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Subject: 2011-12 Interesting finding of ringed BFS sighting 黑臉琵鷺環誌總結 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 14/05/2013 16:36     Subject: 2011-12 Interesting finding of ringed BFS sighting 黑臉琵鷺環誌總結

經過韓國專家Dr. Kisup Lee把環誌黑臉琵鷺於2011至2012年的觀察紀錄(主要記載於韓國,香港及臺灣的數據庫)整合後, 得出了一些有趣的結果。由2002年開始, 總數有134隻黑瞼琵鷺被環誌,當中有58隻於2011至2012年的冬天於越冬地曾被目擊,58隻被觀察到的雀鳥當中有23隻冬季過後重返南韓,當中更包括K82及K90這兩隻未有於越冬地被觀察到的黑臉琵鷺。換言之, 於134隻被環誌的黑臉瑟鷺中, 有多達60隻於一年之間被觀察到,佔整體44.8%。有41隻在2011年夏天出生的幼鳥被環誌,其中的29隻於當年冬天於越冬地再被觀察到,至少70%已環誌的幼鳥在首次遷徙中成功到達越冬地,比2010年的65-68%為高。事實證明, 環誌工作對黑臉瑟鷺的保育及監察有一定的作用, 另外亦要多謝各位有份提交環誌黑臉琵鷺觀察記錄的鳥友,希望各位可以繼續支持黑臉琵鷺的保育工作。

如有任何環誌黑臉琵鷺的觀察紀錄,歡迎提交到黑臉琵鷺紀錄系統 :, 謝謝大家。

After summarizing sighting records of ringed Black-faced Spoonbill in 2011 to 2012 winter (mainly referring to the databases of Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan) by our friend  Dr. Kisup Lee in Korea, he gave us some interesting findings. From 2002, there were a total of 134 Black-faced Spoonbills had been ringed. There were 58 birds sighted in wintering site during the winter from 2011 to 2012. 23 out of 58 birds returned to Korea after the winter, including K82 and K90 which had not been seen in the wintering site. That means there were a total of 60 ringed Black-faced Spoonbills had been seen within 1 year,which is about 44.8% of the total number. In 2011 summer, there were 41 chicks of Black-faced Spoonbill had been ringed. 29 of 41 ringed chicks had been seen in the wintering sites during the coming winter. There were at least 70% ringed juveniles accessed to their wintering site successfully in their first time migration. In fact, ringing is important for monitoring and conservation work of Black-faced Spoonbill. We would like to give thanks to those submitted their sighting records of ringed Black-faced Spoonbill. Please continue to support the conservation work for Black-faced Spoonbill.

If you have sighting record of Black-faced Spoonbill, welcome to submit to us by Online BFS system: Thank you very much.

Ivan TSE

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