill.
here a pic showing well Ferruginous Fly lower mandible : ... _ID=&pagesize=1
here one showing BB Fly: ... _ID=&pagesize=1

And again look at the proportion of tail left after the wing tip in Ferruginous compare to Brown-breasted, this is a very obvious feature from this angle, you even can use the undertail covert as a good reference for the wing tip position. And again the undertail covert should be of the same color of the belly (pale) and contrast with the flank in BB Fly, where in your bird they are clearly of the same rufous color than on the flank and this is also a good way to separate this two species from this angle I think.
And don't rely on what is mention on the reserve list, this is often not very accurate depending on the coverage of the reserve.
I can't do anymore.
Nice Brown shrike picture.

All the best,

Author: lmichael    Time: 26/09/2012 17:08

I fully agree with Jonathan that this is a Ferruginous Flycatcher. In addition to the reasons stated by Jonathan, the bird in your photograph clearly shows a rufous tail; tail of Brown-breasted Flycatcher is brown.

Enjoyed the photos.
Best regards

Author: Paux    Time: 26/09/2012 22:31

Mike, thanks for your comments.


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