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Subject: Daurian Redstart (Female) 北紅尾鴝 (雌) [Print This Page]

Author: irsychan    Time: 5/01/2014 16:02     Subject: Daurian Redstart (Female) 北紅尾鴝 (雌)

Photos taken on 4 January 2014 at Mai Po.
(Sorry can't post other photos due to size limitation per 24 hrs; need to wait till tonight)

[ Last edited by irsychan at 5/01/2014 16:08 ]

Image Attachment: bDSC08144reduced.JPG (5/01/2014 16:02, 191.9 KB) / Download count 482

Author: irsychan    Time: 5/01/2014 21:44

More photos.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 5/01/2014 22:01 ]

Image Attachment: bDSC08181reduced.JPG (5/01/2014 21:57, 191.97 KB) / Download count 481

Image Attachment: bDSC08177reduced.JPG (5/01/2014 21:58, 184.34 KB) / Download count 479

Image Attachment: bDSC08146reduced.JPG (5/01/2014 22:00, 182.69 KB) / Download count 479

Author: wilsondring    Time: 5/01/2014 22:08

nice details ..
Author: irsychan    Time: 5/01/2014 22:40

Thanks Wilson.
I was cycling along the Frontier Closed Road after my bird watching in Mai Po yesterday and this bird suddenly jumped out and stood at a few metres from me. It remained there while I stopped my bicycle, slowly took out my camera, switched it on, manual focused without tripod (which was already packed below my backpack), and took enough shots.  
A male Daurian Redstart did similar thing (suddenly showed up at close distance and let me took enough shots) on Friday, at another location in Mai Po.
(There is absolutely no need for any bait... I cannot understand why so many people use baits in Long Valley these days!)

[ Last edited by irsychan at 6/01/2014 08:57 ]

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