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Subject: [Outing] 2/6/2013 南涌和鹿頸觀鳥活動 Nam Chung and Luk Keng Outing [Print This Page]

Author: Haley    Time: 27/04/2013 11:55     Subject: 2/6/2013 南涌和鹿頸觀鳥活動 Nam Chung and Luk Keng Outing




會員: 免費
非會員: 港幣$30

** 不用報名 **
活動查詢熱線/當天與領隊聯絡電話:9457 3196

因參與由香港觀鳥會 (下稱“本會”) 主辦的一般活動、戶外觀鳥活動或訓練課程 (下稱“活動”) 所出現的個人或財產的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,無論是在活動過程中發生或活動完結後出現,本會不會承擔任何財政或其他方面的責任或義務。所有參與上述活動的參加者,必須確保自己的身體狀況能夠適應活動的要求,如有疑問,應該在參與活動前諮詢合資格的醫務人員,本會建議參加者應自行購買相關保險以保障自己。報名參與上述活動的人士即表示同意即使在活動過程中或活動完結後出現的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,本會的執行委員會委員、其他委員會委員、職員、僱員、義工、中介機構或人員及分判商均不會承擔任何責任。


Details of the Nam Chung and Luk Keng Outing to be held on 2 Jun 2013 as below:-

Date: 2/6/2013 Sunday
Gathering place: 08:30 Pavilion at junction of Nam Chung Rd & Luk Keng Rd
Time: 8:30 - 12:00
Target Species: Forest birds and Waterbirds

Free of Charge for all members.
HK$30 for non-member.

**No registration is required **
The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 9457 3196.

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (“the HKBWS”) assumes no responsibility, liability or obligations, whether financial or otherwise, for losses, injuries, death, damages, whether to the person or property, arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the activities, outings or training courses (“the Activities”)organized by the HKBWS. Persons who participate in the Activities must ensure that they are medically fit to do so. If in doubt, they should consult qualified medical practitioners before participating. Participants are recommended to purchase relevant insurance for their own protection. By participating in the Activities, the participants impliedly agree that they will not hold the HKBWS, its Executive Committee members, other committee members, its officers, employees, volunteers, agents or subcontractors responsible or liable for any losses, injuries, death damages arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the Activities.
Author: kan1029    Time: 14/05/2013 11:43     Subject: 2013年6月2日南涌和鹿頸鸛鳥活動

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/05/2013 17:37


56K專線小巴:粉嶺鐵路站(至鹿頸) - 在鹿頸路上南涌路路口(或天后官)下車,涼亭就在路口。

Public transport:

56K Green minibus: Fanling Railway Station (to Luk Keng) - get off at junction of Nam Chung Rd & Luk Keng Rd
(opposite Tin Hau Temple) where the Pavilion locates.

Author: garykctse    Time: 18/05/2013 10:47

原帖由 kan1029 於 14/05/2013 11:43 發表
Author: kan1029    Time: 21/05/2013 17:16

Thank you.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 29/05/2013 10:10


- 天氣炎熱,在夏日作戶外觀鳥時很容易出現熱衰竭/中暑及曬傷等情況,故參加者必須在身體上、精神上作好準備。
- 活動前一晚,必須有充足的睡眠及休息,確保活動當日有足夠的體力以應付整天的戶外活動。
- 謹記帶備足夠的飲用水及電解質補充品(如:寶礦力),避免飲用利尿的飲料,如咖啡及濃茶等,以免身體流失過多的水份。
- 準備防曬用品,如防曬霜、帽子等,以免被猛烈的陽光曬傷。
- 活動中途身體如出現任何不適,請立刻通知領隊以便提供協助。

Friendly reminder:

- In hot summer weather, experience of heat exausting/heat stroke and sunburns is not uncommon during outing activity.  In order to prevent sufferings, participants should prepare themselves well physically and mentally.  
- Have sufficient sleep and rest the night before to ensure a good physical condition for the whole day outdoor activity.
- Bring sufficient drinking water and also sport drink(eg Pocari)to replenish mineral salts.  Avoid taking duratic drinks, eg coffee and tea, that may cause extra lost of body fluid.
- Protect yourself against the sun, eg use sunblock and wear cap, to avoid sunburns.
- Contact our activity leader for assistance in case you don't feel well during the outing.
Author: kan1029    Time: 30/05/2013 17:18

thanks for your remind.
Author: kkchang168    Time: 2/06/2013 17:45

Below is a heron we saw today. It was said that it is a Striated Heron, but after seeing it in the computer, I wonder whether it is a juvenile Black-Crowned Night Heron? How to distinguish the two? Thanks

Image Attachment: IMG_0903a.jpg (2/06/2013 17:45, 28.95 KB) / Download count 538

Author: LIJO    Time: 2/06/2013 21:45


I agreed with you. Looks like juvenile black-crowned night heron.

Author: LIJO    Time: 2/06/2013 22:03

Pied Kingfisher.

Image Attachment: DSC_5151.jpg (2/06/2013 22:03, 189 KB) / Download count 542

Author: pitarhk    Time: 5/06/2013 00:00

有約30人參加活動,天氣炎熱,鳥種也沒有減小,共記錄42種雀鳥,由於陽光猛烈,猛禽也乘著熱氣高飛,共有4種猛禽出現,其中有3隻不同個體的蛇鵰。感謝Mei Ling協助帶領活動!

2013/06/02 Nam Chung and Luk Keng Outing, Sunny, 31c, no wind
53        Yellow Bittern        黃葦鳽
59        Black-crowned Night Heron        夜鷺
61        Chinese Pond Heron        池鷺
62        Eastern Cattle Egret        牛背鷺
65        Eastern Great Egret        大白鷺
66        Intermediate Egret        中白鷺
67        Little Egret        小白鷺
83        Black Kite        黑鳶
87        Crested Serpent Eagle        蛇鵰
93        Besra        松雀鷹
100        Bonelli's Eagle        白腹隼鵰
111        White-breasted Waterhen        白胸苦惡鳥
217        Spotted Dove        珠頸斑鳩
225        Greater Coucal        褐翅鴉鵑
228        Asian Koel        噪鵑
229        Plaintive Cuckoo        八聲杜鵑
231        Large Hawk Cuckoo        大鷹鵑
254        House Swift        小白腰雨燕
262        Pied Kingfisher        斑魚狗
287        Black Drongo        黑卷尾
289        Hair-crested Drongo        髮冠卷尾
301        Large-billed Crow        大嘴烏鴉
304        Great Tit        大山雀
310        Red-whiskered Bulbul        紅耳鵯
311        Chinese Bulbul        白頭鵯
312        Sooty-headed Bulbul        白喉紅臀鵯
318        Barn Swallow        家燕
366        Yellow-bellied Prinia        黃腹鷦鶯
367        Plain Prinia        純色鷦鶯
368        Common Tailorbird        長尾縫葉鶯
374        Masked Laughingthrush        黑臉噪鶥
376        Black-throated Laughingthrush        黑喉噪鶥
377        Chinese Hwamei        畫眉
386        Japanese White-eye        暗綠繡眼鳥
388        Crested Myna        八哥
392        Black-collared Starling        黑領椋鳥
420        Oriental Magpie Robin        鵲鴝
457        Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker        朱背啄花鳥
459        Fork-tailed Sunbird        叉尾太陽鳥
461        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        樹麻雀
464        Scaly-breasted Munia        斑文鳥
372        Rufous-capped Babbler        紅頭穗鶥
Total: 42 species

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