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Subject: Nikon 8x42 Monarch binos [Print This Page]

Author: K_Chan    Time: 21/09/2012 06:31     Subject: Nikon 8x42 Monarch binos

Bought 2010, around $2000, but was broken down in 2012. Left side suddenly found out-of-focus whatsoever while right side working well.
Brought to Nikon service centre for sighting. Problems not known (taken to their back-room for 10 mins) but was advised to leave behind the widget for $600 repair charge, parts aside.
Has any member come across this?

用了一年多, 左邊突然間不能對焦, 沒有碰跌過, 維修中心除步看過, 原因不明, 放下修理, 先打六舊幾, 零件另計。在香港做相機就OK, 看來他們也未必有技術確診bino的問題。
Author: 9Wi    Time: 21/09/2012 19:36

望遠鏡的結構不會較攝影鏡頭複雜, 但如果望遠鏡灌有氣體的話, 就要寄回原廠修理.
Author: akltsang    Time: 21/09/2012 22:36

Judging from the symptoms, the problem is mechanical and not optical.  The monarch has several pieces of plastic covering the focusing mechanism (the black one with Nikon logo printed on it and one at the bottom).  Try to take out the plastic pieces with a small screw driver carefully.  You should see a central screw connecting to two pins (the two pins are attached to the focusing lenses inside of tubes).  I guess either the left pin is broken or just slipped out from the central screw.  You should be able to fix it when you see the mechanism.  Don't worry, you won't break the binos by simply taking out the covering plastic pieces.  Hope these help.

[ Last edited by akltsang at 21/09/2012 23:17 ]
Author: K_Chan    Time: 27/09/2012 09:24     Subject: Nikon binos - one broken pin - $1500 repair

果然料事如神,沒錯,把雙筒調焦器扭開鏍絲後,發現左邊眼約0.4cmx5cm的長條型對焦"pin"生鏽斷了(灰綠色,類似黃銅片的氧化),其他部件及外貌也沒有問題。於是,再度拿去Nikon的維修中心,今次到太古城總部,檢驗後,說要從日本訂零(部)件回來,盛惠$1500。用了一年多的Nikon Monarch,買就$2000,更換一條生鏽"pin",要$1500。你當我傻的? 早前還在研究Nikon的ED82mm fieldscope,我看也不需要了。似乎Nikon在望遠鏡這方面不太在行,更不會在意。
各位鳥友,除了Olympus, Minox之外, 有沒有較"廉價"的選擇?

Thanks for your advices.
Indeed the metal "pin" adjusting left side focus has been rust-broken, seemingly due to obvious oxidation. The repair centre this time confirmed a fee of HK$1500 to change the parts (my Monarch binos, bought for 2 years, worths only $2000). Probably this is my first time and the last time on Nikon binoculars, given their not so much in-business.
Friends, would there be other lower-priced brands other than Olympus and Minox?
Author: casualife    Time: 27/09/2012 12:05

所以一向認為香港的代理搵笨(各個牌子一樣),例如大部份 nikon 望遠鏡北美本土有25年保用香港就乜都一年,當然外國比香港賣多好多倍但都冇理由相差咁遠!

師兄你指"廉價"係乜價? 我唔會提議 S 同 L, 但 Z o既平價系列 conquest 絕對值得考慮. 我用過 monarch,用左兩次即刻賣走,跟住賣左conquest 8x30 巳經兩年, 影像光度同monarch 8x42 相差無幾,細一碼又輕便. 光學器材真係唔好貪平,可以一用十年八載,比多兩千對眼舒服十年點計都抵,但係S同L就貴得太誇,PQ 比例完全唔合理.

[ Last edited by casualife at 27/09/2012 12:07 ]
Author: akltsang    Time: 28/09/2012 21:51

Sorry, I cannot agree with your comments about Nikon binoculars.  Nikon is an expert in binoculars.  In fact, Nikon's top models (e.g. Superior E, E II, EDG etc.) are rated extremely high worldwide.  According to, Nikon EDG is even rated higher than Swarovski, Leica and Zeiss.  I have been playing with many binos and I also agree that Nikon's binos are comparable to the top three European brands.  I myself own four sets of Nikon and they are extremely good.

If you want something that are reliable mechanically, ok optically and at a fair price, I recommend the Celestron Regal (8x42 or 10x42).  They are available from eBay.

About your monarch, can you post a picture about the broken pin?  I can see if there is any way to repair.
Author: akltsang    Time: 28/09/2012 22:07

Olympus EXWP I is also a good choice.  Try in some bino shops first.
Author: tange    Time: 29/09/2012 00:14

Steiner skyhawk pro.  Not too expensive with good quality.
Author: casualife    Time: 3/10/2012 17:00

My experience is with Monarch and only the Monarch, not the entire brand of Nikon, please don't mix it up. This is my actual experience with the Monarch and the Conquest, I don't care if someone doesn't agree with it.

I did read the test by Allbinos, I personally tried out the EDG and it is actually very very good; but what about the price? Nikon Monarch is within 3 thousand and the EDG is more than 10 thousand, the conquest is around 5-6 thousand, how does apple compare to orange and to grape?

I would agree the Olympus EXWP I is also very good in price to quality ratio.  I tried it out early this year, image is clear and sharp, CA only started to show moderately on the edge to the extreme edge;   except I saw a guy on the forum complaining that binocular dropped in sharpness after a few year of frequent usage.

[ Last edited by casualife at 3/10/2012 17:07 ]
Author: K_Chan    Time: 9/10/2012 10:11     Subject: Nikon Monarch 8x42 雙筒望遠鏡 「補飛」

多謝諸位的意見, 特別akltsang君的協助。附上照片, 可見左邊的金屬片(僅約5mm闊)斷開三段, 用不到兩年, 其他部件外貌都娟好。 Nikon維修中心說, 訂購零(部)件需時, 連人工要$1500; 我還是靜待其他機會把他修理好了。維修部看來的"不熟行"和indifference, 令我不舒服。
這次破損很突然, 某天到達米埔才發現。 參考各位意見, 及後唯有匆匆到"生活"補購了另一部, 老闆說未聽聞有這樣情況。由於沒有時間做research, 僅僅試過Olympus和Zeiss, 最後也決定由EXWP1先止住咳, 但就對Zeiss Conquest 10x42的收光、景深和線條, 留下深刻印象。

Thanks for all your views, esp that of akltsang. The broken Nikon Monarch binos attached after unscrewing the distance adjuster. I gave up the repair at an asking fee of $1500 by the Nikon Centre, whose seemingly inexperienced and indifference approach has put me off. I still await chances to recoup my otherwise fully functioning binos.
Caught red-handed one day after arriving at Mai Po, I had to rush to shop for an alternative. Given the time constraint, I only tried out Olympus and Zeiss, and at last opted for the EXWP1. Yet Zeiss Conquest could be the next target with its far sharper contour, brighter and solid images.

Image Attachment: IMG_0988 (1).jpg (9/10/2012 10:11, 63.85 KB) / Download count 533

Image Attachment: IMG_0992[2].JPG (9/10/2012 10:11, 190.64 KB) / Download count 490

Author: akltsang    Time: 10/10/2012 00:31

I'm sorry that I cannot think of other ways to repair the binos except paying Nikon.  You need the original parts.  Besides, you may need to realign the two tubes after repairing if the tube has to be opened.  This is a very difficult job without the proper tools (especially for roof prism binos).  This may be a good chance for you to study the construction of the binos by disassembling it.

This problem is very rare.  Have you put the monarch in water or some very humid places? Normally the exposed metal parts are covered by grease to avoid rusting.  If the pin is rusted, perhaps the grease is wiped or washed away for some reasons (of perhaps Nikon staff forgot to put grease there by accident).  Really bad luck.

Hope you enjoy your new EXWP1.
Author: K_Chan    Time: 12/10/2012 09:17

Thanks alltsang. Yes, bad luck indeed. The broken pin has got slight oxidation, yet still duly greased. Never soaked in water (albeit their "water-proof" claim).
The EXWP1 is fine. Chances allowed, I still long for some Austro-German makes, for both their performance (assuming eyesight still good) and far longer warranty.

我的Nikon Monarch 8x42 用了不到兩年, 從沒有被水浸, 但是條"pin"表面有氧化痕蹟。剛剛買的EXPWP1用起都OK, 但長遠來講, 也系要試一試奧德品牌的雙筒, 表現和保養都較為優勝之餘, 日本品牌嘛 ...

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