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Subject: [China] Dapeng / Nan'ao peninsular [Print This Page]

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 5/01/2013 21:41     Subject: Dapeng / Nan'ao peninsular

Definitly  day to be outside. Spend the all morning at Saikung at the far end of the Nan'ao peninsular. The hightlight was this very cooperative Yellow-bellied Weasel, the second time for me to see this nice mamals on day time, and this one was just patient enough to let me take my camera I'd left in my backpack. Not very shy, and very curious to the mouse imitation I was doing...A very nice encounter...
Below this morning full list and 2 pics of the Weasel.

All the best,


Chinese Pond Heron        1
Intermediate Egret        1
Little Egret        24
Black Kite        6
Kentish Plover        1
Spotted Dove        3
Emerald Dove        6
Common Kingfisher        1
Grey-chinned Minivet        1
Black-naped Monarch        1
Cinereous Tit        2
Red-whiskered Bulbul        17
Light-vented Bulbul sinensis        15
Sooty-headed Bulbul        1
Chestnut Bulbul                6
Asian Stubtail        3
Mountain Tailorbird        4
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler        3
Yellow-browed Warbler        4
Common Tailorbird        5
Masked Laughingthrush        4
Hwamei                2
Striated Yuhina                25
Japanese White-eye        60+
Blue Whistling Thrush        1
Grey-backed Thrush        2
Japanese Thrush        1
Pale Thrush        3
Rufous-tailed Robin        2
Orange-flanked Bluetail        2
Oriental Magpie Robin        4
Daurian Redstart        4
Hainan Blue Flycatcher        1
Fork-tailed Sunbird        5
Black-faced Bunting        2

[ Last edited by Jonathmartinez at 3/02/2013 13:07 ]

Image Attachment: YellowBelliedWaesalIMG_7300GuangdongNanaoPeninsularSaikung.jpg (5/01/2013 21:41, 91.25 KB) / Download count 414

Image Attachment: YellowBelliedWeaselIMG_7305GuangdongNanaoShaikung20130105.jpg (5/01/2013 21:41, 96.97 KB) / Download count 424

Author: tmichael    Time: 5/01/2013 21:45

The weasel's interesting - I think the mammal people do know of them in Guangdong now, though I think they didn't when one was first seen in HK about 20 years ago.

The Hainan Blue Fly is an interesting record - one to look out for here in Sai Kung, HK. I had them in the summer about 100 m from my home, but no sign today!
Author: subbuteo    Time: 5/01/2013 22:17

There was a Hainan Blue in Lam Tsuen today too.  I'd love to see a weasel in HK,  I've tried the squeaking mouse trick with martens in France- works well!
Author: lrichard    Time: 6/01/2013 10:51

Interesting that you got Chestnut-collared Yuhinas there, too.
Author: ajohn    Time: 6/01/2013 12:30

Not too surprising about the Chestnut-collared Yuhinas I would say - they seem to be present in very good numbers in Hong Kong this year.
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 6/01/2013 18:18

I've taken a conservative number, but actually I saw two flock of them at quite distant areas, so there could have been dobble more.
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 6/01/2013 18:21

an other interesting bird I heard but haven't been abble to see, so I haven't mention it as I don't hear them everyday, was a presumed White-bellied Epornis...I know there are seen reguraly at Tai Po Kau, but I thought they is a doubt about their origin...let see if I can confirm this later.
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 3/02/2013 13:17

Yesterday, I've tried to reach the highest summit of Dapeng Peninsular, that culminate around 850 meters. The main idea was too check wether some of the Tai Mo Shan species occur there, but the problem is that there is no road to help moove further up, and no real definite trail from the side I tried, so it was a very long and difficult 700 meters ascent and when I reach the grassy area at the top it was allready very late afternoon and very windy with very little bird movment, but the large grassy habitat at the top indicates that it definitly desserve to have a new try, but it would require overnight up there to be abble birding around in the early morning...
BTW very exhsausted by the end of the day for a rather thin day list, but a very nice place, full list as below :

Eastern Buzzard        1               
Emerald Dove        2               
Greater Coucal        1               
Black-winged Cuckooshrike        3               
Scarlet Minivet        10               
Long-tailed Shrike        1               
White-bellied Erpornis        4               
Grey Treepie        1               
Large-billed Crow        2               
Cinereous Tit        3               
Red-whiskered Bulbul        32               
Light-vented Bulbul sinensis        18               
Chestnut Bulbul        11               
Asian Stubtail        2               
Manchurian Bush Warbler        2        , 1 heard singing was canturians, other heard calling only
Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler        5               
Mountain Tailorbird        3               
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler        11               
Yellow-browed Warbler        2               
Yellow-bellied Prinia        8               
Common Tailorbird        9               
Masked Laughingthrush        H               
Black-throated Laughingthrush        1               
Hwamei        7               
Striated Yuhina        85               
Japanese White-eye        12               
Grey-backed Thrush        4               
Japanese Thrush        4               
Orange-flanked Bluetail        1               
Blue Rock Thrush ssp Pandoo        1        M       
Hainan Blue Flycatcher        1               
Orange-bellied Leafbird        1               
Flowerpecker sp        4               
Fork-tailed Sunbird        19
Author: subbuteo    Time: 3/02/2013 18:57

That sounds like hard but pioneering work, Jonathan!  Well done!
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 3/02/2013 21:12

Thanks, this is what I like best, despite the difficulties. But always very exciting...the comparaison with the HK similar places is also very interesting ad well.

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