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Subject: What warbler? [Print This Page]

Author: C.T.    Time: 24/12/2013 19:19     Subject: What warbler?

Look like a Dusky warbler but with some difference.

Image Attachment: CT0_9175.jpg (24/12/2013 19:19, 92.22 KB) / Download count 439

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 24/12/2013 21:09

was it taken in HK, if yes date and place would be welcome.
not a Dusky warbler
Author: C.T.    Time: 24/12/2013 21:31

Original posted by Jonathmartinez at 24/12/2013 21:09
was it taken in HK, if yes date and place would be welcome.
not a Dusky warbler
In Macau 24Dec2013. Thanks!
Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 24/12/2013 22:40

It looks like a Syke's / Booted Warbler to me, and I would said I have a preference for Syke's Warbler, because of the overall structure and upperpart color, but more pictures and opinion from other would be welcome to confirm it.
They are usually more easy to separate when seing them rather than on picture.

It is in both case a very good bird for the region, as far as I know a first for Macau, and the Avifauna of Hong Kong mentions two sighting of Syke's in HK. Very good find.

All the best,

Author: tgraham    Time: 24/12/2013 22:49

I would also go for Sykes but agree we need a couple more shoots to be sure.

Author: C.T.    Time: 24/12/2013 22:50

Original posted by Jonathmartinez at 24/12/2013 22:40
It looks like a Syke's / Booted Warbler to me, and I would said I have a preference for Syke's Warbler, because of the overall structure and upperpart color, but more pictures and opinion from other w ...
Thanks for your reply. One more picture for you to confirm.

Image Attachment: CT0_9181.jpg (24/12/2013 22:50, 74.07 KB) / Download count 414

Author: Jonathmartinez    Time: 24/12/2013 23:44

quite short primary projection with only 5 primary tips visible, add to poorly contrasted tertials. I'll go for Syke's ,but stand ready to be corrected...
Author: atbohemia    Time: 26/12/2013 15:19

Author: lpaul    Time: 7/01/2014 09:25

For me this is a Booted Warbler.  The bill is not long enough and the bird lacks the long sloping forehead of Syke's.  The tail is also too short.  The plumage has too much contrast with dark tertial centers, alula and primary tips.  The dark tip to the lower mandible favours Booted, as does the rather long super, but most significantly there appears to be a thin dark line above the supercilium which Syke's never shows.  I always think that Syke's looks structurally like an acrocephalus and Booted more like a phylloscopus and that this bird does not look at all like like an acro.

An excellent record and great photos; well done!

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