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Subject: id help please (flycatcher?) [Print This Page]

Author: ac130    Time: 17/04/2013 20:12     Subject: id help please (flycatcher?)

2013-Apr-17, 九龍公園 (Kowloon Park)

I didn't bring my binoculars today and couldn't see more detail of it.
I'm sure that it is longer than a Asian Brown Flycatcher.

I saw it flying around the yellow flower clusters.
The picture below shows that it's eating flower(or any insect on the flower):

Thank you very much.

Image Attachment: [unknown bird] unknown_bird.jpg (17/04/2013 20:12, 192.29 KB) / Download count 445

Image Attachment: [unknown bird] DSC02097_unknown_bird.jpg (17/04/2013 20:12, 170.26 KB) / Download count 572

Author: kmike    Time: 17/04/2013 21:13

Female Blue-and -White Flycatcher.

You're right - it is bigger than Asian Brown Flycatcher. It also has a plainer face and a longer square-ended tail.

There has been one just like this at the airport for the last few days.


[ Last edited by kmike at 17/04/2013 21:14 ]

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