Subject: 塱原清除鳳眼藍活動 Water Hyacinth Removal Activity in Long Valley [Print This Page] Author: HKBWS Vicky Time: 22/03/2007 15:12 Subject: 塱原清除鳳眼藍活動 Water Hyacinth Removal Activity in Long Valley
Introduction to Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth is an exotic species which originates in Brazil. It floats on water and able to absorb heavy metals and toxic substances in water, thus it is widely use for waste water treatment. In the past, Water Hyacinth was used as pig feed. Water Hyacinth reproduces rapidly, it can double its size in 5 days. As a result, it blocks river channels and affect shipping. It causes huge economic lost in China and many other countries.
Long Valley project is threatened by Water Hyacinth. In order to increase wetland area for birds, HKBWS is going to hold a Water Hyacinth removal activity in Long Valley. All are welcome to join. Details as follow:
Date: 31 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 8:45am-12:30pm
Place: Long Valley
Gathering time: 8:45am
Gathering place: Outside Choi Shing Palace Restaurant, Choi Yuen Estate Commercial Complex, Sheung Shui
Quota: 20
Important notes:
1. Participants are required to do physical work for a few hours, good physical ability is preferred.
2. This activity is not suitable for children.
3. The activity is of certain risk since participants are required to walk on wetlands with boots.
4. HKBWS will provide boots, gloves and other equipments.
5. This activity is insured, participants can also purchase suitable insurance themselves.
6. Casual wear is recommended, long sleeves and trousers are preferred. Please bring hat, sun block, insect repellent. Participants are suggested to bring spare clothes.
Fa[B]milies and friends are welcome. Interested parties, please send the participant names, contact no. and no. of participants to Miss Vicky Yeung via email yvic ky@hkb (please delete space), fax 2314 3687 or phone 2377 4387. Author: BWA Time: 2/04/2007 23:17
10:00 開工大吉! Let’s begin!
Note the area covered by the water hyacinth.
甚麼是鳳眼藍? How does it look like?
11:30 大功告成! Done at last!
Now it’s ready for our feathered friends! Author: HKBWS Vicky Time: 3/04/2007 12:50
The Water Hyacinth Removal Activity was held successfully on 31 March and there were 15 volunteers participated. The removal work was harsh under sunshine but volunteers enjoyed so much. After about 2 hours, all the Water Hyacinth was cleared. We would like to thank all the volunteers participated in this activity. However, Long Valley is still threatened by exotic species. We hope that members and friends can actively participate in this kind of activity in the future and conserve Long Valley together.
特別鳴謝 (排名不分先後):
Tsang Hong Tai, Steven
Mark Nunns
Winnie Leung
Angus Lau
Alan Chan