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Subject: Is this a Dusky Warbler? [Print This Page]

Author: passerby-b    Time: 25/11/2012 11:17     Subject: Is this a Dusky Warbler?

The photos were taken in Dongshi of Taichung, Taiwan.
I could not describe of its call, but is certainly different from that I heard in HK.

Image Attachment: Dusky Warbler 5B3C8180.jpg (25/11/2012 11:17, 80.65 KB) / Download count 317

Image Attachment: Dusky Warbler 5B3C8184.jpg (25/11/2012 11:17, 83.54 KB) / Download count 330

Author: HFCheung    Time: 25/11/2012 13:40

No.  It is Japanese Bush Warbler 日本樹鶯 or Manchurian Bush Warbler 遠東樹鶯.  The difference is not clear to me but Manchurian Bush Warbler is more common (according to the Taiwan checklist).
Author: passerby-b    Time: 25/11/2012 21:12

Thanks a lot! After refering to Wild Birds of Taiwan by 廖本興 P.199 and P.200, I think it is a Manchurian Bush Warbler. P.200 has the following description "遠東樹鶯,頭上紅褐色,體色較紅,眉線明顯"。I had apply more colour saturation to the photo below to blow up the red brown colour of the crown.

Image Attachment: 5B3C8178.jpg (25/11/2012 21:12, 86.76 KB) / Download count 346

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