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Subject: Tai Po Kau Autumn 2012 [Print This Page]

Author: kpokuen    Time: 9/09/2012 19:28     Subject: Tai Po Kau Autumn 2012

sept 8, 9 morning

-hainan blue flycatcher
-asian paradise flycatcher

-eastern crowned warbler
-arctic warbler

-bay woodpecker

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 9/09/2012 21:59

fantastic Bay Woodpecker...
A yellow-rumped flycatcher was also seen near picnic area 3.
Also saw a cuckoo this morning and heard a plaintive cuckoo later. May be the same bird.
Saw also what I can only assume being an orange-headed thrush, crossing the road, while I was in the bus going from Fo Tan to TPK, early morning.
Author: fatchun    Time: 11/09/2012 20:36

11/9/2012 Started from 14:30

Asian paradise flycatchers x2
Crested goshawk juv was enjoying meal on the ground
Eurasian Hobby chased little swifts
Easten crowned warbler
Arctic warbler
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 12/09/2012 21:26

Dear Fatchun

See a hobby hunting in the air - the sight must have been fantastic!


S L Tai
Author: subbuteo    Time: 14/09/2012 09:20

A quick walk this morning 6.10 to 7.30

Asian Brown Flycatcher on the access road
Hainan Blue Flycatcher, single male along the main path
Grey Wagtail

Author: subbuteo    Time: 14/09/2012 16:36

I was at the top of Lai Ning Road (above Old Tai Po Road) this afternoon and was lucky to see a Grey Treepie flying along the hillside above the canopy.


[ Last edited by subbuteo at 14/09/2012 17:02 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 18/09/2012 20:56

18 Sep 2012 (Tue)

A lot of birds were on the opposite side of the carpark on Tai Po Road including an Asian Brown Flycatcher around 7:10 am

The reserve proper was quite quiet. I missed a Yellow-rumped Flycatcher -possibly a juv/female - which I just managed to see a flash of its small bright yellow rump before it flew away following
some babblers and nuthatches.

Near the iron-rail on Red/Blue Walk circuit there was a Dark-sided Flycatcher feeding on top of the stream.

Elsewhere there were warblers, Eastern-crowned and Arctic, just as usual.


S L Tai

[ Last edited by tsheunglai at 18/09/2012 20:57 ]
Author: subbuteo    Time: 20/09/2012 19:08

A quick walk this evening between 4.30 and 5.30pm produced only an Asian Brown Flycatcher and two Mountain Bulbuls.  Great Barbet was calling but there was little else to see.

Author: kpokuen    Time: 1/10/2012 17:17

sept 29, morning

-ashy drongo
-black winged cuckoo-shrike

-asian brown flycatcher
-dark sided flycatcher
-asian paradise flycatcher

-japanese paradise flycatcher

-arctic warbler
-pale legged leaf warbler
-eastern crowned warbler

-golden spectacled warbler complex (possible Alstrom's warbler)

[ Last edited by kpokuen at 3/10/2012 15:31 ]
Author: cgeoff    Time: 1/10/2012 18:29

Suggest White-spec for the Seicercus. Fairly prominent wing bar, and the orbital ring appears to be absent above the eye (though I admit the angle is not great).

Author: kpokuen    Time: 2/10/2012 22:16

oct 1 n 2 morning

-crested goshawk
-ashy drongo (hopwoodi)
-eastern crowned warbler
-pale legged leaf warbler
-asian brown flycatcher

-dark sided flycatcher

-japanese paradise flycatcher

-lesser shortwing

Author: kpokuen    Time: 21/10/2012 18:28

Oct 20, 21 morning

-japanese paradise flycatcher
-asian brown flycatcher
-dark sided flycatcher
-mugimaki flycatcher
-verditer flycatcher

-grey headed flycatcher

-eastern crowned warbler
-dusky warbler
-yellow browed warbler
-arctic warbler

-asian stubtail

-bay woodpecker
-speckled piculet

-black throated tit

Author: brendank    Time: 23/10/2012 22:08

23 October 2012

1 Ashy Minivet
3 Two-barred Greenish Warbler
1 Asian Stubtial
1 Grey-headed Flycatcher
1 Dark-sided Flycatcher
Author: brendank    Time: 5/11/2012 16:54

5 November 2012 - am

2 Dark-sided Flycatcher (both adults)
1 Verditer Flycatcher
1 Grey-headed Flycatcher
1 Asian Brown Flycatcher
1 Black-winged Cuckooshrike
Author: kpokuen    Time: 5/11/2012 19:11

Nov 3 n 4, morning

-grey headed flycatcher
-dark sided flycatcher
-verditer flycatcher
-chestnut bunting
-forest wagtail

-two barred warbler
-yellow browed warbler
-pallas's leaf warbler

-hartert's leaf warbler


-crested serpent eagle

Author: NelsonChung    Time: 5/11/2012 19:49

28 Oct 2012 NOON
- Grey-throated Minivet

Author: kpokuen    Time: 18/11/2012 23:20

Nov 16, 17 morning

-grey headed flycatcher
-asian brown flycatcher
-dark sided flycatcher
-red breasted flycatcher
-black naped monarch
-bay wooodpecker

-chestnut bunting
-grey backed thrush
-japanese thrush
-yellow browed warbler
-pallas's leaf warbler
-asian stubtail
-hartert's leaf warbler
-dusky warbler
-raddes warbler

[ Last edited by kpokuen at 18/11/2012 23:34 ]
Author: kpokuen    Time: 25/11/2012 16:42

Nov 23, 24 morning

-blue n white flycatcher
-grey headed flycatcher
-verditer flycatcher
-dark sided flycatcher
-asian brown flycatcher
-black naped monarch
-yellow browed warbler
-pallas's leaf warbler
-dusky warbler
-radde's warbler
-asian stubtail
-white spectacled warbler)
-greenish warbler

-japanese thrush
-red flanked bluetail
-rufous tailed robin
-striated yuhina

-bay woodpecker (picture taken nov21)



Author: kpokuen    Time: 3/12/2012 19:29

Dec 2 n 3, morning

-yellow browed warbler
-pallas's leaf warbler
-hartert's warbler
-dusky warbler
-red flank bluetail
-rufous tailed robin
-grey backed thrush
-japanese thrush
-grey headed flycatcher
-dark sideded flycatcher

-mugimaki flycatcher

-greater necklaced laughingthrush

-bay woodpecker
-ashy drongo

[ Last edited by kpokuen at 3/12/2012 19:33 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 12/12/2012 21:26

12 December 2012

1 Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher (male)
2 Grey-headed Flycatcher
5 Goodson's Leaf Warbler (2 rather whitish below, 2 intermediate and 1 very yellow appearing almost like a Sulphur-breasted Warbler)
1 Greenish Warbler
20 Striated Yuhina
1 Japanese Thrush
2 Grey-backed Thrush

Image Attachment: rg_fly.JPG (12/12/2012 21:27, 31.77 KB) / Download count 713

Image Attachment: goodsons.JPG (12/12/2012 21:27, 41.03 KB) / Download count 696

Author: kpokuen    Time: 17/12/2012 22:12

Dec 13, 15 morning

-mugimaki flycatcher
-grey headed flycatcher
-verditer flycatcher

-greenish warbler
-blyth's leaf warbler
-pallas' leaf warbler
-radde's warbler
-yellow browed warbler
-rufous tailed robin
-red flanked bluetail

-striated yuhina

-bay woodpecker

Author: chima    Time: 26/12/2012 11:54

24 Dec pm, 25 Dec am

Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher 1
Pale Thrush 2
Grey-backed Thrush (f) 1
Red-flanked Bluetail (f) 1
Eurasian Siskin
Chestnut-collared Yuhina 1x
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Black-throated Laughingthrush
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker (m)
Mandarin Duck (f) 1

Image Attachment: IMG_6034.jpg (26/12/2012 11:54, 51.37 KB) / Download count 596

Author: kpokuen    Time: 30/12/2012 18:15

Dec 28, 30 morning

-pallas's leaf warbler
-goodson's leaf warbler

-sulphur breasted warbler
-asian stubtail
-pale thrush
-scaly thrush

-grey backed thrush

-grey headed flycatcher
-daurian redstart
-red flanked bluetail
-striated yuhina
-blue magpie

[ Last edited by kpokuen at 30/12/2012 18:19 ]
Author: kpokuen    Time: 1/01/2013 19:22

Dec 31, Jan 1 morning

-grey backed thrush
-japanese thrush
-scaly thrush
-pallas's leaf warbler
-yellow browed warbler
-goodson's leaf warbler
-sulphur breasted warbler
-asian stubtail
-red flanked bluetail
-rufous tailed robin
-japanese robin

Author: Beetle    Time: 1/01/2013 23:17

On 1 Jan there were also a pair of Fujian Niltava and a Verditer Flycatcher.

The Female appears a little bit strange with no white patch between the throat/breast; but the size was distinctively large.
Author: brendank    Time: 1/01/2013 23:33

I think the orangish wash to the throat and the lack of a blue half collar would suggest the female is a Vivid Niltava.

Some photographers today also reported a possible male Vivid Niltava. Hopefully we will see some more photos of that.

Do you have any more photos of the male?
Author: Beetle    Time: 1/01/2013 23:41

It appears that the male has bright shiny forehead, barely seen in the poor quality photo.

Not sure if this is useful

The blue collar is present in the female.

[ Last edited by Beetle at 1/01/2013 23:51 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 1/01/2013 23:48

The orangish wash to the face and throat of the female would make it Vivid for me. See ... amp;Bird_Family_ID=
Author: Beetle    Time: 2/01/2013 00:05

Given the rather white vent of the male I would tend to believe it is a Fujian Niltava.
Any idea about the blue collar of the female(though not very apparent but could still be seen in the photo)?
Author: Beetle    Time: 3/01/2013 18:23

On 3/1/2013 (pm) there was a Chestnut-crowned Warbler, mixed in a bird wave.

Author: fatchun    Time: 4/01/2013 17:05

4/1/13 Very cold morning.

Sulphur-breasted warbler x1
Japanese robin x1
Brown bush warbler x1
Mountain bulbul
Orange-bellied leafbird x3 (1x female, 2x male)
Goodson's leaf warbler
Grey-headed flycather x1
Chestnut bulbul
Grey-backed thrush
White's thrush
Pale thrush
Long-tailed shrike
Pallas's leaf warbler
Yellow-browed warbler
Rufous-tailed robin
Asian subtail
Red-flanked bluetail
Pygmy Wren-babbler
Fork-tailed sunbird
Author: brendank    Time: 5/01/2013 21:21

5 January 2013

1 Chestnut-crowned Warbler
20 Chestnut-collared Yuhina
2 Goodson's Leaf Warbler
1 Japanese Robin (male)
1 Grey-headed Flycatcher
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 6/01/2013 20:23

06 January morning

Bay Woodpecker (by the access road before 9am)
Japanese Robin (red walk around 9am)
Striated Yuhinas x10

I think someone may have seen a slaty-backed forktail, from this post:
Author: fatchun    Time: 6/01/2013 21:30

6/1/2013 PM

Striated Yuhina x 10+
Grey-backed thrush
Bay woodpecker called
Brown wood owl called
Red-flanked bluetail
Asian subtail
Rufous-tailed robin
Crested Serpent Eagle Flew and called


[ Last edited by fatchun at 7/01/2013 23:56 ]
Author: kmatthew    Time: 7/01/2013 23:10

7/1/2013 Afternoon

Crested Goshawk x2
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike x1
Orange-bellied Leafbird x2
Mountain Bulbul
Rufous-tailed Robin
Red-flanked Bluetail
Durian Redstart x1
Pale Thrush
Scaly Thrush x1
Grey-backed Thrush
Japanese Thrush
Greenish Warbler x1
Asian Stubtail
Fujian Niltava x2 (male and female)
Author: brendank    Time: 8/01/2013 18:57

Do you have photos of either of the Niltavas especially the female?
Author: kmatthew    Time: 8/01/2013 23:36

Unfortunately I couldn't get a shot of either birds, the male I saw clearly the bright contrasting head patch. The female I ID as a Fujian due to the more washed out under belly, but seeing the recent photographs, I guess I can't rule out the possibility that I saw the same bird, as I surely didnt have as great a view as that!
Author: thinfor    Time: 9/01/2013 21:43

A very nice birding day in TPK on 8Jan.  Though I could not see the Japanese robin, the bird wave occurred when I started leaving blue and red trail looked as if the birds were following me to leave TPK.  So birdy that I should say this was the best birding ever for my birding records in TPK (well, I don't go to TPK so frequently so it might be exaggerating).

Birding time 觀鳥時間: 0800-1430
Weather 天氣: Cool with sunlight and breeze
Humidity 濕度: Fine, not dry nor humid

White Wagtail x1
Grey Wagtail x1
Chestnut Bulbul x2
Mountain Bulbul x2
Great Tit
Yellow-cheeked Tit
Scarlet Minivet
Grey-throated Minivet
Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike x1
Orange-bellied Leafbird x2+ (F & M)
Black-throated Laughingthrush x1
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush x2+
Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler x1
Rufous-capped Babbler
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta
Blue-winged Minla
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Mountain Tailorbird (heard)
Striated Yuhina x10+
Yellow-bellied Yuhina x1
Grey-headed Flycatcher x1
Verditer Flycatcher x2
Tristram’s Bunting x3 (not seen by me)
Grey-backed Thrush x2
Asian Stubtail Warbler x2
Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Goodson's Leaf Warbler x2+
Hartert’s Leaf Warbler x2+
Chestnut-crowned Warbler x1

Pygmy Wren-babbler (heard)
Fork-tailed sunbird (not seen by me)
Red-flanked Bluetail x2+ (F & M)
Rufous-tailed Robin x1
Japanese Robin x1 (not seen by me)
Speckled Piculet x1 (M)

[ Last edited by thinfor at 9/01/2013 21:46 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 10/01/2013 06:43

This is how I would like to see bird lists on the website - English name at the start of each line, followed by number and/or comment.
I can then automatically pick up the details for the Annual Records.

The only issue here is the use of Goodson's/Hartert's as names. I would prefer you used

Goodson's Leaf Warbler - goodsoni - for the yellow ones and
Goodson's Leaf Warbler - fokiensis - for the white ones.

Geoff Welch
Secretary, Records Committee

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 10/01/2013 06:46 ]
Author: cgeoff    Time: 10/01/2013 10:32

Better still would be for all birders to submit their records at the end of the year in the Excel file provided on the website. This means that all records will be kept and be available for analysis now or in the future, rather than the more interesting species that GeoffW picks out.

We don't have the resources to collect all records posted here, and so many will disappear.

Author: thinfor    Time: 11/01/2013 01:37

Thanks.  I will do my best to follow what you suggested.  
Author: kpokuen    Time: 13/01/2013 18:17

Dec 12, 13

-goodson's leaf warbler 3X
-pallas's leaf warbler
-asian stubtail 3X
-yellow browed warbler
-bay woodpecker
-red flanked bluetail 5X
-grey backed thrush 5X

-pale thrush

-striated yuhina 20X
-rufous tailed robin 5X
-japanese robin

-tristram's bunting

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 13/01/2013 20:29

In addition, a female Fujian Niltava and a Verditer flycatcher (not seen by me) today.
Author: thinfor    Time: 14/01/2013 11:12

Many thanks for your sharing, kpokuen.  You give me a hope that I may try again to see this gorgeous male Japanese Robin!  
Author: kpokuen    Time: 18/01/2013 17:57

Jan 17, 18 morning

-pale thrush 2X

-grey back thrush 5X
-red flanked bluetail 5X
-grey headed flycatcher 2X
-verditer flycathcer

-white tailed robin female
-yellow browed warbler
-pallas's leaf warbler
-goodson's leaf warbler, 3X (yellow and white underpart)
-chestnut crowned warbler

-bay woodpecker
-speckled piculet

Author: wgeoff    Time: 18/01/2013 22:20

Kwan, could you leave off the '-' at the start of the species name please?

pale thrush 2X is OK (starting at the beginning of the line, no blanks before the word pale)

I can then process your records directly from these lists without making any changes
Geoff Welch
Author: brendank    Time: 23/01/2013 21:14

23 January 2013

Chestnut-crowned Warbler
Fujian Niltava
Bay Woodpecker (heard)
Speckled Piculet (not seen by me)
Goodson's Leaf Warbler 3X
Author: james10    Time: 24/01/2013 12:58

Would you mind revealing the location for the chestnut-crowned warbler? Please PM if needed. Thank you.
Author: brendank    Time: 24/01/2013 19:42

The Chestnut-crowned Warbler is the bird wave generally seen around the big rock between the Picnic Area 1 & 2.
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 25/01/2013 20:51

23rd Jan 2013

I missed all those that were found by others for taking a different route though recording 39 species.

Twenty-five Eurasian siskins had taken their morning foraging ground above the Study Centre and while I was waiting at the bus-stop I saw an Osprey flying in from Tolo Harbour, bill holding nest-building materials.

It's urged birders keep on observing if Ospreys do succeed in breeding youngs at Tai Po Kau woodlands and  at least report here for I think it'd be record breaking news.

S L Tai
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 3/02/2013 22:50

3rd Feb morning
Grey backed thrush 1x F
Black-winged Cuckooshrike 1x
Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher 2x
Hartert's Leaf Warbler 1x (goodsoni)
Striated Yuhina 2x
Bay Woodpecker heard
Verditer Flycatcher seen by others
Author: subbuteo    Time: 11/02/2013 14:35

Tai Po Kau, HK-
11-Feb-2013 08:00 - 11:45
Protocol: Traveling
5.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     15C, overcast to start, then bright and sunny.  Birds mostly seen in large mixed flocks.
38 species

Great Egret (Ardea alba)  1
Crested Serpent-Eagle (Spilornis cheela)  1
Black Kite (Milvus migrans)  1
Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)  2
Grey-chinned Minivet (Pericrocotus solaris)  X
Scarlet Minivet (Pericrocotus flammeus)  X
Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach)  1
White-bellied Erpornis (Erpornis zantholeuca)  1
Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)  2
Great Tit (Parus major)  3
Yellow-cheeked Tit (Parus spilonotus)  3
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)  6
Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)  X
Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis)  X
Chestnut Bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus)  X
Mountain Bulbul (Ixos mcclellandii)  5     Seen on four occasions around the forest- feeding on fruit and in mixed flocks
Pygmy Wren Babbler (Pnoepyga pusilla)  1     Pygmy Wren Babbler listed as Pygmy Cupwing - never heard that name before, can't say I like it.
Asian Stubtail (Urosphena squameiceps)  3
Mountain Tailorbird (Phyllergates cucullatus)  X
Pallas's Warbler (Phylloscopus proregulus)  X
Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)  X
Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)  X     
Blyth's Leaf Warbler
Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius)  X
Indochinese/Striated Yuhina (Yuhina torqueola)  20
Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus)  X
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia)  6
Silver-eared Mesia (Leiothrix argentauris)  X
Blue-winged Minla (Minla cyanouroptera)  X
Rufous-capped Babbler (Stachyridopsis ruficeps)  X
Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler (Pomatorhinus ruficollis)  X
Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis)  1
Rufous-tailed Robin (Larvivora sibilans)  1
Blue Whistling-Thrush (Myophonus caeruleus)  1
Grey-backed Thrush (Turdus hortulorum)  3
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum)  X
Fork-tailed Sunbird (Aethopyga christinae)  X
Olive-backed Pipit (Anthus hodgsoni)  X
Tristram's Bunting (Emberiza tristrami)  X

Large mixed flock of babblers, bulbuls and leaf warblers along the stream.  At least twenty warblers moving around, the bulk of which seemed to be Pallas's.

I think I have found some ebirder limitations- especially in the leaf warblers!  

No Slaty Bunting much to my disappointment.


[ Last edited by subbuteo at 11/02/2013 14:38 ]
Author: ivantse    Time: 12/02/2013 23:31

12-Feb-2013 Tai Po Kau Afternoon

Fujian Niltava male
Brown Wood Owl (heard around 1830 near picnic area)

Author: ac130    Time: 14/02/2013 18:34

2013-Feb-14, afternoon

Eurasian Siskin 20
Black Bulbul 1

Image Attachment: [Eurasian Siskin] DSC01504_Eurasian_Siskin.jpg (14/02/2013 18:34, 161.4 KB) / Download count 1291

Author: brendank    Time: 23/02/2013 22:22

23 February 2013

Eurasian Woodcock 1
Chestnut-crowned Warbler 1
Brown Wood Owl 1 (heard)
Author: chima    Time: 24/02/2013 17:05

23-Feb-13 am

Little Egret 1
Great Barbet 1 (not seen by me)
White-bellied Erpornis 1
Silver-eared Mesia 1
Chestnut-collared Yuhina 1
Orange-bellied Leafbird 1 (female, not seen by me)
Olive-backed Pipit 3
Tristram's Bunting 4 (male x2 & female x2)
Author: kpokuen    Time: 24/02/2013 20:39

Feb 23, 24

bay woodpecker
speckled piculet
rufous tailed robin
great barbet
grey headed flycatcher
pallas's leaf warbler
yellow browed warbler
chestnut crowned warbler
goodson's leaf warbler

goodson's leaf warbler (fokiensis)

tristram's bunting
ashy drongo

Author: brendank    Time: 26/02/2013 22:36

26 February 2013

Crested Honey Buzzard 1
Chestnut-crowned Warbler 1
Speckled Piculet (not seen by me yet again)
Tristram's Bunting 4

[ Last edited by brendank at 27/02/2013 08:49 ]

Image Attachment: honeybuzzard.JPG (26/02/2013 22:36, 41 KB) / Download count 608

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 10/03/2013 20:51

Around lunchtime today
Speckled Piculet heard
Bay Woodpecker heard
Great Barbet heard
Hartert's Warbler 2x
Tristram's Bunting 1x (female)
Black Bulbul 1x (juvenile)
Author: kpokuen    Time: 10/03/2013 23:04

Mar 9, 10 morning

eastern crowned warbler
goodson's leaf warbler
yellow browed warbler
pallas's leaf warbler
emerald dove
speckled piculet

rufous tailed robin
japanese robin
tristram's bunting

crested goshawk

Author: kpokuen    Time: 17/03/2013 18:42

Mar 17, morning

yellow browed warbler
pallas's leaf warbler
ducky warbler
arctic warbler
large hawk cuckoo
great barbet
grey headed flycatcher
tristram's bunting
lesser shortwing

black bulbul

Author: tmichael    Time: 17/03/2013 20:27

A record 'autumn' in Tai Po Kau!

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