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Subject: [Others 其他] 「猜尋呈232」香港觀鳥記錄比賽2013 / Record 232 -2013 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/01/2013 14:57     Subject: 「猜尋呈232」香港觀鳥記錄比賽2013 / Record 232 -2013


暨 籌款活動

2013年4月6-7日 (1600-1600)




(1) 參加本年度的「猜尋呈232」─香港觀鳥記錄比賽2013,同時邀請親戚朋友贊助;
(2) 或直接捐款予「香港觀鳥會」

香港觀鳥會主席    劉偉民  誠邀

比 賽 簡 介

比賽形式:        參加者必須組成隊伍,在24小時內尋找、辨認及記錄本港境內出現的野生雀鳥
日期時間:        2013年4月6日至7日 (星期六下午4時至星期日下午4時) (共24小時)
隊伍人數:        每隊最少三人、最多六人,必須包含最少一名本會會員,歡迎非會員參加。
報名費用:        每隊港幣$600
獎  項:        『猜尋呈2013』會長盃 及 最佳紀錄,以及一些其他獎項
交通安排:        比賽當日,參賽隊伍需自行安排交通工具或乘搭公共交通工具。
截止日期:        2013年3月18日 <<< 延期至2013年3月25日>>
保  險:        本會不會負責活動中可能發生的意外,參加者需自行考慮購買適當保險。

        - 日期:2013年4月7日下午6時
        - 地點 及 聚餐費用:

        - 歡迎參賽隊員及家屬朋友報名。

查詢電話:        2377 4387


報名表格-猜尋呈2013.pdf (265.82 KB)

報名表格-猜尋呈2013.doc (102 KB)

Attachment: 報名表格-猜尋呈2013.pdf (14/01/2013 14:57, 265.82 KB) / Download count 646

Attachment: 報名表格-猜尋呈2013.doc (14/01/2013 14:57, 102 KB) / Download count 619
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/01/2013 15:03

Records 232 -
HK Bird Watching Competition 2013

Fundraising Event

6-7 April 2013 (1600-1600)

To:   Members and Friends of HKBWS

“Records 232– HK Bird Watching Competition 2013”, a regular annual event of the Society since 2002, aims to promote bird watching activity in HK and to encourage members to submit bird watching record on regular basis.  This competition would give participants a new insight of bird watching in form of a competition in which they experience self-challenge to maximize birds seen in a definite period of time and, at the same time, birders can share and exchange experience.  An exiting and pleasant experience you may not otherwise have in a normal bird watching activity.  

To ensure the continuance of our work for the ultimate vision of “People and birds together; Nature forever”, YOU are cordially invited to participate in the “Records 232 – HK Bird Watching Competition 2013” in the following ways:

(1)         take part in the competition with your family members and friends and raise fund through this race;
(2)        make donation to the Society directly.

Apache Lau


Summary of the Competition:

Team competition: Participants are required to form a racing team to spot, identify & record bird species as many as possible within 24 hours inside Hong Kong territory.

Date & Time: 6 to 7 April 2013 (16:00 – 16:00) (Total 24 hours)*

Number of Team members: 3 to 6 per team with a minimum of 1 HKBWS member.  Non-members are also welcome.

Awards: “Records 232” President Cup & “Records 232” Best Record, and other Awards

Transportation: Participants are required to arrange their own transportation on the racing days.

Deadline of registration: 18 Mar 2013  <<<extended to March 25, 2013>>>

Insurance: The Society shall have no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure or other liabilities arising from the activities. Participants are recommended to arrange relevant insurance.   

Dinner & Prize Presentation:

Date & time:                  6pm, 7 April 2013
Vene & Charges: ... &extra=page%3D1
Participants, their family & friends are welcome to join.

Inquiry:   2377 4387

Registration form:
1.2-RegistrationForm-Record232-2013.pdf (113.89 KB)
1.2-RegistrationForm-Record232-2013.doc (96 KB)

Attachment: 1.2-RegistrationForm-Record232-2013.pdf (26/03/2013 14:29, 113.89 KB) / Download count 693

Attachment: 1.2-RegistrationForm-Record232-2013.doc (26/03/2013 14:29, 96 KB) / Download count 622
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 6/03/2013 18:05

記得報名, 一齊玩 !!!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 7/03/2013 18:45



贊助及獎品: ... &extra=page%3D1

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 15/03/2013 10:12

截止日期現延長至 3月25日。
Registration deadline now extended to March 25.

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 8/04/2013 14:59


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