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Subject: Birds in Tainshan Mountain Range [Print This Page]

Author: HFCheung    Time: 19/07/2013 22:49     Subject: Birds in Tainshan Mountain Range

Here is the bird list of a 4-day trip to Tianshan, 10-13 July 2013.

石鸡        Chukar
斑翅山鹑        Daurian Partridge
赤麻鸭        Ruddy Shelduck
赤膀鸭        Gadwall
赤嘴潜鸭        Red-crested Pochard
普通楼燕        Common Swift
雕鸮        Eurasian Eagle-Owl (heard by Ma, ID not sure)
原鸽        Rock Pigeon
灰斑鸠        Eurasian Collared Dove
红嘴鸥        Black-headed Gull
普通燕鸥        Common Tern
黑鸢        Black Kite
玉带海雕        Pallas's Fish Eagle
胡兀鹫        Lammergeier
高山兀鹫        Himalayan Vulture
秃鹫        Cinereous Vulture
红隼        Common Kestrel
燕隼        Eurasian Hobby
猎隼        Saker Falcon
普通鸬鹚        Great Cormorant
苍鹭        Grey Heron
大白鹭        Great Egret
小苇千干鸟        Little Bittern
黑鹳        Black Stork
荒漠伯劳        Isabelline Shrike
红嘴山鸦        Red-billed Chough
小嘴乌鸦        Carrion Crow
渡鸦        Common Raven
白背矶鸫        Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush
藏鸫        Tibetan Blackbird
槲鸫        Mistle Thrush
赭红尾鸲        Black Redstart
穗即鸟        Northern Wheatear
白顶即鸟        Pied Wheatear
漠即鸟        Desert Wheatear
沙即鸟        Isabelline Wheatear
灰蓝山雀        Azure Tit
岩燕        Eurasian Crag Martin
白腹毛脚燕        Northern House Martin
灰柳莺        Sulphur-bellied Warbler
凤头百灵        Crested Lark
麻雀        Eurasian Tree Sparrow
白鹡鸰        White Wagtail
灰鹡鸰        Grey Wagtail
林鹨        Tree Pipit
粉红胸鹨        Rosy Pipit
褐岩鹨        Brown Accentor
巨嘴沙雀        Desert Finch
普通朱雀        Common Rosefinch
大朱雀        Spotted Great Rosefinch

Here are some photos.

Here is the sunset of today, again from my place.

The sweet melon are excellent, I have one today. It is about 1 kg, and cost $5 Reminbi.

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Author: John Holmes    Time: 27/07/2013 08:27     Subject: Tian Shan birding

Ho Fai,

Looks like a lot of fun, more please !

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