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Subject: ID Please! [Print This Page]

Author: zaku0328    Time: 5/01/2013 19:24     Subject: ID Please!

龍虎山 5/1/13
Thank in advance for the assistance!

Image Attachment: DSK_3459a.jpg (5/01/2013 19:24, 76.17 KB) / Download count 287

Author: subbuteo    Time: 5/01/2013 19:49

An unusual angle, but I think Striated Yuhina.

Author: zaku0328    Time: 5/01/2013 20:52

Thank you Dylan!
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/01/2013 12:33

Yes, definitely Chestnut-collared Yuhina (the species was split a few years ago, and the form in HK is now called Chestnut-collared rather than Striated).

It seems to be a bumper year for this species in HK, with good numbers at many woodland sites.
Author: zaku0328    Time: 6/01/2013 17:01

Thank you ajohn!

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