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Subject: [China] Hubei Chibi Lushui Lake 河北赤壁陸水湖 [Print This Page]

Author: kkchang168    Time: 24/05/2013 15:32     Subject: Hubei Chibi Lushui Lake 河北赤壁陸水湖

Seeing the photos shared by others, especially Michelle & Peter Wong from India is really very enjoyable and also they have set a very high standard for the beginners like me. Initially I really do not have the courage to post my record photos in the forum, but after second thoughts I hope that by posting my photos can encourage others to share their photos so that I can have more to see.

I was on a business trip to Hubei Chibi Lushui Lake on the past Sunday to Tuesday. I have chance to have birdwatching on morning before work, afternoon after lunch and evening after work. It's quite happy that there are quite a number of birds which I luckily see them. Below are some of them: (Please correct me if the name of the birds are wrong, thanks)
在過去的周日至周五, 我在湖北赤壁陸水湖出差, 在早上工作前, 下午午飯後及黃昏工作後都有機會在那裡觀鳥, 亦有幸看到一些在香港看不到或少看到的鳥, 讓我分享看到這些鳥的喜悅 (請原諒, 相比起其他人的照片, 我的只能是紀錄照, 若鳥名錯誤, 請糾正, 謝謝)

星頭啄木鳥 Grey-Capped Pygmy Woodpecker

小灰山椒鳥 Swinhoe's Minivet

松鴉 Eurasian Jay

黑短脚鵯 Black Bulbul

斑腰燕 Striated Swallow? (還是金腰燕 Red-rumped Swallow?)

棕臉鶲鶯 Rufous-faced Warbler

紅頭長尾山雀 Black-throated Tit

白頰噪鶥 White-Browed Laughingthrush

山麻雀 Russet Sparrow (male)

山麻雀 Russet Sparrow (female)

紅腳苦惡鳥 Brown Crake

領雀咀鵯 Collared Finchbill

Other species saw included:
紅隼 Common Kestrel
遊隼 Peregrine Falcon
珠頸斑鳩 Spotted Dove
大山雀 Great Tit
白頭鵯 Chinese Bulbul
家燕 Barn Swallow
黑臉噪鶥 Masked Laughingthrush
八哥 Crested Myna
絲光椋鳥 Red-billed Starling
紫嘯鶇 Blue Whistling Thrush
灰紋鶲 Grey-Streaked Flycatcher
白鶺鴒 White Wagtail
黑卷尾 Black Drongo
灰喜鵲 Azure-winged Magpie
喜鵲 Eurasian Magpie

Thanks for watching. 謝謝觀賞

[ Last edited by kkchang168 at 24/05/2013 16:13 ]

Image Attachment: 280b-星頭啄木鳥-Grey-Capped-Pygmy-Woodpecker-02.jpg (24/05/2013 15:32, 16.11 KB) / Download count 470

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Author: HFCheung    Time: 24/05/2013 15:49

好鳥,裏面的麻雀是山麻雀(Russet Sparrow)!
Author: kkchang168    Time: 24/05/2013 16:13

Thanks, name corrected
Author: wleepoin    Time: 25/05/2013 17:41

Good birds! Not bad for the amount of time you had.

Thanks for sharing, keep posting!


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