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Subject: Warbler [Print This Page]

Author: cchristina    Time: 1/03/2007 09:11     Subject: Warbler

Shek Kong 石崗

Author: lpaul    Time: 1/03/2007 15:15

Do you have any other photos?  The dull head pattern looks more like that of Lemon-rumped Warbler Ph. chloronotus.
Author: tmichael    Time: 2/03/2007 10:37

Interesting you say that Paul because it seemed very green in the lateral crown stripes to me to.

However, I think we see  quite a few with head patterns like this, and with almost whitish rumps sometimes too. In fact, overall doesn't this bird appear a bit bright green and yellowish for choronotus?

I shall follow this with interest.

Author: cchristina    Time: 2/03/2007 14:50

Dear Paul and Mike,

Here you go! Thank you very much!


Author: lpaul    Time: 2/03/2007 15:58

I do not think this is a Pallas's Warbler, and feel that it looks more like a Yellow-rumped Warbler type or Gansu Leaf Warbler.

The head pattern looks very odd for Pallas's: the crown is not dark enough (showing little contrast with the mantle), the crown stipe is diffuse and dull (obviously duller than the supercilium), the eyestripe is poorly defined.

In addition the wing lacks sufficent contrast as the centres to the greater coverts and median coverts are not very dark and there little in the way of shadow below the greater covert wing bar.

On the left wing the central tertial has been replaced and show a dull, ill-defined tertial fringe, which is again at odds with Pallas's.

One feature which appears to favour Pallas's is the strong yellow tones to the front part of the supercilium.

I am not sure if the overall green tones are of importance for id, but would note that on tail shape it looks like an adult, and an adult would obviously be brighter than a first-winter at this time of year.

There is a good selection of Yellow-rumped and Pallas's Warbler at OBC images (just remember that the Himalayan Yellow-rumpeds have been split from the Chinese birds - they look quite different).

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