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Subject: [Oversea] Bird trip in Scotland, Jun 2013 [Print This Page]

Author: wserene    Time: 4/07/2013 13:20     Subject: Bird trip in Scotland, Jun 2013

My friends and I visited Scotland on 16/6-28/6 for bird watching. We spent the first week in Shetland and visited Hermaness, Fetlar, Mousa, Sumburgh Head and Noss.  The remaining days I went to my dream place, Isle of May to watch the Puffins.  The weather on June was not stable in Shetland but we still got good bird record on the island.  The trip to Isle of May was amazing, and birds were easy seen before you, over you and around you.  Total 77 species were seen.  Deeply thanks for my friends to let my dream come true.

Bird record (16/6-28/6)
1        Mute Swan
2        Wooper Swan
3        Greylag Goose
4        Shelduck
5        Mallard
6        Tufted Duck
7        Eider
8        Red-throated Diver
9        Great Northern Diver
10        Fulmar
11        Manx Shearwater
12        Storm Petrel
13        Gannet
14        Cormorant
15        Shag
16        Grey Heron
17        Common Buzzard
18        Oystercatcher
19        Ringed Plover
20        Golden Plover
21        Lapwing
22        Sanderling
23        Dunlin
24        Common Snipe
25        Whimbrel
26        Curlew
27        Common Redshank
28        Turnstone
29        Arctic Skua
30        Great Skua
31        Black-headed Gull
32        Common Gull
33        Lesser Black-backed Gull
34        Herring Gull
35        Great Black-backed Gull
36        Kittiwake
37        Common Tern
38        Arctic Tern
39        Guillemot
40        Razorbill
41        Black Guillemot
42        Puffin
43        Rock Dove
44        Wood Pigeon
45        Collared Dove
46        Common Swift
47        Sky Lark
48        Swallow
49        House Martin
50        Tree Pipit
51        Meadow Pipit
52        Rock Pipit
53        Grey Wagtail
54        Pied Wagtail
55        Wren
56        Dunnock
57        Robin
58        Northern Wheatear
59        Blackbird
60        Song Thrush
61        Common Whitethroat
62        Blue Tit
63        Great Tit
64        Coal Tit
65        Magpie
66        Jackdaw
67        Carrion row
68        Hooded Crow
69        Raven
70        Starling
71        House Sparrow
72        Chaffinch
73        Greenfinch
74        Goldfinch
75        Linnet
76        Twite
77        Yellowhammer

That’s a pity on the journey that we didn’t see the Red-necked Phalarope on Fetlar where famous to watch this kind of bird.  A RSPB staff told us that the phalarope was not easy to find although they nested on Fetlar.

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