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Subject: [Oversea] Singapore Feb 2013 [Print This Page]

Author: puppymic    Time: 2/03/2013 09:10     Subject: Singapore Feb 2013

第二次去新加坡觀鳥 (22/2 - 26/2),諗住同上次影既雀會差唔多,估唔到都有28個新tick喎
今次觀鳥日日行行企企10個鐘以上,加埋夜晚四圍搵野食,返到酒店成身散晒咁,不過就好開心喎,因為見到好多dream birds,又可以食到晒想食既肉骨茶、海南雞飯、拉茶、沙嗲、粿條、貓山王 ....


Day 1. Bukit Batok Town Park (Little Guilin)

1) Grey Headed Fish Eagle

2) Brahminy Kite

3) Spotted Dove

Day 2. Pasir Ris Park & Bidadari Cemetery

4) Golden Bellied Greygone

5) Yellow vented Bulbul

6) Spotted Wood Owl - My dream bird 1

7) Ashy Tailorbird

8) Stork-billed Kingfisher - My dream bird 2

9) Asian Brown Flycatcher

10) Collared Kingfisher

11) Black Baza - My dream bird 3

12) Rose-Ringed Parakeet

13) Common Flameback

14) Javan Myna

15) Oriental Honey Buzzard

16) White-throated Kingfisher

17) Dollarbird

Day 3. Japanese Garden, Bukit Batok Nature Park, Garden by the Bay & others

18) Common Kingfisher

19) Pink-necked Green Pigeon

20) Pied Fantail

21) Great Egret

22) Little Egret

23) Baya Weaver - My dream bird 4
Message from administrator: photo showing nest was deleted

Message from administrator: photo showing nest was deleted

24) White-crested Laughingthrush

25) Olive-winged Bulbul

26) Pin-striped Tit Babbler

27) Yellow Bittern

28) White Brested Waterhen

29) Pied Triller

30) Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker - My dream bird 5

31) Olive-backed Sunbird

Day 4. Botanic Garden & Changi Valley

32) Eurasian Tree Sparrow

33) Lesser Whistling Duck

34) Pacific Swallow

35) Arctic Warbler

36) Common Lora

37) Asian Koel

38) Jerdon's Baza

39) Little Heron

40) Red-breasted Parakeet

41) Oriental Pied Hornbill - My dream bird 6

42) Mangrove blue flycatcher

43) Scaly-breasted Munia

Day 5. Fort Canning Park - 搭飛機走果日早上去行左2個鐘,有雀聲但好高,唔係好影到雀

44) Black-naped Oriole

Special thanks to several HK and SG friends who provide many valuable information
Author: cywong    Time: 2/03/2013 13:25

Thank you for sharing the birding report and the bird photos!

I wish I could join your trip and see the Spotted Wood Owl and the woodpeckers.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 2/03/2013 15:58

The Spotted Wood Owl is especially good...a "Dream Bird" for many of us.

Number 15 should be Oriental Honey Buzzard
Author: ajohn    Time: 2/03/2013 16:24

I agree that #15 is an Oriental Honey Buzzard. I think #38 may be this species as well.
#35 looks like it is probably an Arctic Warbler.

I particularly like the picture of the Pygmy Woodpecker with it's tongue out!
Author: puppymic    Time: 2/03/2013 17:59

Thank you Cherry, John Holmes and ajohn
Author: lchunfai    Time: 2/03/2013 18:30

Wonderful trip, Mandy!

by the way, #42, any chance to be mangrove blue flycatcher?
Author: puppymic    Time: 2/03/2013 19:18

Author: puppymic    Time: 2/03/2013 23:05


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Author: louislee    Time: 3/03/2013 00:07

Great series, love the Spotted Wood Owl !
Author: puppymic    Time: 3/03/2013 01:40





[ Last edited by puppymic at 3/03/2013 03:02 ]
Author: wilsondring    Time: 4/03/2013 00:28

great series .. my wife and i were in singapore in november and didn't manage to find half of what you found ..
Author: mchristine    Time: 4/03/2013 12:54

Dear Puppymic,

Thank you for sharing the wonderful birds photos.  I particularly like that Pink-necked Green Pigeon. Its color is just amazing!!!

I've just made up my mind to go to Singapore very very soon.  Pink-necked Green Pigeon, see me there!!!!!!
Author: puppymic    Time: 6/03/2013 23:12

#20, 34, 38 bird names updated
Author: lexusjohn    Time: 12/03/2013 12:16

多謝 Mandy 分享照片 和行程 !
今年亦打算去一趟星加坡, 可能要請教請教

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