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Subject: Long Valley Spring 2013 塱原春 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vicky    Time: 11/03/2013 11:13     Subject: Long Valley Spring 2013 塱原春

About 30 Black-faced Spoonbills and 1 Eurasian Spoonbills were found in the AFCD managed mitigation pond on 3 Mar. The highest count in Long Valley ever!

Photo by Philip Yip

Image Attachment: 20130303_2_philip_yip.JPG (11/03/2013 11:13, 854.07 KB) / Download count 565

Author: Ronaldo    Time: 24/03/2013 18:30

24th March afternoon

Large Hawk Cuckoo 4x
Plaintive Cuckoo 2x
Red-rumped Swallow 1x
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 11/04/2013 20:04

11-04-2013 Rainy morning
Cinnamon Bittern X3
Long-toed Stint X4
Oriental Pratincole X1
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 22/04/2013 13:10

22-04-2013 Windy and overcast morning

Blue-tailed Bee-eater x12
Pale Martin x3
Red-necked Phalarope X11

Author: wsimon    Time: 1/05/2013 21:44

2013-05-01 Cloudy and Windy Day
Besra 1
Grey-headed Lapwing 1
Common Moorhen 3 (incl. 2 juv.)
White-breasted Waterhen 5 (at least; incl. 4 chicks)
Spotted Redshank 1

[ Last edited by wsimon at 1/05/2013 21:45 ]
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 7/05/2013 14:39

06-05-2013 Early morning Cloudy
Von Schrenck's Bittern x1

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 3/06/2013 11:10

3-June-2013 Sunny Morning

Cinnamon Bittern x1

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