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Subject: Rufous-Bellied Niltava 棕腹仙鶲 [Print This Page]

Author: iherman    Time: 28/11/2013 21:22     Subject: Rufous-Bellied Niltava 棕腹仙鶲

Lung Fu Shan  龍虎山

[ Last edited by iherman at 4/04/2018 19:19 ]

Image Attachment: c66IMG_3245a.jpg (4/04/2018 19:19, 192.74 KB) / Download count 374

Image Attachment: c66IMG_3269a.jpg (4/04/2018 19:19, 170.19 KB) / Download count 339

Image Attachment: c66IMG_3289a.jpg (4/04/2018 19:19, 175.68 KB) / Download count 376

Image Attachment: c66IMG_3245a.jpg (4/04/2018 19:19, 192.74 KB) / Download count 326

Image Attachment: c66IMG_3295a.jpg (4/04/2018 19:19, 171.97 KB) / Download count 377

Author: Stonechat    Time: 28/11/2013 21:46

Herman, very nice photos.
Author: Chimpanzee    Time: 28/11/2013 21:53

Great shots~~!!
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 28/11/2013 22:55

Very nice series and stunning male.
To me it is more likely a Rufous-bellied Niltava because of the lack of pale base to the lower mandible ( that seems to be diagnostic at least on 1stW bird), the entire uniform rufous underpart from lower throat to undertail coverts, the irridescence on the lesser covert and the overall structure of the bird with a rather big head compare to its body.

All the best,

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 28/11/2013 23:06

Very nice series and stunning male.
To me it is more likely a Rufous-bellied Niltava because of the lack of pale base to the lower mandible ( that seems to be diagnostic at least on 1stW bird), the entire uniform rufous underpart from lower throat to undertail coverts, the irridescence on the lesser covert and the overall structure of the bird with a rather big head compare to its body.

All the best,

Author: lpaul    Time: 29/11/2013 07:30

I would agree.  Additional features include the well-defined blue cap, blackish gloss to the mantle, uniform underparts (first-winter Fujian often show a darker/more intense orange on the upper breast), and structure with this bird being short-winged and long-tailed and with a short primary projection.

News of any further sightings of this bird would be most welcome!
Author: tgraham    Time: 29/11/2013 09:52

Looks like a good find where exactly was it.
Will try and look for it this afternoon

Author: wgeoff    Time: 29/11/2013 12:38


You also mentioned a female in your original posting.
Do you have photos of the female?
Were the male and female together?

Author: tgraham    Time: 29/11/2013 18:46

The bird was still showing this afternoon off and on by the fire station. Go up the steps to the left of the fire station and the bird was in the trees mainly to the right of the track as you go uphill between the top of the steps and the first shelter about 30 meters

Excellent find Herman and great of you to put the news out so other people can enjoy the bird

Author: iherman    Time: 29/11/2013 19:14

Thank you experts reply so that we can know more about this bird
The female bird was found at different place, When i found it, it is standing near to me, when i take my camera,
it flew away, so no photo was taken, it has a blue patch on neck and light brownish color underpart uniformly
from throat to undertail coverts.
Author: wgeoff    Time: 30/11/2013 12:45

Thanks Herman, great find.

Rufous-bellied Niltava is not (yet) on the Hong Kong List, either in Cat I-II or in Cat III.
But this may not be the first record - there was a possible female at Tai Po Kau in January of this year, currently under review by the Records Committee. ... &extra=page%3D1

There was also a bird at Kings Park in March (see here and other threads) which will no doubt also come under review ... p;highlight=niltava

Another headache for the Records Committee, to decide both ID and Category

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 30/11/2013 13:35 ]
Author: hmartin    Time: 2/12/2013 19:03

See my post on the other thread of this name, for a picture of feather damage to this bird.

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