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Subject: ID please [Print This Page]

Author: 裝塵    Time: 24/11/2012 20:20     Subject: ID please

is it Blue-Throated Flycatcher? 是否藍喉仙鶲?

24 Nov 2012

Image Attachment: IMG_2751.jpg (24/11/2012 20:20, 171.81 KB) / Download count 445

Image Attachment: IMG_2761.jpg (24/11/2012 20:20, 163.98 KB) / Download count 333

Author: brendank    Time: 24/11/2012 20:35

It's one of the cyornis flycatchers although I am not really sure which one. For sure, it is an ex-captive. A vivid Niltava and a Blue Flycatcher did not arrive together at Po Toi naturally!

[ Last edited by brendank at 24/11/2012 21:37 ]
Author: cgeoff    Time: 24/11/2012 21:24

Why do you say it is ex-captive?

It looks like Hill Blue Fly Cyornis banyumas.


[ Last edited by cgeoff at 24/11/2012 21:54 ]
Author: brendank    Time: 24/11/2012 21:45

I just can't believe a Hill Blue Flycatcher and Vivid Niltava (superficially similar looking birds) would show up together on the same day. Yes, the plumage on both is immaculate and yes both are migratory but there is no pattern for them being a late winter migrant to HK. There was a cold front yesterday yet there didn't seem like there were many migrants there today.

My guess is given how similar they look they were released in some sort of ceremony.

Of course, I would very much like to tick the Niltava but it seems like too big a coincidence to me.
Author: cgeoff    Time: 24/11/2012 21:54

I see. I thought you meant there was some sign of cage damage.

I agree with you, but at the same time I just can't get my head round why there should be so many apparent ex-captive birds on Po Toi, an island off the south coast of China!

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 25/11/2012 12:08

And it seems it is a first year bird due to the retain primary coverts, but I'm not sure it help to proove wether or not it is an ex-captive bird or not.
There is a good population of Hill blue Fycatcher 700 kms NW of Hong Kong in Guangxi province, and this population could even extent more closier than that. So a potential vagrant is not impossible, but I don't know what time they start to migrate south.
About Chinese Blue Flycatcher, there is also  good population in NW Hunan,about 900 kms from HK, so some of the birds seen in early autumn in HK could also be of natural origin.

All the best,


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