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Subject: Warbler id - Po Toi [Print This Page]

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 19/11/2012 21:14     Subject: Warbler id - Po Toi

Saw this warbler in Po Toi on Sunday. First thoughts were of a Two-barred Greenish Warbler, but the behavior was similar to the Blyth's complex (flicking regularly its wings while jumping along the tree branches).

Would it be a reguloides?


Image Attachment: Warbler2.jpg (19/11/2012 21:14, 133.29 KB) / Download count 346

Author: brendank    Time: 19/11/2012 21:17

Why not a Yellow-browed Warbler?
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 19/11/2012 21:21

Clearly very plain wings on site. Also larger than YBW
Author: ajohn    Time: 20/11/2012 23:00

You mention plain wings, but the photo shows a very clear and broad wing bar. Is there a chance you photo'ed a different bird?

I agree with Brendan - this looks like a Yellow-browed.
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 21/11/2012 07:32

what I meant is that the bird had very plain-colored wings (no dark fringes on tertials), aside from the bands... the wings were dull green. Also, it wasn't behaving like a YBW (slower paced and "walking" more on branches).
I was with James, and it was clear to both of us that it wasn't a YBW.
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 21/11/2012 13:53

I would say same as Brendan or John by viewing this pictures.Looks perfect for a YBW from this view.
When do you mention no dark fringes to the tertials, do you mean no PALE fringes?
Was the bird calling? Is there any others pictures, from other angle, with only this one will be hard to do anything else from this bird. A picture with a better light on the wing, to see the shaddowing pattern could help i think.
I don't think this bird is one of the  reguloides nor plumbeitarsus.
From this angle I think Chinese Leaf can not be ruled out and could match your description but you haven't mention any pale rump or median coronal stripe.
Actually I saw one this morning in Guangxi, this should be the second record for the province after a singing bird i found in april this year. I found the pale rump not very easy to see especially in bad light condition with a bird seen from below, it often can be only seen when the bird is flying, but the bird I saw this morning was very vocable. I found this morning bird a bit bigger than YBW and a bit more bulky. The call it was doing was very different from the bird i've got this spring, it was a kind od very hight and dry "tsi" reminding a bit one of the call of scarlet-backed Flowerpecker and sometimes followed by the same stroph repeated very quickly and decrescendo like "tsitsitsitsitsisisi".  
I hope this can help.

All the best,

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 21/11/2012 20:36

Hi Jonathan,
Yellow-browed is smaller than this warbler. I was not lucky with my settings and only took three shots (and that was "the best") after observing it well...
It didn't have any contrast in its wings (usually, yellow browed has clearly defined black/white on their tertials) nor a visible crown. The overall color was dull green.
And it didn't call at all... I tried to see it again later in the day but could not find it.
I attach another picture, in case

Image Attachment: Warbler0.jpg (21/11/2012 20:36, 177.13 KB) / Download count 314

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 21/11/2012 21:59

I don't think this help at all. But from the picture and with what do you mention I also think there is good chance that it is a Yellow-browed Warbler in worn plumage.

All the best,


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