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Subject: [Hong Kong] ID Please [Print This Page]

Author: tomatofamily    Time: 30/10/2013 21:18     Subject: ID Please

wonder if it is crested goshawk, taken over Mai Po wetland on 30/10/2013

Thanks in advance.

Author: 9Wi    Time: 30/10/2013 21:54

Looks like Eurasian Sparrowhawk to me.
Author: pitarhk    Time: 30/10/2013 22:10

Besra 松雀鷹
Author: HFCheung    Time: 31/10/2013 12:44

5 fingers, so Crested Goshawk and Eurasian Sparrowhawk are ruled out.
Author: ajohn    Time: 31/10/2013 14:19

It's not large/bulky enough for Crested Gos. The pattern is wrong for Eurasian (face too dark, no pale supercilium).

I would say that this is a Japanese Sparrowhawk. The wings don't look broad enough for Besra, and the tail looks fairly short. It also looks like a small bird (but difficult to be sure how small).
Author: tomatofamily    Time: 2/11/2013 15:19

Thanks for all the input.  Sorry that due to the poor image for it be difficult to judge from.  I attach herewith some other images (the first one with a cormorant for compare the distance and the size; the rest of its flying style blowed up 100%) to see if it is worth to pursue.

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