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Subject: Lantau 2013 [Print This Page]

Author: kmike    Time: 12/02/2013 16:38     Subject: Lantau 2013

Monday 11 Feb Nim Shue Wan (0800 - 1000)

Reef Egret 1
White-breasted Waterhen  3
Common Sandpiper 1

Greater Coucal  1
Common Kingfisher 1
White Wagtail 2

Daurian Redstart 1
Korean/Manchurian Bush Warbler 1
Pallas's Leaf Warbler  1 singing
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler 1

Black-faced Bunting  2

Tuesday 12 Feb at Pui O (0900-1045)

Cattle Egret  8
Little Egret  1 (+1 at Discovery Bay)
Reef Egret 1
Great Egret  2 (+1 at Discovery Bay)
Grey Heron  2

Woodcock  1
Little Ringed Plover 2
Common Sandpiper 1

Black-capped Kingfisher 1 (possibly 2)
Common Kingfisher (Discovery Bay)

Richard's Pipit 1
Olive-backed Pipit 12

Stejneger's Stonchat 2
Daurian Redstart 3 (+1 at Discovery Bay)

Chinese Blackbird 3
Grey-backed Thrush 4
Pale Thrush 1 (+ 1 at Nam Shan Tree Walk)

Yellow-browed Warbler 3
Dusky Warbler 3
Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1

Verditer Flycatcher 1 m

Black-faced Bunting 3
Silky Starling 3

Author: ajohn    Time: 12/02/2013 21:13

Seen on 10th Feb.

Wong Lung Hang Trail:
Brown Bush Warbler x1 - at the top of the trail in grassland, shortly before the path leading to the summit of Sunset Peak
Radde's Warbler - near Tung Chung
Goodson's Leaf Warbler - near Tung Chung
Brown-flanked Bush Warbler x2
Chestnut Bulbul x10
Two-barred Warbler - near Tung Chung
Pallas's Leaf Warbler x8
Asian Stubtail x3
Chestnut-collared Yuhina x1+
Black-naped Monarch (near Tung Chung)
Red-flanked Bluetail x2
Daurian Redstart - near Tung Chung
Stejneger's Stonechat - near Tung Chung

At Nam Shan
Tristram's Bunting x2

Chi Ma Wan
Rufous-tailed Robin x3
Asian Stubtail x1
Blck-naped Monarch x1
Chestnut-collaed Yuhina x15
Blue Whistling Thrush x11
Author: kmike    Time: 16/02/2013 23:07

Saturday 16 Feb 0835 - 1135

Grey Heron 2
Intermediate Egret 1
Cattle Egret 20
Little Egret 4

Little Ringed Plover 5
Common Sandpiper 1

Common Kingfisher 2
Black-capped Kingfisher 1
Barn Swallow 3

Olive-backed Pipit 12
Yellow Wagtail (taivana) 2
White Wagtail (leucopsis) 8

Daurin Redstart 4 (3m 1f)
Red-flanked Bluetail 1m

Chinese Blackbird  5
Grey-backed Thrush 4
Pale Thrush 2
White's Thrush 1

Yellow-browed Warbler - 3
Pallas' Leaf Warbler 1

Silky Starling 19
Black-necked Starling 12
Crested Myna 15
Dusky Warbler 4

Black-faced Bunting 3

Author: kmike    Time: 23/02/2013 20:18

Please note the previous posting was of sightings from Pui O (apologies fro the admission), as are the birds listed below:

Grey Heron - 3
Intermediate Egret - 1
Little Egret - 3
Cattle Egret - 12

Peregrine - 1

White-breasted Waterhen
Snipe sp - 2
Common Sandpiper - 2
Little Ringed Plover - 2

Common Kingfisher - 1

Yellow Wagtail - 1

Verditer - 1

Author: kmike    Time: 24/02/2013 23:20

More birds from Pui O between 0720 an 0845

Intermediate Egret - 1
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret -1
Chinese Pond Heron - 1

Peregrine - 1

White-breasted Waterhen - 3
Little Ringed Plover - 4

Common Kingfisher - 1
White-throated Kingfisher - 1
Black-capped Kingfisher - 1

Daurian Redstart - 2
Red-flanked Bluetail - 1
Stejneger's Stonechat - 1f
Japanese Thrush - 1
Chinese Blackbird - 3

Dusky Warbler - 3
Pallas' Leaf Warbler - 1
YBW - 2

Silky Starling - 20

Author: kmike    Time: 29/03/2013 19:17

Lower Keung Shan and Tai O, Lantau - 0830 - 1115

Great Egret 4
Grey Heron 5
Black-crowned Night Heron 2

Crested Goshawk 1 in display flight

Common Kingfisher 1

Grey Wagtail 1
Olive-backed Pipit 5

Stejneger's Stonechat  1m
Daurian Redstart 2 f
Blue Whistling Thrush 2

Yellow-browed Warbler 3

Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1 f
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1

Red-billed Blue Magpie 2

Author: kmike    Time: 31/03/2013 19:45

Upper Keung Shan (UKS), Sham Wat (SW) an the path to Tai O (TO) 0900 - 1400

Grey Heron  5
Great Egret  5
Little Egret 10

Eastern Buzzard 1

Common Sandpiper 4

Emerald Dove 2

Grey Wagtail  2 (UKS, SW)

OBP 3(2SW, TO)

Daurian Redstart  1 f
Rufous-tailed Robin  2h
Blue Whistling Thrush (UKS)

Dusky Warbler 3(SW, 2TO)
Yellow-browed Warbler 7

Narcissus Flycatcher 2m (UKS,SW)
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1m (UKS)

Author: kmike    Time: 6/04/2013 16:35

Tai O (0900 - 1130)

Hobby 1
Besra 1
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler 1 (h)
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Brown Flycatcher 1

Author: ddavid    Time: 8/04/2013 21:11

Pui O - April 8, 2013

Chinese Pond Heron 4
Eastern Cattle Egret 12
Grey Heron 1
Intermediate Egret 6
Little Egret 40
Pacific Reef Heron 1
Grey-faced Buzzard 1
Little Ringed Plover 1
Wood Sandpiper 2
Terek Sandpiper 1
Common Sandpiper 5
Red-necked Stint 1
Oriental Pratincole 3
Large Hawk Cuckoo 1
Common Kingfisher 1
Black-winged Cuckooshrike 1
Dusky Warbler 4
Yellow-browed Warbler 4
White-shouldered Starling 5
Stejneger's Stonechat 1
Eastern Yellow Wagtail macronyx 1
Eastern Yellow Wagtail taivana 2
Grey Wagtail 2
White Wagtail leucopsis 5
White Wagtail ocularis 2
Olive-backed Pipit 15
Red-throated Pipit 6
Little Bunting 2
Black-faced Bunting 3
Author: ajohn    Time: 8/04/2013 23:07

Southwest Lantau, 7th April.
A very productive day for migrants. I walked from Tai O via Yi O to Fan Lau, and then on past Kau Ling Chung and round to Shek Pik. Most migrants were in the section from Yi O to Fan Lau, but with a few also near Shek Pik.
Much of the woodland around Yi O has been pulled down. Some has been converted to paddy fields, which may be good if these remain. But hopefully this is not a sign of future development in the area, which would be terrible in this area.

Chinese Pond Heron 1
Eastern Cattle Egret 1
Grey-faced Buzzard 6
Common Kestrel 1
Common Sandpiper 4
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Plaintive Cuckoo 2
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo 1 (heard, not seen)
Oriental Cuckoo 1
Northern Boobook 1
Eurasian Eagle Owl 1 (calling in evening near Shek Pik reservoir)
Oriental Dollarbird 1
Common Kingfisher 5
Barn Swallow 53
Grey Wagtail 3
Olive-backed Pipit 14
Rishard's Pipit 1
Ashy Minivet 7
Grey-backed Thrush 1
Japanese Thrush 6
Stejneger's Stonechat 1
Daurian Redstart 3
Rufous-tailed Robin 2 (singing)
Siberian Blue Robin 2 males
Asian Brown Flycatcher 5
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1
Narcissus Flycatcher 5
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 5 (the bird I claimed yesterday as Zappey's may in fact be intermedia subspecies of B-a-W)
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 2
Dusky Warbler 9
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler 14 (3 singing and confirmed as Pale-legged)
Yellow-browed Warbler 25
White-shouldered Starling 54
Red-billed Starling 2
Brambling 1 male (at YiO)
Tristram's Bunting 1 male
Chestnut-eared Bunting 2
Little Bunting 3
Black-faced Bunting 2
Author: thinfor    Time: 9/04/2013 09:35

Wow, really productive, thanks John!
Author: kmike    Time: 13/04/2013 22:51

Another good day walking from Shek Pik to Tai O via Fan Lau (0745-1400) . Today the area around Fan Lau was the most productive:

Cattle Egret 1
Reef Egret 2

Kestrel 1 (f)
Peregrine 1
Grey-faced Buzzard 2
Eastern Buzzard 1
Japanese Sparrowhawk 1
Besra 1
Crested Goshawk 1

Greater Sandplover 1
Common Sandpiper 3

Kingfisher 1
Dollarbird 2
Oriental Cuckoo 2
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo 1

Ashy Minivet 12
Grey Wagtail 1

Rufous-tailed Robin 1 singing

Japanese Thrush 1m
Blue Rock Thrush 1f

Yellow-browed Warbler 10
Dusky Warbler 2
Japanese Bush Warbler 1h

Asian Brown Flycatcher 2
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 2mm
Narcissus Flycatcher 2 mf
Elisae/owstoni Flycatcher 1f

Chinese Starling 15

Little Bunting 5

Mike K
Author: ajohn    Time: 14/04/2013 10:00

I'm glad you managed to get a productive day Mike. It is a bit of a walk but seems to have been worth it. Another owstoni/elisae - you're doing well for those this spring!
Author: kmike    Time: 14/04/2013 20:18

Thanks John

Pui O was good today - a ten minute stop while buying veggies at 1445 delivered:

Cattle Egret 20
Intermediate Egret 1
Pacific Golden Plover 4
Oriental Plover 1 a very approachable female
Wood Sandpiper 8
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 2
Long-toed Stint 2
Oriental Pratincole 1


[ Last edited by kmike at 14/04/2013 23:03 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN3704 Oriental Plover I.jpg (14/04/2013 23:03, 130.66 KB) / Download count 470

Image Attachment: DSCN3705 Oriental Plover II .jpg (14/04/2013 23:03, 149.24 KB) / Download count 479

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 14/04/2013 21:33

Dear Mike

So you're quite set up with always a pair of binoculars at the ready while even shopping on Lantau. When I meet someone in future on the island such peculiarly equipped it must be you.

S L Tai
Author: kmike    Time: 28/04/2013 08:21

Another "shopping trip" to Pui O yesterday:

Intermediate Egret 2
Cattle Egret 40
Reef Egret 1

Greater Sandplover 1
small wader sp. 20 (distant)

Large Hawk Cuckoo 2 (h)
Brown Shrike 1
Yellow Wagtail 65
Black Drongo 3

Author: kmike    Time: 1/05/2013 20:27

A few migrants today at Tai O between 1400 and 1830

Chinese Goshawk 2

White-throated Needletail 3
Pacific Swift 4
Pale Martin 1

Red Turtle Dove 1m
Oriental Turtle Dove 1

Grey Wagtail 1

Black Drongo 1
Hair-crested Drongo 2

Author: kmike    Time: 4/05/2013 19:14

Lots of migrants today between Tai O and Shek Pik (via Yi O and Fan Lau) - 0700 - 1600

Cattle Egret  4 migrating + 31 on Shek Pik dam
Chinese Pond Heron  1

White-Bellied Sea Eagle 2
Crested Serpent Eagle 1
Chinese Goshawk 13
Black Baza 1

Pacific Swift 5

Dollarbird 3

Yellow Wagtail  6
Grey Wagtail 3
Olive-backed Pipit 2

Swinhoe's Minivet 1

Brown Shrike 12

Blue Rock Thrush 1
Blue Whistling Thrush 2

Arctic Warbler 12
Dusky Warbler 3

Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 44 (not a typo!)

Ashy Drongo 1
Black Drongo 2

Chestnut Bunting 2
Little Bunting 1

Author: kmike    Time: 4/05/2013 19:17

Lots of migrants today between Tai O and Shek Pik (via Yi O and Fan Lau) - 0700 - 1600

Cattle Egret  4 migrating + 31 on Shek Pik dam
Chinese Pond Heron  1

White-Bellied Sea Eagle 2
Crested Serpent Eagle 1
Chinese Goshawk 13
Black Baza 1

Pacific Swift 5

Dollarbird 3

Yellow Wagtail  6
Grey Wagtail 3
Olive-backed Pipit 2

Swinhoe's Minivet 1

Brown Shrike 12

Blue Rock Thrush 1
Blue Whistling Thrush 2

Arctic Warbler 12
Dusky Warbler 3

Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 44 (not a typo!)

Ashy Drongo 1
Black Drongo 2

Chestnut Bunting 2
Little Bunting 1

Author: subbuteo    Time: 4/05/2013 22:56

Quite a day, Mike!
Author: kmike    Time: 7/05/2013 23:29

Even better on Sunday Dylan  . . . at Pui O from 0645 to 1015

Cattle Egret 30
Intermediate Egret 10
Little Egret 6
Malayan Night Heron 1
Yellow Bittern 1

Grey-tailed Tattler 1

Emerald Dove 1

Indian Cuckoo 1
Large Hawk Cuckoo 1
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo 1
Cuckoo sp. 1

Yellow Wagtail - 30

Brown Shrike 5

Oriental Reed Warbler
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 1

Little Bunting 1


[ Last edited by kmike at 7/05/2013 23:39 ]

Image Attachment: DSCN3827 Emerald Dove.jpg (7/05/2013 23:29, 116.46 KB) / Download count 516

Image Attachment: DSCN3852 Malayan Night Heron.jpg (7/05/2013 23:29, 193.57 KB) / Download count 477

Author: kkchang168    Time: 8/05/2013 08:09

Author: kmike    Time: 10/05/2013 06:43

Tai O - Yi O - Fan Lau - Shek Pik. 0700 - 1540 A very hot and much quieter day:

Chinese Goshawk 1
Japanese Sparrowhawk 2
Crested Serpent Eagle  4

Pacific Swift 2

Grey-streaked Flycatcher 8
Brown Shrike 16
Black Drongo 10

+Dollarbird from the bus at Shui Hau

Also 8 Chinese White Dolphins were seen from Fan Lau headland.

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 11/05/2013 21:01

Today from Shek Pik to Fan Lau
Two Crested Serpent Eagles
Lesser Coucal
Large Hawk-Cuckoo
Author: kmike    Time: 31/08/2013 17:43

A few good birds at Tai O today:

Black-crowned Night Heron  5 Juveniles
Great Egret 2

Green Sandpiper 1
Common Sandpiper 4
Grey-tailed Tattler 5

Himalayan Swiftlet 2
Pacific Swift 2
House Swift 5Yellow Wagtail  1 (taivana)
Asian Paradise Flycatcher 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Chinese Starling 25
Black Drongo 8
Hair-crested Drongo 2


[ Last edited by kmike at 10/01/2014 15:56 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 8/09/2013 20:34

Tai O (valley behind Shaolin training centre)
0900 - 1300

Besra - 1 Juv
Crested Goshawk - 1

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 2
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - 2 (possibly 3)

Also - one adult Bonelli's Eagle from last week

Author: kmike    Time: 14/09/2013 21:16

Similar to last week at Tai O

Blue Rock Thrush - 1
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - 1
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 1
Arctic Warbler - 1
Brown Shrike - 1

Also on the road down to Tai O at Keung Shan

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1
Arctic Warbler - 1

Also five Chinese White Dolphins from the watchpoint at Tai O

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 15/09/2013 11:23

It's a bit strange so far no Eastern crowned warblers seen elsewhere except Shing Mun/Lead Mine Pass area?

S L Tai
Author: ddavid    Time: 15/09/2013 12:33


I had an Eastern Crowned Warbler in Tai Po Kau on Thursday 12th September (plus Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike & Dark-sided Flycatcher).

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 15/09/2013 19:30

Should be E C warblers at such good woods as TPK.

Thank you David.

S L Tai
Author: kmike    Time: 20/09/2013 18:57

A few migrants at Tai O this morning:

Black-naped Oriole - 1

Arctic Warbler - 4
Yellow-browed Warbler - 2
Sakhalin/Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 1
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 4

But still no Eastern Crowned Warbler for me this autumn . . .

Author: kmike    Time: 21/09/2013 14:32

More migrants this morning at Tai O

Common Kingfisher - 1

Forest Wagtail - 1

Yellow-browed Warbler - 3
Arctic Warbler - 2
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 1

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher - 1
Hainan Blue Flycatcher - 1 (f)
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 4

Author: kmike    Time: 22/09/2013 13:40

And again at Tai O this morning . . .

Hobby -1

Red Turtle Dove 4

Richard's Pipit 10 migrating

Brown Shrike - 1

Stejneger's Stonechat- 1

Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 2
Hainan Blue Flycatcher - 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher -1

Chinese Starling 2 (+ 12 starling sp.)

Author: kmike    Time: 1/10/2013 17:52

More migrants from Tai O

Hobby 1
White-bellied Sea Eagle 1

Red Turtle Dove 7
Wryneck 1
Black-naped Oriole 1

Red-rumped Swallow 1
Barn Swallow 3

Olive-backed Pipit 2
Richard's Pipit 1
Grey Wagtail 1

Stejneger's Stonechat 2
Blue Rock Thrush 1

Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler 2
Arctic Warbler 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 1

Yellow-breasted Bunting 1


Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Author: kmike    Time: 5/10/2013 18:22

Another good day of passage at Tai O:

Yellow Bittern - 1
Hobby - 1
Crested Goshawk - 1
Common Sandpiper - 1

Red Turtle Dove - 2
Black-naped Oriole - 2
Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1

Stejneger's Stonechat - 2
Blue Rock Thrush - 1

Dusky Warbler - 7
Yellow-browed Warbler - 3
Arctic Warbler - 4
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - 4
Oriental Reed Warbler - 1

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 7
Black-naped Monarch - 1

Chinese Starling - 3

Author: wgeoff    Time: 6/10/2013 06:26

Congratulations Mike.

Seems like Tai O is a real migrant hot-spot.
Author: ddavid    Time: 6/10/2013 10:21

Tai O - October 5

I walked around the new mangrove area just west of the bus station. I wasn't really bird watching but can add
the following:
Black-browed Reed Warbler 2
Black Drongo 5
Dusky Warbler 6
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1

I don't think Mike birds this area, so the Dusky Warbler & flycatcher are additional to his counts.

Author: kmike    Time: 6/10/2013 20:00

Thanks Geoff

I can confirm that Dave's birds are additional.

There was more passage today. All birds were on Tai O island except the starlings, which were by the bus station.

Hobby - 2
Kestrel - 1
Japanese Sparrowhawk - 1

Barn Swallow - 4
Richard's Pipit - 1
Red-throated Pipit - 1
Ashy Minivet - 2

Orange-headed Thrush - 1

Oriental Reed Warbler - 1
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - 2
Arctic Warbler - 2
Yellow-browed Warbler - 2
Zitting Cisticola - 10

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 2
Asian Paradise Flycatcher - 1

Black-naped Oriole - 4
Black Drongo - 25

Chinese Starling - 12

Mike K
Author: Dragonfly    Time: 8/10/2013 21:53

3 Amur Falcons at the airport yesterday, Monday the 7th - hunting alongside the southerly runway.

Author: kmike    Time: 9/10/2013 16:39

A great record Morten!

Do drop me a PM if you find any other good birds at the  airport as I work there and am compiling a list of birds seen - and would love to see them myself.

Author: kmike    Time: 12/10/2013 16:38

More passage at Tai O

Japanese Quail 1

Arctic Warbler 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 2
Pale-legged / Sakhalin Leaf Warbler 2
Dusky Warbler 2

accro sp. 1

Asian Brown Flycatcher 2

Author: bkenneth    Time: 12/10/2013 16:50

Chek Lap Kok (all along the road to the maintenance area)

7 October

Black Drongos - 80+ (flying south-west from southern runway approach)

8 October

Black-winged cuckoo-shrike - 1
Japanese Quail - 1
Blue Rock Thrush pandoo - 2
Peregrine Falcon - 1

9 October

Black-winged cuckoo-shrike - 1
Blue Rock thrush pandoo - 2

10 October

Black-winged cuckoo-shrike - 1

Author: kmike    Time: 14/10/2013 18:27

Some interesting records Ken

I've not seen Japanese Quail at the airport before, but I have seen Black Drongos migrating long the southern edge of the airport.

Are you birding this area regularly or just for a few days this week?

Author: kmike    Time: 14/10/2013 18:32

Pui O to Chi Ma Wan

Another good day for migrants. the highlight was an Amur Falcon that was hunting around a tall casuarina tree on the beach at Chi Ma Wan and then perched on some overhead wires.

Other migrants, at Pui O unless otherwise indicated included:

Greater Painted-snipe - 3
Common Sandpiper -1 (plus one at Chi Ma Wan and one at Mui Wo)

Red Turtle Dove - 8
Yellow Wagtail - 8
Dusky Warbler - 6 (plus four at Chi Ma Wan)
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler -1 (heard from the road between Pui O and Chi Ma Wan)

Brown Shrike - 1

Mike K
Author: ajohn    Time: 14/10/2013 22:00

On the north side of Lantau, between Tung Chung and Tai O. A productive day with plenty of migrants, but nothing particularly unusual. Highlights were:
Dusky Warbler - 30
Yellow-browed Warbler - 12
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - 11
(also brief views of a Phylloscopus that may have been Radde's, but not confirmed)
Oriental Reed Warbler - 2 (one each at Tung Chung and Tai O)
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 3 (one each at Tung Chung, Sha Lo Wan and Tai O)
Zitting Cisticola - 6
Asian Brown Flycatcher - 4
Stejneger's Stonechat - 1
Ashy/Swinhoe's Minivet - 1 (heard only)
Hair-crested Drongo - 3
Black Drongo - 5 (plus two more over the highway east of Tung Chung)
Yellow Wagtail - 1 (flyover)
Emerald Dove - 3
Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1 (Tai O)
Yellow Bittern - 1 (Tai O)
Whimbrel - 1 (Tai O)
Slaty-breasted Rail - 2 (Tai O)
Author: bkenneth    Time: 15/10/2013 11:43

Hi Mike,

The Japanese Quail was flying across the sea just off the runway threshold and it flew straight into the shrubland on the North coast of Lantau!


Author: kmike    Time: 19/10/2013 22:36

A few migrants at Discovery Bay today.

Black-winged Stilt - 1 (does anyone know of previous records from Lantau)
Slaty-breasted Rail - 1
Common Sandpiper - 2
Common Kingfisher - 1
Dusky Warbler - 1h
Yellow-browed Warbler  - 1 h


Image Attachment: IMG_0128 Slaty-breastd Rail DB.jpg (19/10/2013 22:36, 129.02 KB) / Download count 418

Image Attachment: IMG_0095 BWStilt DB.jpg (19/10/2013 22:36, 109.92 KB) / Download count 504

Author: wgeoff    Time: 20/10/2013 07:25

Yes Mike, Black-winged Stilt has been recorded fairly regularly in autumn from Chek Lap Kok and Pui O, at least since 2007. Also mentioned in autumn from these locations in Avifauna.

From my own Po Toi experience, Black-winged Stilt is one of the very few wader species seen regularly in autumn at Po Toi and must have some sort of coastal migration route at that time of year.
Author: Dragonfly    Time: 22/10/2013 14:18

With the calculated risk of making Discovery Bay a new birding hotspot, however unlikely that may be, it is record breaking to have 2 observation replies on the Lantau thread from this location known more for babies, mums, Truman Show conditions and golf buggies than interesting birds!!!!

Having said that, I did flush a Japanese Quail just before dusk last night (21st of October) up at the Reservoir close to the golf course.

No savannah nightjars seen on this occasion - haven't actually seen them up there this year (there's much disturbance by HKR's new construction of luxury houses further south), but a collared scoops owl seen on the way down the hill represented the nightbirds as the sun had set.

Author: kmike    Time: 25/10/2013 07:19

Many thanks Geoff

More good birds from DB Morten - strange indeed!

Author: kmike    Time: 3/11/2013 21:06

Tai O, Saturday 2 Oct:

Eastern Buzzard - 1

Oriental Turtle Dove - 2
Daurian Restart -2

Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler- 1
Arctic Warbler-1
Yellow-browed Warbler- 2
Dusky Warbler - 6
Zitting Cisticola - 1

Asian Paradise Flycatcher -1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher - 1

Pui O,  Sunday 3 Oct:

Woodcock - 1

Brown Fish Owl 1
Oriental Turtle Dove  1
Red Turtle Dove -3

Richard's Pipit - 4
Olive-backed Pipit- 5
Red-throated Pipit - 12
ocularis White Wagtail 1

Daurian Redstart -2
Dusky Warbler - 2

Eurasian Starling - 2

Mike K

Image Attachment: IMG_0449 Asian Para TaI O .jpg (3/11/2013 21:06, 127.02 KB) / Download count 432

Image Attachment: IMG_0534 Eurasian Starling Pui O.jpg (3/11/2013 21:06, 165.49 KB) / Download count 406

Author: kmike    Time: 4/11/2013 00:09

Tai O, Saturday 2 Oct:

Eastern Buzzard - 1

Oriental Turtle Dove - 2
Daurian Restart -2

Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler- 1
Arctic Warbler-1
Yellow-browed Warbler- 2
Dusky Warbler - 6
Zitting Cisticola - 1

Asian Paradise Flycatcher -1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher - 1

Pui O,  Sunday 3 Oct:

Woodcock - 1

Brown Fish Owl 1
Oriental Turtle Dove  1
Red Turtle Dove -3

Richard's Pipit - 4
Olive-backed Pipit- 5
Red-throated Pipit - 12
ocularis White Wagtail 1

Daurian Redstart -2
Dusky Warbler - 2

Eurasian Starling - 2

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 9/11/2013 18:05

Tai O

Crested Goshawk - 1

Blue Rock Thrush - 2
Daurian Redstart - 10
Siberian Rubythroat - 2
Red-flanked Bluetail - 1

Asian Stubtail - 2
Russet Bush Warbler - 1
Pallas's Leaf Warbler - 2
Yellow-browed Warbler - 2
Dusky Warbler - 1

Sooty Flycatcher - 1

+ 1 Great Cormorant @ Shek Pik Reservoir


[ Last edited by kmike at 10/11/2013 15:30 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 10/11/2013 15:29

Tai O Sunday 10th November.

Eurasian Kestrel - 1

Common Sandpiper - 2
Red Turtle Dove - 2

Daurian Redstart - 4
Rufous-tailed Robin - 3

Yellow-browed Warbler - 8
Pallas's Leaf Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 1
Russet Bush Warbler - 1

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 1

Black-faced Bunting - 1
Yellow-browed Bunting - 1 (m)

Author: ckwokwing    Time: 15/11/2013 19:03

Tung Chung
13 November

Daurian Redstart
Little Grebe
White Wagtail
Dusky Warbler
Pale legged Leaf Warbler
Yellow browed Warbler
Olive back Pipit
Emerald Dove
Oriental turtle Dove
Siberian Stonechat
Barn Swallow
Pallas Leaf Warbler
Eastern Marsh Harrier (San Tau)
Author: kmike    Time: 16/11/2013 21:59

A good morning at Tai O between 0700 and 1400

Purple Heron - 1
Eastern Buzzard -1 (plus one at Shek Pik Reservoir from the bus)

Oriental Turtle Dove - 2
Emerald Dove - 1

Chinese Bulbul - 800

Lesser Shortwing - 1
Siberian Rubythroat - 1
Daurian Redstart - 8
Rufous-tailed Robin - 5

Chinese Blackbird - 4
White's Thrush - 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 4
Japanese Thrush - 2

Asian Stubtail - 1
Brown-flanked Bush Warbler - 2
Manchurian Bush Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 3
YBW - 2

Silky Starling - 5

Brambling - 1

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 16/11/2013 22:34


Must have been a busy and happy morning.

S L Tai
Author: kmike    Time: 17/11/2013 08:45

It was indeed Mr Tai!
Author: ajohn    Time: 18/11/2013 23:44

A fantastic day on southwest Lantau on Sunday (17th). I walked from Tai O through Yi O to Fan Lau, then via Kau Ling Chung and over the hill through Man Cheung Po, back to Tai O. A long walk (c. 20km), but really worthwhile with migrants everywhere in good numbers.

Despite the removal of shrubland, Yi O is looking good for birds at the moment. The open habitat looks like it could be very good for buntings and other shrubland-edge species. There are a few rice fields, which are starting to fruit. There has been a threat of development - hopefully this will not happen!

Not included in this list are the butterflies - huge numbers of Common and Blue Tigers at Fan Lau, Blue-spotted Crows migrating over all afternoon and hundreds of Plum Judys throughout the walk.

Eastern Water Rail - 1 in the reedbed at Tai O
Black-capped Kingfisher - 1 at Yi O

Daurian Redstart - 48
Rufous-tailed Robin - 33
Siberian Rubythroat - 38
Stejneger's Stonechat - 1 at Tai O
Red-flanked Bluetail - 1 (path between Tai O and Yi O)
Lesser Shortwing - 2 heard in the Tai O area

Eurasian Blackbird - 12
Japanese Thrush - 9
Grey-backed Thrush - 1 at Fan Lau
White's Thrush - 1 at Fan Lau
Plus several unidentified thrushes, mostly at Yi O

Radde's Warbler - 2 (1 seen well at Tai O, 1 at Man Cheung Po, possibly also another at Yi O)
Dusky Warbler - 42
Yellow-browed Warbler - 33
Two-barred Warbler - 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - 1
Arctic Warbler? - possibly 1 heard at Kau Ling Chung

Asian Stubtail - 8
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler - 17
Brown-flanked Bush Warbler - 1 at Yi O
Mountain Tailorbird - 8
Black-browed Reed Warbler - 2 (1 at Tai O, 1 on path to Yi O)

Mugimaki Flycatcher - 2
Red-billed Starling - 1 at Yi O, 8 from the bus at Shek Pik
Chestnut Bulbul - 74+ including a flock of 40 at Fan Lau
Olive-backed Pipit - 22

Black-faced Bunting - 6 at Yi O
Little Bunting - 4 at Yi O
Chestnut Bunting - 3 at Yi O
Chestnut-eared Bunting - 1 probable on the path to Man Cheung Po
Author: kmike    Time: 19/11/2013 12:14

I've been looking forward to this post ever since you gripped me with the Water Rail John!

Sounds like a terrific day that once again emphasizes how good SW Lantau is.


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