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Subject: Mount Davis - autumn 2012 [Print This Page]

Author: brendank    Time: 19/10/2012 14:25     Subject: Mount Davis - autumn 2012

19 October 2012

Highlight was a female White-throated Rock-thrush seen quite well midway up at lamp post #45373. Below is a smartphone digiscope of my SLR (will upload images later).


2 Dollarbird
2 Asian Brown Flycatcher
2 Emerald Dove

Image Attachment: wtrockthrush.jpg (19/10/2012 14:25, 29.85 KB) / Download count 484

Author: cywong    Time: 19/10/2012 21:42

Congratulations on this great find!
Author: brendank    Time: 22/10/2012 19:01

22 October

1 Siberian Stonechat

1 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
1 Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler

1 Bright-capped Cisticola (at field at the peak)

1 Chestnut Bunting
Author: brendank    Time: 26/10/2012 15:55

26 October 2012 - am

1 Black-naped Monarch
Author: brendank    Time: 3/11/2012 18:30

3 November 2012

Rather productive 2.5 hours this morning.

1 Brambling
1 Chestnut-winged Cuckoo
4 Little Bunting
1 Emerald Dove
1 Mugimaki Flycatcher
1 Red-throated Flycatcher
2 Asian Brown Flycatcher
1 Eastern Crowned Warbler
1 Lesser Shortwing

Image Attachment: brambling.JPG (3/11/2012 18:30, 39.03 KB) / Download count 432

Image Attachment: chestnut_winged.JPG (3/11/2012 18:30, 54.64 KB) / Download count 423

Image Attachment: littlebunting.JPG (3/11/2012 18:30, 22.79 KB) / Download count 480

Image Attachment: easterncrowned.JPG (3/11/2012 18:30, 28.74 KB) / Download count 471

Author: Mr_Kam    Time: 4/11/2012 16:40

4 November 12

Sunny morning, glad to see 2 Chestnet-Flanked White-Eye in a group of White-eyes

Chestnut-Flanked White-Eye x 2

Chestnut Bunting x 1
Mountain Tailorbird x 4
Asian Brown Flycatcher x 1

Image Attachment: IMG_9370.JPG (4/11/2012 16:40, 131.34 KB) / Download count 486

Image Attachment: IMG_9376.JPG (4/11/2012 16:40, 133.07 KB) / Download count 450

Author: brendank    Time: 4/11/2012 21:51

The Chestnut-flanked White-eyes are a great find!

Also today at Mount Davis in the morning there were 16 Chestnut Bunting in two flocks, a Mugimaki Flycatcher, a Red-flanked Bluetail and now two Lesser Shortwings singing.

Image Attachment: mugimaki.JPG (4/11/2012 21:51, 38.6 KB) / Download count 450

Image Attachment: chestnut.JPG (4/11/2012 21:51, 55.72 KB) / Download count 435

Author: brendank    Time: 7/11/2012 14:42

7 November 2012

Another interesting morning at Mount Davis. A Lanceolated Warbler walked out on a path and I got some good looks of it walking around in the underbrush. Not what I expect is good habitat for one.

Also, a Rufous-capped Babbler (first for HK Island?), the Lesser Shortwing singing, and a Black-winged Cuckooshrike.

[ Last edited by brendank at 7/11/2012 21:03 ]

Image Attachment: lanceol1.JPG (7/11/2012 21:03, 47.76 KB) / Download count 463

Author: louislee    Time: 7/11/2012 21:27

For the Rufous-capped Babbler, I would be sure to say some have been sighted by me in front of the main campus of HKU. At that time, I only wondered if they accidentally visit the campus from Lung Fu Shan.
Author: brendank    Time: 9/11/2012 15:57

9 November 2012 - am

1 Radde's Warbler
1 Bright-capped Cisticola
1 Rufous-tailed Robin
1 Asian Stubtail
1 Buff-bellied Flowerpecker (male)
2 Emerald Dove

Image Attachment: brightcapped.JPG (9/11/2012 15:57, 33.63 KB) / Download count 452

Author: Mr_Kam    Time: 11/11/2012 23:08

11 November 12

Brambling x 1  (please correct me if I were wrong)

Black-Winged Cuckoo Shrike x 1

[ Last edited by Mr_Kam at 11/11/2012 23:09 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_9474.JPG (11/11/2012 23:09, 118.94 KB) / Download count 441

Author: brendank    Time: 12/11/2012 16:24

12 November 2012

1 Russet/Brown Bush Warbler (see ID forum)
10 Chestnut Bunting
1 Eurasian Skylark (fly over)
1 Richard's Pipit (fly over)
1 Oriental Turtle Dove (rare on HK Island--first on I have seen on the island)
2 Emerald Dove
1 Grey-headed Flycatcher
1 Bright-capped Cisticola
Author: brendank    Time: 18/11/2012 21:50

17 November 2012

1 probably Yellow-streaked Warbler (see ID forum)
2 Grey-headed Flycatcher
1 Black-naped Monarch
large influx of Pallas's Leaf Warbler
2 Lesser Shortwing
Author: brendank    Time: 19/11/2012 14:23

19 November 2012

Very impressive migration today.

6(!) Radde's Warbler (a record count I imagine, none were in the spot where the possible Yellow-streaked Warbler was Saturday so guessing all new birds)
2 Blue-and-white Flycatcher (both adult males!)
3 Mugimaki Flycatcher
1 Dark-sided Flycatcher
1 Grey-streaked Flycatcher (seen by Wallace)
3 Chestnut Bunting
2 Little Bunting
2 Japanese Bush Warbler
4 Oriental Turtle Dove
1 Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler
1 Red-flanked Bluetail (adult male)
5 Grey-backed Thrush
1 Japanese Thrush

[ Last edited by brendank at 19/11/2012 16:46 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 19/11/2012 17:33

The previous high count for Raddes Warbler is three, as long ago as 1992.

This has been an excellent autumn for this species amongst others.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 19/11/2012 17:34 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 19/11/2012 18:34

I would say it has been a good autumn for Lanceolated Warblers, Two-barred Greenish Warbler, Radde's Warbler, Chestnut Bunting, and Daurian Redstart. Would say everything else is about normal.
Author: brendank    Time: 20/11/2012 11:35

20 November 2012

Another excellent day of migrant activity

1 Red-breasted Flycatcher (male, see photo elsewhere)
1 Blue-and-white Flycatcher, female
1 Mugimaki Flycatcher, male
1 Dark-sided Flycatcher
1 Radde's Warbler
2 Chestnut Bunting
1 White's Thrush
7 Grey-backed Thrush
10 Silky Starling (not common on HK island)
7 Red-flanked Bluetail (seems many came in last night)

In just about 10 min in the same spot I had the Red-breasted, Mugimaki, Blue-and-white Flycatchers, Scaly Thrush, and the Radde's Warbler. Why did people stop birding Hong Kong island exactly?

[ Last edited by brendank at 20/11/2012 11:42 ]
Author: sdavid    Time: 20/11/2012 12:05

Nice work!  Lots of migrants around at the moment
Author: brendank    Time: 21/11/2012 14:17

21 November 2012

2 Blue-and-white Flycatcher (adult male and female seen together)
1 Mugimaki Flycatcher
2 Asian Brown Flycatcher
1 Radde's Warbler
2 Eyebrowed Thrush
7 Pale Thrush
3 Japanese Thrush
4 Grey-backed Thrush
1 Chestnut Bunting
Author: brendank    Time: 22/11/2012 13:43

22 November 2012

1 Grey Treepie (this bird flew and was initially puzzled what it was but then realized it was a Grey Treepie but missing it's tail. I guess origin is a little suspect.)
2 Eastern Crowned Warbler
1 Goodson's Leaf Warbler
3 Radde's Warbler
2 Mugimaki Flycatcher
1 Dark-sided Flycatcher
1 Asian Brown Flycatcher
5 Pale Thrush
5 Grey-backed Thrush
Author: brendank    Time: 5/12/2012 21:02

5 December 2012

2 Mugimaki Flycatcher
1 Tristram's Bunting
1 Chestnut Bunting
1 Radde's Warbler
3 Pale Thrush
Author: brendank    Time: 16/12/2012 20:01

16 December 2012

Quiet and hot but still a female Blue-and-white Flycatcher so migration still hasn't completely stopped.

Image Attachment: blueandwhite_1.JPG (16/12/2012 20:01, 34.98 KB) / Download count 404

Image Attachment: blueandwhite_2.JPG (16/12/2012 20:01, 39.57 KB) / Download count 426

Author: Mr_Kam    Time: 16/12/2012 21:59

Over 40 Striated Yuhina were found today ,really impressive

(Striated Yuhina)

(Capture from video, so it cannot see clearly, but at least 10 can find in this picture)

Image Attachment: Striated Yuhina.jpg (16/12/2012 21:59, 162.99 KB) / Download count 446

Image Attachment: MVI_0492[21-48-13].JPG (16/12/2012 21:59, 178.84 KB) / Download count 396

Author: brendank    Time: 25/12/2012 15:26

25 December 2012

Still very birdy at Mount Davis.

1 Red-breasted Flycatcher (at the same spot as the adult male last month but this one I think is a female)
1 Asian Brown Flycatcher

1 Goodson's Leaf Warbler
1 Lesser Shortwing

1 White's Thrush
10 Grey-backed Thrush
8 Japanese Thrush
6 Pale Thrush

1 Black-faced Bunting

1 Emerald Dove

Image Attachment: rbflycatcher.JPG (25/12/2012 15:26, 35.36 KB) / Download count 407

Image Attachment: pale.JPG (25/12/2012 15:26, 38.69 KB) / Download count 411

Image Attachment: goodsons1.JPG (25/12/2012 15:26, 38.23 KB) / Download count 420

Author: brendank    Time: 31/12/2012 20:45

31 December 2012 - am

Quieter today

2 White's Thrush
1 Japanese Thrush
6 Grey-backed Thrush
4 Pale Thrush
2 Black-faced Bunting
2 Emerald Dove

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