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Subject: 驚人的黑臉琵鷺秋天遷徙 Amazing Autumn Migration of BFS [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 18/10/2013 14:58     Subject: 驚人的黑臉琵鷺秋天遷徙 Amazing Autumn Migration of BFS

Information provided by Dr Lee Ki-sup, Waterbird Network Korea

"Dear all BFSpoonbill lovers

I just received the coordinate data of E44 which flew to Yancheong, China at 14th Oct.  

E44 did not stay the night, but it flew to Taiwan over night, and it has arrivedat Jiangjun, Taiwan at Oct.15th, 14:00 . I was surprised because E44 had flown so fast with non-stop. It did not stay the night in China. It just flew over 1,800km from Korea to Taiwan during 30 hours. The average speed was 60km /h during the night when it was passing through the coast of China. But the average speed increased up to 80 km/h  for 6 hours when it passing over the East China Sea from Zhejiang to Taiwan. It was amazing speed ! I wonder the weather and wind direction was perfect for the migration.  I heard many BFSpoonbills arrived on Chigu main wintering sites in just few days before.  E44 is now on Tucheng, Annan district, Tainan.

Best wishes,

Kisup Lee"

於10月14日收到來自有關E44衛星信號,顯示牠短暫停留在中國鹽城之後,於當晚便披星戴月由中國的江蘇省直飛台灣,於15日下午2時到達台南將軍區。連計由韓國起埗的路程,E44於30小時內總計飛行了超過1800公里到達台灣南部,牠以平均時速60公里的速度橫越黃海到達中國東部後,便以平均時速80公里的飛行速度由鹽城直奔台南! 另外七股已經有為數不少的黑瞼琵鷺逐步到達,E44現在則於台南安南區附近逗留。

Image Attachment: E44(131014-1015)movetoTaiwan.jpg (18/10/2013 14:58, 115.01 KB) / Download count 488

Author: Sze    Time: 19/10/2013 10:50


1. 地圖上紅點及黃點分別代表什麼?
2. 想請問會否有由韓國飛往黃海的那段跨海的飛行需時及距離的資料?
3. 以往黑臉琵鷺有否類似的研究?如有,黑臉琵鷺一般的遷徙速度大約是多少?
4. 黑臉琵鷺會否由韓國直飛台灣,而不經過中國沿岸地區?如會,請問有沒有需時及距離的資料?


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