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Subject: Po Toi Autumn 2013 - September [Print This Page]

Author: ivantse    Time: 1/09/2013 12:38     Subject: Po Toi Autumn 2013 - September

Hong Kong SE Water

Aleutian Tern 23
Common Tern 41
Greater Crested Tern 2
Red-necked Phalarope 3
Bridled Tern 7
Black-naped Tern 5
Roseate Tern 4
White-winged Tern 1



[ Last edited by ivantse at 1/09/2013 20:07 ]
Author: Ronaldo    Time: 8/09/2013 18:17

Po Toi 8th September

Japanese Paradise Flycatcher 1 (possibly 2)
Asian Paradise Flycatcher 1 (possibly 2)
Asian Brown Flycatcher 5
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 2
Dark-sided Flycatcher 4
Black-winged Cuckooshrike 1
Dollarbird 1
Black-naped Oriole 1
Brown Shrike 1
Arctic Warbler 3+
Barn Swallow 2
Long-tailed Shrike 3+
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 6+
Japanese White-eye 4+
White Wagtail 1
Blue Whistling Thrush 1
Oriental Magpie Robin 1+
Little Egret 1
Common Kingfisher 1
Chinese Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Crested Myna
Black Kite

[ Last edited by Ronaldo at 10/09/2013 07:56 ]
Author: kkchang168    Time: 10/09/2013 18:15

Po Toi 10th September

Asian Brown Flycatcher
Grey-streaked Flycatcher

Dark-sided Flycatcher

Black-winged Cuckooshrike 1
Dollarbird 1
Black-naped Oriole 1

Brown Shrike 1
Arctic Warbler
Barn Swallow 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 6+
Japanese White-eye 4+
White Wagtail 1
Common Kingfisher 1

Chinese Bulbul
Red-whiskered Bulbul
Crested Myna 6+
Black Kite 3
Black Drongo 1
Common Sandpiper 1
Large-billed Crow 2

Plain Prinia 2
White-shouldered Starling 5

Grey Wagtail (1)

[ Last edited by kkchang168 at 12/09/2013 23:23 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_4630.jpg (10/09/2013 18:15, 53.26 KB) / Download count 538

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Image Attachment: IMG_4618.jpg (10/09/2013 18:33, 44.95 KB) / Download count 581

Author: wilsondring    Time: 20/09/2013 21:53


Grey-Streaked Flycatcher - 1
Dark-Sided Flycatcher - 1 (not seen by me)
Asian Brown Flycatcher - X
Black-Naped Oriole - 3+
Dollarbird - 1
Common Kingfisher - 1
Crested Goshawk - 1
Author: kkchang168    Time: 26/09/2013 19:02

Po Toi 2013-09-26

Asian Brown Flycatcher 1     (北灰鶲)
Yellow-fronted Canary 1      (黃嘴朱頂雀)

Blue Rock Thrush 2           (藍磯鶇) 1M & 1F

Black-naped Oriole 1         (黑枕黃鸝)
Oriental Dollarbird 2        (三寶鳥)
Reef Heron 1                 (岩鹭)
White-shouldered Starling 27+(灰背椋鳥)
Black Drongo 3+              (黑卷尾)
Barn Swallow 7+              (家燕)

Image Attachment: IMG_1154.jpg (26/09/2013 19:02, 55.97 KB) / Download count 572

Image Attachment: IMG_1145.jpg (26/09/2013 19:02, 114.92 KB) / Download count 608

Author: wgeoff    Time: 29/09/2013 08:55     Subject: Last Week in September

The Fairy Pitta has not been seen after Thursday 26th September.

However, I have had the following reported to me by individuals who went to see the Pitta

Friday 27th - 2 Yellow-browed Buntings

Saturday 28th - Himalayan Swiftlet and Siberian Blue Robin

Any other reports?
Author: fatchun    Time: 29/09/2013 16:21

29th Sept 2013

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler x1 at Southern part
Yellow-browed Bunting x1 at helipad
Eurasian Hobby x1
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue Rockthrush many
Yellow-fronted Canary x1
Black-naped Oriole x2

Another very quiet day


[ Last edited by fatchun at 30/09/2013 00:44 ]

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