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Subject: ID of Bush Warbler [Print This Page]

Author: brendank    Time: 12/11/2012 15:34     Subject: ID of Bush Warbler

12 November 2012 -  Mount Davis

I was mobbed by this bush warbler this morning. Calls seemed typical of Russet Bush Warbler. However, undertail coverts look fairly clean to me.  I was considering the possibility of Brown Bush Warbler. I think I can just make out a tiny bit of pale fringing but it seems very weak.

[ Last edited by brendank at 12/11/2012 15:36 ]

Image Attachment: bush_warbler1.JPG (12/11/2012 15:34, 28.7 KB) / Download count 377

Image Attachment: bush_warbler2.JPG (12/11/2012 15:34, 28.29 KB) / Download count 332

Image Attachment: bush_warbler3.JPG (12/11/2012 15:34, 29.57 KB) / Download count 371

Image Attachment: bush_warbler4.JPG (12/11/2012 15:34, 27.04 KB) / Download count 354

Image Attachment: bush_warbler5.JPG (12/11/2012 15:34, 23.57 KB) / Download count 346

Image Attachment: bush_warbler6.JPG (12/11/2012 15:36, 33.77 KB) / Download count 356

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 12/11/2012 16:03

pale base of lower mandible indicates Brown Bush Warbler.  a very good find.
Author: kkoel    Time: 12/11/2012 16:14

I think this is a Russet Bush Warbler because of the relatively clear supercilium and eye-line, plus well marked under-tail coverts not observed in Brown Bush Warbler. It is common for non-breeding Russet Bush Warblers to show paler lower mandible and even the cutting edge of upper mandible as shown in photos online and those taken by Geoff on Potoi: ... light=russet%2Bbush

[ Last edited by kkoel at 12/11/2012 16:16 ]
Author: lpaul    Time: 12/11/2012 16:30

Agree, Russet Bush Warbler, pale fringes to undertail coverts seem well marked to me.
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 12/11/2012 17:06

sorry, from my experience in Hunan where both occur I never saw a Russet BW with so pale lower mandible, but after a quick check on OBI, I can only agree.
And agree with Paul that undertail covert are well marked, I focus to much on the mandible on my first post, sorry abouth that. So a less better find:-) but always a very enjoyable bird to look at:-)
Author: brendank    Time: 12/11/2012 17:23

thanks, everyone!

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