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Subject: Slaty-backed Flycatcher or Mugimaki Flycatcher? [Print This Page]

Author: CWSO    Time: 11/12/2012 00:06     Subject: Slaty-backed Flycatcher or Mugimaki Flycatcher?

Thanks for help

Shek Kong 11/12/2012

Image Attachment: CWS_3687.jpg (11/12/2012 00:06, 140.87 KB) / Download count 426

Image Attachment: CWS_3853.jpg (11/12/2012 00:06, 181.84 KB) / Download count 385

Author: cgeoff    Time: 11/12/2012 09:34

This is not Slaty-backed Flycatcher, which has an obvious wing-bar, a shorter, paler bill, fairly uniform underparts and paler upperparts with a warmer tinge to the uppertail coverts. See: ... backed%2Bflycatcher

Author: ajohn    Time: 11/12/2012 09:54

Isn't it a female Hainan Blue Flycatcher?
Author: lmike    Time: 11/12/2012 09:56

so c-fu........
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 11/12/2012 12:20

I think tail and bill are too short and primaries too long for Hainan Blue Flys, what about a worn 1stW Narcissus Flycatcher, maybe elisae/owstoni.

All the best,

Author: lpaul    Time: 11/12/2012 13:39

Adult female Mugimaki for me (hence no wing-bar): ... _ID=&pagesize=1
Author: ajohn    Time: 11/12/2012 14:13

Yes, looking again I agree with Mugimaki. I was thrown because I thought they were brighter below and had more of a wing-bar, but it's a species that I don't see very often. Perhaps I should go to look for this one to familiarise myself more with the species!
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 11/12/2012 15:06

well, me too...
Author: CWSO    Time: 12/12/2012 07:48

Thank you all

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