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Subject: [Oversea] Sulawesi & Halmahera [Print This Page]

Author: EricB    Time: 23/12/2012 05:25     Subject: Sulawesi & Halmahera

Just a short note about a recent trip with my brother to Sulawesi and Halmahera in November.
We had an excellent guide , Nurlin Djuni, who runs Malia tours.
It’s  an eco friendly set up where they cross refer within the region to other team members in Bali/Sumatra/Java etc..
The highlights were the Standardwing, 15 species of Kingfisher , a good number of night birds and over 100 endemics. Nurlin brought us to a new Standardwing site, Weda Diving resort, where there were about 6-8 males and  a couple of females. The birds are a 10-15 minute drive and 10-15 minute walk from the accommodation. The display area was about 40metres off the ground but on one occasion a fighting pair of males fell out of the trees and continued to fight it out about 5-8 metres away, unfortunately they were impossible to photograph on the forest floor without a flash. Here ‘s a photo by a  keen photographer taken at this site about a year earlier.
Nurlin has over 18 years experience as a bird leader and can tailor trips to peoples needs. He has led for VENT, Rockjumper, Birdtour Asia etc..
Not sure how you manage to load up more than a couple of highly compressed photos!I'll try to load more once the system allows me.

Green Backed Kingfisher ISO 2500 f6.3 0.4s

Scaly Kingfisher ISO 1000 f 7.1 1/30th

[ Last edited by EricB at 23/12/2012 05:26 ]

Image Attachment: 6B1C5312.jpg (23/12/2012 05:25, 42.49 KB) / Download count 547

Image Attachment: Scaly1.jpg (23/12/2012 05:25, 50.91 KB) / Download count 557

Author: aaukie    Time: 23/12/2012 16:50

I love Kingfisher so much!

Many thanks for our information shared and looking forward to view more stunning photos of the birds!!!

Author: tomatofamily    Time: 23/12/2012 18:48

To display more photos, I recently found the better way.  First you find ways to store your photos in the web.  I have a Dropbox account, which is free for some space.  So, I put photos into public folder; and I see my jpg photos there.  Right click each photo each time and copy the public link.  Then inside this window, I write [img][/img](paste the public url link between [img][/img]) and enter (you put the name of the bird before the script [img][/img] to display the name of the bird.  You can display as many photos as you can, I assume.

[ Last edited by tomatofamily at 23/12/2012 18:50 ]
Author: EricB    Time: 24/12/2012 06:29

Many thanks for that advice.I'll try to set that up once I have a little more time.
Meanwhile,here are 2 more compressed images.

Satanic or Diabolical Nightjar

Sulawesi Masked Owl

[ Last edited by EricB at 24/12/2012 06:34 ]

Image Attachment: Suklawesi Masked.jpg (24/12/2012 06:29, 22.3 KB) / Download count 517

Image Attachment: Diabolical.jpg (24/12/2012 06:33, 76.23 KB) / Download count 500

Author: EricB    Time: 25/12/2012 10:09

Spectral Tarsier ISO 800 f 7.1  1/4s

Sulawesi Crested Black Macque ISO 2500 f 5.6 1/100s

Hmmm. Didn't quite do what I wanted it to!

Here's my effort of the Birds of Paradise
Iso 2000 f5.6  1/320s

and the rarely photographed Minahassa Masked Owl
ISO 4000 f5.6 1/8s
Try this link for the bigger files
I can't get my head round peoples instructions to post bigger images! Thanks for trying anyway.

[ Last edited by EricB at 26/12/2012 04:58 ]

Image Attachment: 6B1C5546.jpg (25/12/2012 10:17, 43.76 KB) / Download count 527

Image Attachment: 6B1C6056.jpg (25/12/2012 10:24, 37.02 KB) / Download count 496

Image Attachment: 6B1C4854.jpg (26/12/2012 04:58, 75.05 KB) / Download count 531

Image Attachment: 6B1C5980.jpg (26/12/2012 04:58, 37.87 KB) / Download count 513

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