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Subject: [Others 其他] 《雀躍薈》觀鳥訓練證書課程基礎班(第十六期) [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 20/12/2013 13:18     Subject: 《雀躍薈》觀鳥訓練證書課程基礎班(第十六期)

16th Elementary Bird Watching Course for Beginners

01-報名表格 Application_form-16th.pdf (146.67 KB)

01-報名表格 Application_form-16th.doc (39 KB)

Image Attachment: Poster-16th.jpg (20/12/2013 13:29, 599.9 KB) / Download count 769

Attachment: 01-報名表格 Application_form-16th.pdf (20/12/2013 13:29, 146.67 KB) / Download count 860

Attachment: 01-報名表格 Application_form-16th.doc (20/12/2013 13:29, 39 KB) / Download count 714
Author: Sze    Time: 4/02/2014 16:13

Author: kevinchong    Time: 7/02/2014 11:06

I would like to join but I am not available on the outing schedule. Do you have any course in April-Jun 2014?
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 7/02/2014 12:29

There are 2 Elementary courses in a year, 1 in Nov/Dec and 1 in Feb/Mar.  You may wait for the next one end of the yearl if you can't attend the coming one.
Original posted by kevinchong at 7/02/2014 11:06
I would like to join but I am not available on the outing schedule. Do you have any course in April-Jun 2014?

Author: kevinchong    Time: 7/02/2014 13:55

Oh no, I will be more busy in Nov - Jan. Then how can I join your class?

[ Last edited by kevinchong at 7/02/2014 13:56 ]
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 7/02/2014 15:40

Download application form in the thread and follow instructions.
Original posted by kevinchong at 7/02/2014 13:55
Oh no, I will be more busy in Nov - Jan. Then how can I join your class?

Author: Sze    Time: 8/02/2014 01:10

Original posted by kevinchong at 7/02/2014 13:55
Oh no, I will be more busy in Nov - Jan. Then how can I join your class?
Author: dng88    Time: 3/03/2014 22:37     Subject: My records of Long Valley trip of 觀鳥班(第十六期)

Sorry first for turn up in the wrong place and thanks for a lady (who led a HKU Student group and ID the place):

For birds, I ID quite a bit (may be wrong but still marked it) but some I cannot:

I did have a video of the 彩鷸 ... t-72157641800608275

    In the set you can see some not that good photos of 彩鷸 but I add also two video of Common Moorhen has a bath and Pied Avocet in feeding action:

For those I can classify plus all the above, I tried to create a set but still not working.  If work, it should have the bird name plus the page number in the Chinese Version of the HK Bird Bible:
If you can help to ID a bit those birds, please mark the name with the image number or just make a comment.  I would update the photos.



[ Last edited by dng88 at 3/03/2014 22:55 ]
Author: Sze    Time: 3/03/2014 23:05


Original posted by dng88 at 3/03/2014 22:37
If you can help to ID a bit those birds, please mark the name with the image number or just make a comment.  I would update the photos.

[ Last edited by Sze at 3/03/2014 23:11 ]
Author: dng88    Time: 4/03/2014 08:47

Thanks and amended.

I guess as long as I do not add those into my bird list, it is ok to ask.  Just try to learn.

Rest assured I did try and understand the point is to watch bird using your eye and bino to ID them there. In fact, it would be much better as you can check more details instead just a photo.  I am not just taking a pic and ask around.  However after checking pages on both the photographic guide and the bible, I do not have any clue.  I just like know who they are.  You do have a page to ask using photo and hence it is not prohibited I guess.

Just not count as one when return homework.  At least not the 扇尾沙錐 (Common Snipe) as I do not know that I saw it!

Author: Sze    Time: 4/03/2014 11:45


另外扇尾沙錐背部有 "川" 字紋,彩鷸也沒有,

彩鷸的樣子你可參考以下連結,又或使用位於討論區頂部的 "Search" 挈搜尋。

由於沙錐跟彩鷸都是較難找的雀鳥,對初學者來說觀察有難度,所以並不在課程教授的95種常見雀鳥的名單內,故此筆記內沒有提及,如你想找多點資料看,建議你可找 "香港及華南鳥類" 一書看看。

Image Attachment: 2014-0302_Jes_02s.jpg (4/03/2014 11:45, 175.89 KB) / Download count 607

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