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Subject: [Oversea] 國際鳥盟世界大會2013 BirdLife International World Congress [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 13/07/2013 13:38     Subject: 國際鳥盟世界大會2013 BirdLife International World Congress

每4-5年一度的國際鳥盟世界大會在6月19-22日於加拿大渥太華舉行, 一共有120個國家和地區代表、保育團體、嘉賓等近600人出席。這次大會更標誌著國際鳥盟踏入第90個年頭, 以及聯盟成立的20週年。

2013 BirdLife World Congress was held between 19th and 22nd June in Ottawa, Canada. Partners, conservationists, politicians and business people from more than 120 countries came to join the big event which held every 4 to 5 years. The 2013 BirdLife International World Congress marks also two major anniversaries: the 90th anniversary of the organisation from which BirdLife evolved, and the 20th anniversary of the BirdLife Partnership.

Yu Yat Tung representing HKBWS and Vivian Fu representing China Programme joined the World Congress.

以下是一些大會花絮 Below are some photos of the big gathering (credit: BirdLife International):


國際鳥盟榮譽主席, 日本憲仁親王妃久子致詞BirdLife’s Honorary President, HRH Princess Takamado of Japan giving speech on the opening ceremony (credit: Simba Chan)
Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 13/07/2013 13:43

這次大會最令人印像深刻的是12歲來自福州的小鴒鴒的演講, 她在兩年前參加了我們舉辦的培訓活動, 之後一直積極參與保育和宣教活動, 努力影響身邊的人愛護鳥類。
The most impressive speech was given by 12-year-old Tina Lin from Fuzhou, China. She participated in one of our activity two years ago. Since then, she has been working hard to help promoting conservation and appreciating birds to people in her home town.

更多新聞More news: ... XlaZfs7723443.shtml

另外一個亮點, 就是台南七股和香港米埔(WWF-Hong Kong) 獲得國際保育大獎, 他們在黑臉琵鷺的保育工作上受到世界的肯定。
Another highlight was the Conservation Achievement Awards went to government and municipal agencies in Taiwan and Hong Kong (WWF-Hong Kong) for their work to conserve the globally threatened Black-faced Spoonbill.
(Credit: Simba Chan)
(Credit: Simba Chan)

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Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 21/08/2013 16:40

The animation project to promote conservation of Spoon-billed Sandpiper involves 500 children and helpers from 12 areas and 8 countries (Russia, Republic of Korea, Japan, mainland China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and Bangladesh) which are along Spoon-billed Sandpiper’s migratory route. This was showed during the BIrdLife World Congress:


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