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Subject: Possible Japanese Tit at Wetland Park in January 2013 [Print This Page]

Author: wgeoff    Time: 24/05/2013 18:35     Subject: Possible Japanese Tit at Wetland Park in January 2013

The Records Committee is reviewing photographs from the attached two threads to decide if they can be accepted as Japanese Tit, Parus minor, which would be a new addition to the Hong Kong List.

This follows an earlier review of a bird at Shek Kong Airfield Road described here ... &extra=page%3D1

which the Records Committee decided was probably a hybrid Cinereous/Japanese Tit Parus cinereous/minor.

If you look at the photographs, you will see that the Wetland Park bird has a more extensive green mantle (back), which makes it more likely to be accepted as a Japanese Tit rather than a hybrid. Cinereous Tit has a grey mantle (back) whereas Japanese Tit has a yellowish-green mantle (back).

This thread is to alert members/photographers to look carefully at Cinereous Tit including their past photographs to see whether any have a similar green mantle (back) and to publish any photographs here or send to me at

geoffwelch46 @ yahoo . co . uk (miss the blanks)

We are uncertain whether these records represent a regular occurrence in Hong Kong or vagrants in the winter of 2012/13.

Geoff Welch
Secretary, Records Committee

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 24/05/2013 18:49 ]
Author: gary    Time: 27/05/2013 22:25

Author: Sze    Time: 25/04/2015 11:03

I  met a Tit family around 10 birds for 1 minute yesterday (24-04-2015) 11:45am Mai Po, road between pond #12 & 13 (correction) But sorry just took these 2 photo for a same bird.
I have sent email to Geoff already.

[ Last edited by Sze at 25/04/2015 15:36 ]

Image Attachment: 24Apr2015_0038s.jpg (25/04/2015 11:03, 190.26 KB) / Download count 422

Image Attachment: 24Apr2015_0040s.jpg (25/04/2015 11:03, 110.14 KB) / Download count 395

Author: wgeoff    Time: 25/04/2015 11:49

Thanks Sze, I have the photos.

This looks like a very young bird to me, first year.

I don't know how this affects it but the depth of green colour on the back does not seem as great as the Wetland Park bird - see here

But it's not my decision - I'll keep your photos for review by the Records Committee

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 25/04/2015 12:05 ]
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 25/04/2015 13:01

this is a classical juvenil to me. They are greenish backed before get their adult plumage type.
Author: Sze    Time: 25/04/2015 15:39

Geoff and Jonathmartinez. Thanks for your information.

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