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Subject: [Hong Kong] Imperial Eagle or Steppe Eagle? [Print This Page]

Author: kkchang168    Time: 22/03/2013 03:08     Subject: Imperial Eagle or Steppe Eagle?

Dear all,

Would anyone please help to id this raptor and also tell me the reasoning so that I can learn how to id them in future. Does Imperial Eagle always has the white shoulder mark? I cannot find them in the photos. I know that Steppe Eagle is very rare to be seen in HK. Thanks in advance.

The photos were taken on 2013-03-19 MP when the lightning started.

Image Attachment: IMG_5471a.jpg (22/03/2013 03:08, 52.43 KB) / Download count 424

Image Attachment: IMG_5542a.jpg (22/03/2013 03:08, 69.47 KB) / Download count 402

Image Attachment: IMG_5637a.jpg (22/03/2013 03:08, 41.17 KB) / Download count 394

Author: kkchang168    Time: 22/03/2013 03:09

One more photo to see the back of the wing.

Image Attachment: IMG_5624a.jpg (22/03/2013 03:09, 77.39 KB) / Download count 418

Author: ajohn    Time: 22/03/2013 09:05

It's an Imperial Eagle, first winter. The last photo showing the underwing is actually very useful because you can see that this bird does not have the pale line of underwing greater coverts which are diagnostic of a young Steppe Eagle ( ... Family_ID=&p=15).
I'm not sure what you mean when you mention the white shoulder mark. Young Imperials are overall buffish, as on this individual. Adults do have a pale mark on the shoulder, but these would also be darker overall and with a golden head. Compare adult and 1st winter birds on this photo: ... ;highlight=imperial
Author: kkchang168    Time: 22/03/2013 15:20

ajohn, Thank you very much. Very detail explanation with very good reference. I learn a lot and have another website to look for future questions now. I think I misunderstand by name in Chinese that Imperial Eagle have a "diagnostic white 'braces' on sides of mantle" according to "The BIRDS of HONG KONG and SOUTH CHINA" and so I think that the bird may not be Imperial Eagle and maybe Steppe Eagle which is probably not the case.
Author: ajohn    Time: 22/03/2013 17:55

Adults do have white 'braces', which isn't shown so well on the link I sent before - compare this bird: ... e_ID=47828&p=38
But juvenile birds look different from adults and don't have white marks on the shoulder.
Author: kkchang168    Time: 22/03/2013 23:00

Thanks once again.

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