A good time to go, but lots of visitors there :roll:
- A flock of 30 Ashy Minivets and Swinhoe Minivets (x 3) near the ferry pier (15:00)
- Blue and White Flycatcher (male and female)
- Ferruginous Flycatcher x 1
- Peregrine Falcon Author: kmike Time: 6/04/2007 23:38
Aiya! I am jealous!
Hn! Author: mcarrie Time: 7/04/2007 00:03
It is cool and windy today, think it would be warmer for the coming day or two. Think about that lar....
Three good places for flycatchers (plus mosquitos) and birding, one is at the picnic area at the small path behind the "Tung Ping Chau" sign near the ferry pier. The second is adjacent to the police station and camp site. The third one is at Chau Tou through the path near the temple (the path leading to AFCD station, and further behind the station, there is small marsh area). Author: bkenneth Time: 7/04/2007 13:41
Agh...I was going to go today!
Well, made my first trip to Ng Tung Chai instead!
Ken Author: ajohn Time: 10/04/2007 13:33
I visited Tung Ping Chau on Sat (7th). As Carrie mentioned, LOTS of visitors but it was easy to get away from them after leaving the ferry. Highlights were:
Narcissus Flycatcher x2 (male)
Blue and white Flycatcher x4 (all male)
Swinhoe's Minivet x5 (in flock of 10 minivets, others either ashy or swinhoe's)
Slaty-legged Crake x1 heard (near the police post)
Black-naped Monarch x1 (female)
Rufous-tailed Robin x7 (singing)
Emerald Dove x6
Red-necked Phalarope x1 from the ferry
Also at least 15 Black Kites going into a roost near the police post
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