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Subject: 人造衛星追蹤黑臉琵鷺 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Tung    Time: 21/11/2013 10:53     Subject: 人造衛星追蹤黑臉琵鷺

一隻裝上人造衛星追蹤器及彩環(編號S21)的黑臉琵鷺,在11月初到達米埔,最近接收到數據顯示該鳥會在米埔11號基圍過夜, 其他時間也會在后海灣泥灘活動(包括濕地公園附近,米埔浮橋外,及深圳福田紅樹林國家級保護區一帶).



Image Attachment: S21(1301104-1120)-HK-pathway.jpg (21/11/2013 10:53, 250.89 KB) / Download count 667

Author: HKBWS Helen    Time: 21/12/2013 10:35     Subject: S21 十二月動向

與十一月初到香港時的情況略有不同,S21 (暱稱:YeonpyungYi) 依然主要於米埔基圍過夜,日間時間卻幾乎沒有在浮橋外泥灘及深圳福田保護區,而是主要在濕地公園,豐樂圍漁塘及南生圍等地方活動。鳥友kc3018和MRLI亦十二月記錄到S21於米埔11號及16/17號基圍活動。

Image Attachment: S21(131201-1217)-timepoint.jpg (21/12/2013 10:35, 263.74 KB) / Download count 636

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 31/12/2013 15:23     Subject: S21 12月總結


Image Attachment: S21(131201-1230)-Maipo-timepoint.jpg (31/12/2013 15:23, 257.36 KB) / Download count 664

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 24/01/2014 15:02     Subject: S21 1月動向


Image Attachment: S21(140101-0111)-point.jpg (24/01/2014 15:02, 262.37 KB) / Download count 623

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 13/03/2014 17:29     Subject: S21 2月總結

今個月, S21明顯較少留於米埔活動。牠大部分日間時間都於豐樂圍及南生圍活動,於黃昏及晚間返回米埔休息。

Image Attachment: S21_Feb.jpg (13/03/2014 17:30, 232.8 KB) / Download count 610

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 19/05/2014 11:17

S21 4月及5月動向

S21 4月追蹤路徑

S21 5月追蹤路徑

Image Attachment: S21(140401-0430)-point.jpg (19/05/2014 11:17, 248.58 KB) / Download count 640

Image Attachment: S21(140501-0515)-movepoint2.jpg (19/05/2014 11:17, 241.57 KB) / Download count 627

Author: wcaptain    Time: 19/05/2014 14:30


Excellent and thanks for sharing.

Were the locations daytime or nightime records?


Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 19/05/2014 15:22

Dear Captain,

Please refer to those labels in the picture.


Author: wcaptain    Time: 22/05/2014 17:10

Deleted. Thanks.

[ Last edited by wcaptain at 26/05/2014 11:41 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 24/05/2014 03:23



[ Last edited by Sze at 26/05/2014 14:42 ]
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 30/05/2014 13:27



圖1. S21北返的路線


Image Attachment: S21(140501-0527)-movetoFuzhou.jpg (30/05/2014 13:27, 226.68 KB) / Download count 624

Image Attachment: A26(140510)-Sokdo.jpg (30/05/2014 13:27, 208.38 KB) / Download count 572

Author: kc3018    Time: 30/05/2014 18:48

Hope to see S21 next year and I am sure I'll take photos of S21 again.

Author: HFCheung    Time: 1/06/2014 21:43

How old is S21?  I thought he/she was ringed last year when he/she was hatched.  If he/she were only 1 year old, then it should not breed this year.  How non-breeding immatures spend their summer is always a question on my mind.  I will be very happy to learn from this bird.

HF Cheung
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 10/06/2014 11:11



Image Attachment: S21(140601-0606)-move to Shanghai.jpg (10/06/2014 11:11, 191.14 KB) / Download count 590

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 7/11/2014 13:07

S21 arrived to Taiwan after spent the summer in Hengsha island, Shanghai!

Doctor Lee gave the information of other 4 tracking Black-faced Spoonbill to us. All of them are now staying in Coastal area of East China, see if they will come to Hong Kong or not, birdwatchers please pay attention of the Black-faced Spoonbills in Deep Bay area!

Image Attachment: S21.jpg (7/11/2014 13:07, 205.77 KB) / Download count 521

Image Attachment: Tracking BFS.png (7/11/2014 13:08, 1.89 MB) / Download count 534

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 21/11/2014 16:17


We just received news of our tracking Black-faced Spoonbill from Dr. Lee, 9 of total 12 tracking Black-faced are staying in Mainland China and other three are staying in Taiwan. There are some interesting founding, we found that S81 stayed at inland area of Hangzhou around Qiandao Lake. S80 left South Korea on 2 Nov, it just used 2 days to migrated to Fujian coastal area. But the most amazing one is S79, it flew from South Korea on 3 Nov to Aogu in Taiwan and arrived on 4 Nov. The distance around 1500 km but it finished within 30 hours!

Image Attachment: BFS.png (21/11/2014 16:17, 1.66 MB) / Download count 537

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 8/12/2014 12:05

Black-faced Spoonbills's tracking positions on December

Dr. Lee is tracking of 15 birds with satellite devices. We recieved some updated information of those tracking Black-faced Spoonbills. There are 4 birds have migrated to Taiwan and 8 birds are staying in China. We found that another bird S74 is staying at Shijiu lake, Anhui(about 300km inland from the coast!). 1 bird moved to Kumamoto on 5 December. But there are still 2 birds are staying in South Korea, the weather is dropping to minus degree. Dr. Lee is worrying about them for the health problem in this uncommon situation.

李博士現在總共追蹤15隻黑臉琵鷺。近日我們收到有關琵鷺們的最新消息。現在總共有12隻衛星追蹤的黑臉琵鷺正位於中國大陸及台灣地區,當中4隻在台灣,另外8隻在中國大陸。其中一隻S74顯示牠正於離海岸線300公里的石臼湖一帶活動! 另外有一個衛星追蹤的黑臉琵鷺正於日本九洲的熊本縣,但是仍然有2隻黑臉琵鷺正在韓國逗留,該處氣溫已經降至零度以下,李博士擔心這個不正常的情況是因為該2隻琵鷺出現了健康問題。

S74 is staying at inland area, Shiju lake.

S70 and S82 are still staying in South Korea but there are dropping to munus degree.

Image Attachment: Anhui-December-S74(GOB)-point.jpg (8/12/2014 12:05, 332.7 KB) / Download count 542

Image Attachment: Korea-December-S70-S82(point).jpg (8/12/2014 12:05, 269.64 KB) / Download count 527

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 2/01/2015 15:20


Happy New Year everyone! We got tracking BFS news from Dr. Lee, there are 8 tracking BFS staying in East China, 3 birds in Hangzhou and 4 birds in Fujian. The bird S74 are still staying in inland area,  Shijiu lake. But we did not received any signal of E50, one of 8 tracking BFS after 1st Dec.

Image Attachment: Fujian-December-E48-E50-S71-S80(point).jpg (2/01/2015 15:20, 329.61 KB) / Download count 540

Author: Sze    Time: 22/01/2015 20:54

(2015-01-22)〔記者吳正庭/金門報導〕南韓研究團隊繫放的黑面琵鷺失聯,經過金門野鳥學會鍥而不捨追查,終於發現這隻編號「S80 」的黑面琵鷺,出現在千里之外的小金門陵水湖,部分憂心因流感致死的鳥友也鬆了一口氣。
Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 29/01/2015 18:05

經過了上周的全球同步普查後,我們也收到李博士有關我們一直關注人造衛星追蹤黑臉琵鷺的近況!現在仍然有5隻衛星追蹤的黑臉琵鷺於中國大陸沿海地區活動,分別於杭州(S62, S75, S81)及福建(S71, E48)。另外有5隻在台灣活動,分別為(S21, S60, S69, S79及S80。而S73則一直逗留在日本九州的熊本縣。心水清的鳥友應該記得追蹤黑臉琵鷺還有另外數隻,當中E50及S74訊號已停止,生死未卜,而E44及E37發訊器已經損壞,未能繼續進行追蹤,最不幸的是於韓國逗留的S70及S82已經確認死亡,黑臉琵鷺於野外生存真的絕對不容易!

After the International Census last week, we got the most update news of tracking BFS! There are 5 tracking BFS staying in Mainland China coastal area, including Hangzhou((S62, S75, S81) and Fujian (S71, E48). Another 5 birds are staying in Taiwan, including (S21, S60, S69, S79 and S80). S73 keeps staying in Kumamoto, Japan for wintering. But we lost few birds already, they are E70 ans S74 which are no signals and E50 & S74 which are broken antenna. The most sad news is that 2 birds are found dead in Korea - S70 & S82, so they are really hard to live in the wild!

Image Attachment: Wintering BFS-Fujian(Jan-2015)-E48-S71.jpg (29/01/2015 18:05, 132.71 KB) / Download count 535

Image Attachment: Wintering BFS-Hangzhou(Jan-2015)-S62-S75-S81.jpg (29/01/2015 18:05, 145.9 KB) / Download count 496

Author: HFCheung    Time: 29/01/2015 20:26


Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 29/01/2015 21:21

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 6/11/2015 16:15

最近韓國的李博士又為我們帶來了人造衛星追蹤黑臉琵鷺最新的消息,今年繁殖季他繼續進行黑臉琵鷺的環誌及安裝追蹤器,部分安裝了追蹤器的黑臉琵鷺已經成功南遷,到達中國東南部地區。另外, 編號S21的黑琵, 去年於台灣度冬後, 今季卻初步選擇了米埔, 牠也經過長途的旅程 (其中一程包括連續12小時,飛越500公里的飛行跨越黃海),亦於11月1日到達香港,同時有鳥友已經於香港攝得S21的相片,看來牠的狀態良好及在后海灣內覓食, 為疲憊的身體補充體力。

From South Korea, Dr. Lee Ki-sup provides us the latest information of satellite tracking Black-faced Spoonbills! Colour-ringing and satellite-tracking of Black-faced Spoonbills are still on-going in this breeding season. Some of these Black-faced Spoonbills have arrived to Southeast China region already. S21 which stayed in Taiwan last winter has come back to Hong Kong again. It completed a long journey from Korea to Hong Kong (including a non-stop flight of 500km in 12 hours through Yellow Sea). It arrived at Hong Kong on the 1 Nov and has already been found by birdwatchers. Photos of S21 show it is in a good condition now and actively fed in the Deep Bay area.
Image is S21's migration route.


Image Attachment: S21.jpg (6/11/2015 16:15, 225.94 KB) / Download count 477

Author: HKBWS Ivan    Time: 18/12/2015 15:41


Dr. Lee brought some news to us from South Korea. Our old friend S21 and a 1st winter bird H22 arrived Hong Kong in early December, some bird watchers may have already seen them. Some other 1st winter birds arrived Taiwan and mainland China already. The satellite tracking of Black-faced Spoonbills in southeastern mainland China is important for International BFS Census held on 15-17 Jan 2016. This help us to locate the wintering Black-faced Spoonbill in census period.

S21, H22及其他黑臉琵鷺的遷徙路線
Migration route of S21, H22 and other Black-faced Spoonbills in mainland China and Taiwan

Image Attachment: fallmigration2015.jpg (18/12/2015 15:41, 246.82 KB) / Download count 474

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