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Subject: [Hong Kong] 南生圍與甩洲 Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau Development [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 28/11/2013 17:03     Subject: 南生圍與甩洲 Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau Development

The developer of Nam Sang Wai held a meeting on Tuesday (November 26th) with Green Groups to present their “new plan”.  

In the process of deciding on the layout of the new plan, they considered two other options as well:

1.        “Fung Lok Wai Option – 5%” where they would only use 5% of the land, but would comprise of 31 towers at the height of 20 stories.  This option was unfavorable due to the landscape and visual impacts to the surrounding environment.
2.        “Tree level option” – this is where all the buildings would be similar in height to the nearby tree but it would result in 88 towers with the height of 7 stories.  This was not considered because it would result in a massive housing development.

So a third design was chosen and the difference between the final design when compared to the original (the one objected by the Town Planning Board) mainly consist of:

-        Proposed man-made pond to be changed to reedbed so that a larger and continuous patch of reedbed can be retained.
-        The high-density residential building will be shortened in height (8-10 stories), and change from being 6 towers to 10 towers.
-        The incorporation of an area of reedbed and mangrove into the Wetland Enhancement Area, which would be actively managed.

Other newspaper references:
經濟日報 (中): ... 849785--sector.html

蘋果日報 (中):

SCMP (eng): ... anning-board-review

Image Attachment: Picture1.jpg (28/11/2013 17:07, 551.84 KB) / Download count 703

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 2/12/2013 14:51     Subject: 南生圍與甩洲 Nam Sang Wai and Lut Chau Development


After the rejection by the Town Planning Board earlier this year, the proponent has revised their plan and submitted their report under Section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinance.  The main changes of the new development scheme is provided in the post above.  The public can make comments to the Town Planning Board on or before 20 Dec 2013.

Details: ... -NSW_218_0_gist.pdf

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 19/12/2013 09:58

蘋果日報 - 南生圍發展影響候鳥 ... &issue=20131219

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 20/12/2013 16:41

HKBWS's objection submitted to the Town Planning Board:

HKBWS_comments on NSW218_2.pdf (391.88 KB)

**Due to technical issues, this version is missing photos as I was unable to upload them into the pdf, if you wish you see them please feel free to contact me at**

Attachment: HKBWS_comments on NSW218_2.pdf (20/12/2013 16:53, 391.88 KB) / Download count 774
Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 10/01/2014 09:59     Subject: 濕地保育見效 千鳥飛翔

濕地保育見效 千鳥飛翔
蘋果日報 ... &issue=20140110

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 17/01/2014 09:59     Subject: 南生圍覆核案 城規會勝訴

南生圍覆核案 城規會勝訴

蘋果日報 - 南生圍覆核案 城規會勝訴 ... &issue=20140117

經濟日報 - 南生圍項目 城規上委會無權覆核 ... -079703?section=008

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 10/02/2014 11:35

城市規劃委員會在星期五​​,2月14日將會決定否決或批准南生圍及甩洲住宅發展項目規劃申請。 2013年12月公眾咨詢期間城規會共收到600個意見 (598個反對,2個支持)。感謝大家努力發表你們反對這項目的聲音。

The Town Planning Board will make a decision on this Friday, February 14 on whether to approve or reject the planning application.  600 (598 objecting, 2 supporting) comments were submitted to the Town Planning Board back in December regarding this project.  Thank you all for your effort in submitting your representations.  

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 12/02/2014 09:56


New plan to develop wetlands fails to win over Hong Kong planners
South China Morning Post ... -hong-kong-planners

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 14/02/2014 19:09

今日,城市規劃委員會決定否決南生圍及甩洲住宅發展項目規劃申請!  情人節快樂!
Today, the Town Planning Board rejected the NSW application!  Happy Valentine's Day!

Author: HKBWS Chuan    Time: 15/02/2014 09:35


(主場新聞) ... %E9%A0%85%E7%9B%AE/\

Consortium again loses bid to build on wetland
(South China Morning Post) ... am-sang-wai-wetland

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