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Subject: Flycatcher ID Please . . . [Print This Page]

Author: Spring_BB    Time: 18/11/2012 21:18     Subject: Flycatcher ID Please . . .

20121107 & 20121115 Long Valley (塱原) same location

Image Attachment: [20121107] 20121107.jpg (18/11/2012 21:18, 61.37 KB) / Download count 941

Image Attachment: [20121115] 20121115.jpg (18/11/2012 21:18, 70.88 KB) / Download count 421

Author: wilsondring    Time: 18/11/2012 21:22

looks like an asian brown to me ..
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 18/11/2012 21:35

taiga (red-throated) flycatcher
Author: wilsondring    Time: 18/11/2012 21:37

i can't see any red on the throat.. is this a female?
Original posted by Ronaldo at 18/11/2012 21:35
taiga (red-throated) flycatcher

Author: subbuteo    Time: 18/11/2012 21:51

Note the white patches at the base of the tail which rule out Asian Brown.
Author: thinfor    Time: 18/11/2012 23:21

You could hardly find a really 'red-throated' red-throated flycatcher in HK.  It should be a great record if it does happens!
Author: wilsondring    Time: 18/11/2012 23:36

just like the rosy pipit @LV .. i could hardly see the pink ..
Original posted by thinfor at 18/11/2012 23:21
You could hardly find a really 'red-throated' red-throated flycatcher in HK.  It should be a great record if it does happens!

Author: thinfor    Time: 19/11/2012 09:18

rosy pipit就胸真係好粉紅喎,我scope都睇得很清楚,你影嘅無理由無色喎...... 莫非你嗰隻唔係rosy,定係啲光源嘅問題?

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