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Subject: Lantau 2014 [Print This Page]

Author: kmike    Time: 26/01/2014 12:52     Subject: Lantau 2014

Pui O0740 - 1100

Cattle Egret - 6
Reef Egret -1
Grey Heron - 1
Little Egret - 4

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 1

Yellow Wagtail - 1
Olive-backed Pipit - 12
Richard's Pipit - 2
Red-throated Pipit - 6
Buff-bellied Pipit - 4 (anyone know of previous Lantau records? - these may be the first)

Brown Shrike - 1

Daurian Redstart - 3
Red-flanked Bluetail - 2

White's Thrush - 3 + one from the bus
Grey-backed Thrush - 4
Chinese Blackbird - 2

Pale-legged / Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - 1
Pallas's Leaf Warbler -2
Yellow-browed Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 4

Verditer - 1

Silky Starling - 20

Mike K
Author: subbuteo    Time: 26/01/2014 17:38

Hi Mike,

I admire your efforts after yesterday's Big Bird Race!  I seem to remember buff-bellied pipit from Pui O in the late 1980s on a New Year's bird count.  I am not certain though as I was only just starting birding and I didn't id the birds.

Great list of birds (again).

Author: kmike    Time: 26/01/2014 20:34

Thanks Dylan
Good to see you yesterday. With all these good birds around I've been neglecting my Lantau sites, and was well rewarded for my efforts.

Thanks for the reference to the 1980's record of Buff-bellied Pipit. It didn't make it into the Avifauna, and back then these were still being called Water Pipit.

Author: kmike    Time: 1/02/2014 10:23

31 Jan 0700-1200
Tai O - Yi O , Lantau

Little Grebe 1
Grey Heron 33
Great Egret 4
Little Egret 35
Black-crowned Night Heron 10
Common Sandpiper 1
Black-haeded Gull 96 - feeding on rubbish slick a few hundred metres offshore from Tai O

Emerald Dove 1
Common Kingfisher 1
White-throated Kingfisher 1
Black-capped Kingfisher 1

Olive-backed Pipit 7
Chestnut Bulbul 5

Daurian Redstart 5
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Siberian Rubythroat 1

Blue Whistling Thrush 1
White's Thrush 1
Japanese Thrush 1
Grey-backed Thrush 3

Dusky Warbler 3
Pallas's Leaf Warbler 2
Brown-flanked Bush Warbler 1
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 3
Mountain Tailorbird 3

Red-billed Blue Magpie 1

Silky Starling 3

Black-faced Bunting 1

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 2/02/2014 21:59

Sunday 2 Feb 0700 - 1100Tai O

Black-crowned Night Heron 12

Common Sandpiper 2

Common Kingfisher 1
Oriental Turtle Dove  4

Daurian Redstart 3
Siberian Rubythroat 2

White's Thrush 1 (+ remains of a second )
Japanese Thrush 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 5
Blue Rock Thrush 1 male philippensis

Russet Bush Warbler 2 singing
Bright-capped Cisticola 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Dusky Warbler 1

Blue Magpie 4

Chinese Grosbeak 2
Black-faced Bunting 2

Shek Pik Catchment - to Shui Hau
1120 - 1230

Grey Wagtail  3
White Wagtail  3
Olive-backed Pipit 1

Red-flanked Bluetail
Grey-backed Thrush 4

Pallas's Leaf Warbler 1
Mountain Tailorbird 1
Fork-tailed Sunbird 2


[ Last edited by kmike at 2/02/2014 22:01 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 9/02/2014 00:00

Sat 8 Feb
Shui Hau, 0730- 1000

Cattle Egret 3
Little Egret 2
Grey Heron 1

Bonelli's Eagle (with freshly killed egret sp.)

Kentish Plover 14
Common Sandpiper 3

Black-capped Kingfisher 2

Oriental Turtle Dove 25

Pui O 1030- 1200

Swintail Snipe 5
Fantail Snipe 5

Buff-bellied Pipit 4
Barn Swallow 5

Daurian Redstart 3
Chinese Blackbird 2

Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Brown Shrike 1

Author: hinwan    Time: 9/02/2014 01:15     Subject: Pui O 17 January 2014

White's thrush
yellow-billed grosbeak
common blackbird
cattle egret
little egret
Chinese pond heron
richard's pipit
olive-backed pipit
red-throated pipit
daurian redstart
Author: kmike    Time: 23/02/2014 20:28

Pui O 22 February 5pm - 7 pm

Common Sandpiper 3
Kentish Plover

Barn Swallow 6

Brown Shrike

Daurian Redstart
Chinese Blackbird 3

Silky Starling 104

Tai O
23 February 1000 - 1300


Barn Swallow

Rufous-tailed Robin 2
Daurian Redstart 3
Red-flanked Bluetail 3
Grey-backed Thrush 4
Chinese Blackbird
Blue Whistling Thrush

Pallas's Leaf Warbler 6
Russet Bush Warbler 1
Asian Stubtail 1
Dusky Warbler 1

Common Rosefinch (f)

Black-headed Bunting

Author: kmike    Time: 1/03/2014 21:58

1st March
Pui O and Mui Wo (Pui O unless stated)

Pacific Reef Egret - 1
Great Egret - 2
Intermediate Egret - 1
Cattle Egret - 6
Little Egret - 6
Grey Heron - 1 Mui Wo

White-bellied Sea Eagle - subadult

Common Sandpiper - 3

Black-tailed Gull  - 1 juv (from Mui Wo - DB Kaito nr Nim Wan)

Pacific Swift - 1

White-throated Kingfisher - 4
Common Kingfisher - 1

Barn Swallow - 1 Pui O - 6 Mui Wo

Richard's Pipit - 2
Olive-backed Pipit - 6
Red-throated Pipit - 2
Buff-bellied Pipit - 1

Daurian Redstart - 4
Red-flanked Bluetail - 1
Chinese Blackbird - 4
Grey-backed Thrush -1

Silky Starling - 30

Blue Magpie - h Mui Wo

Author: kmike    Time: 29/03/2014 17:32

Tai O and Pui O
Tai O

White-bellied Sea Eagle - 1
White-throated Kingfisher - singing - 1
Pacific Swift - 1
Grey-backed Thrush - 1
Oriental Turtle Dove - 12
Chinese Starling - 2

Pui O

Pale Martin 1
Black-winged Cuckooshrike 2
Grey-backed Thrush - 1
Dusky Warbler - 5
Yellow-browed Warbler - 1
Chinese Starling - 1
Silky Starling - 25

hard work in the rain!

Author: kmike    Time: 30/03/2014 20:59

Pui O Sunday 30th March0830 - 1030

Pacific Reef Egret - 2
Cattle Egret - 10

Common Sandpiper - 4
Swintail Snipe - 3
Common Snipe - 1

Large Hawk Cuckoo - 2

Pacific Swift  - 2

Dusky Warbler - 5
Yellow-browed Warbler - 2

Chinese Starling - 4
Silky Starling - 30

Author: kmike    Time: 5/04/2014 22:20

Shek Pik - Fan Lau, Lantau - 0900 - 1400

Bonelli's Eagle - 2
Grey-faced Buzzard - 3
Crested Goshawk - 2

Oriental Turtle Dove - 1
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo - 1

Barn Swallow - 10
Olive-backed Pipit - 2
Grey Wagtail -  1 ( 1 also in Tong Fuk)

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - 1 (singing male)
Yellow-browed Warbler - 5
Blue-and-white Flycatcher - 1m

Little Bunting - 1
White-shouldered Starling - 4

Author: kmike    Time: 12/04/2014 23:44

Tai O 0930 - 1130
Osprey - 1
Dollarbird - 1
White-cheeked Starling - 1

Author: kmike    Time: 19/04/2014 12:13

Pui O 1000 - 124518 April

Cattle Egret 60
Little Egret 75
Gt Egret 2
Grey Heron 1
Inter Egret 2

Wood Sandpiper 3
Common Sandpiper 3
Oriental Turtle Dove 1

Koel 2 (copulating and eating fallen papaya)
Indian Cuckoo 2
Large Hawk Cuckoo 2
White-throated Kingfisher 2 (copulating)
Oriental Turtle Dove 1

Yellow Wagtail 4 (3 x taivana, 1 x simillima)
Brown Shrike 1
Stejneger's Stonechat 1
Black Drongo 2


[ Last edited by kmike at 19/04/2014 21:08 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 19/04/2014 21:05

Tai O0800 - 1030, 19 April 2014

Large Hawk Cuckoo 1
Indian Cuckoo 2
White-throated Kingfisher 1
Oriental Turtle Dove 5

Pacific Swift 2
Barn Swallow 20

Black Drongo - 2
Hair-crested Drongo - 2

Blue Magpie - nest building


[ Last edited by kmike at 19/04/2014 21:07 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 26/04/2014 20:14

Tai O  

26 April 2014

Marsh Sandpiper

Pacific Swift 2
Oriental Turtle Dove 5
Black Drongo 6
Hair-crested Drongo 2
Blue Magpie 4

Chestnut Bunting

Author: kmike    Time: 27/04/2014 12:35

Pui O 0800 - 1100

Grey Heron
Great Egret
Intermediate Egret 5
Cattle Egret 30
Little Egret 25
Reef Egret
Chinese Pond Heron 8
Striated Heron

Grey-faced Buzzard

Common Sandpiper  3

Yellow Wagtail 14
Grey-streaked Flycatcher
Little Bunting 3
Brown Shrike 1
Black Drongo
White-cheeked Starling 2

Author: kmike    Time: 2/05/2014 07:15

Tai O - Yi O1 May 0700 - 1300

Chinese Francolin 5 (h)
Cattle Egret 7
Chinese Pond Heron 2
Chinese Goshawk 4
Slaty-breasted Rail

Large Hawk Cuckoo 2
Indian Cuckoo 4
Plaintive Cuckoo
Oriental-type Cuckoo
Oriental Turtle Dove 5
Black Bulbul 1 (black-headed) late record and first for Lantau, I think.
Brown Shrike 7

Dusky Warbler 2
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 4
[White-shouldered Starling 5
Little Bunting 4
Black-faced Bunting 2

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 2/05/2014 07:19 ]
Author: ajohn    Time: 11/05/2014 07:38

Sorry for the late post, I've been meaning to put these records up for a few days. A very birdy day on the public holiday last week.

South-west Lantau (Tai O - Yi O - Fan Lan - Shek Pik) 06 May 2014

Chinese Francolin 6
Cattle Egret 12
Chinese Pond Heron 10 (mostly at Yi O)
Chinese Sparrowhawk 7
Grey-tailed Tattler 1 (Tai O)
Oriental Turtle Dove 2 (Yi O)
Indian Cuckoo 4
Plaintive Cuckoo 1 (Tai O)
Pacific Swift 18
Silver-backed Needletail 1 (+ 9 unidentified needletails were probably this species)
Oriental Dollarbird 1 (also birds seen from the bus at Tung Chung and Tong Fuk)
Blue-tailed Bee-eater 2 (heard only near Kau Ling Chung)

Asian House Martin 1
Grey Wagtail 34
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 101 (mostly flyovers along the coast)
Forest Wagtail 1 (Yi O)
Brown Shrike 8
Eyebrowed Thrush 1 (near Shek Pik)
Stejneger's Stonechat 1 (Yi O)
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 30
Dusky Warbler 5
Arctic Warbler 37 (many singing, confirmed to be Arctic Warbler)
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler 1 (singing)
Oriental Reed Warbler 2 (Tai O)
White-shouldered Starling 5
Black Drongo 5
Little Bunting 2 (Yi O)
Author: kmike    Time: 29/07/2014 19:44

A quiet summer at Discovery Bay but it was nice to see 34 tern sp. in the bay this afternoon.Kevin Laurie photographed both Black-naped and Roseate Terns off the Peng Chau Kaito yesterday.

Author: kmike    Time: 16/08/2014 21:06

A Black-capped Kingfisher at the end of the North Plaza beach at Discovery Bay was a rare summer record this morning.
According to the Avifauna this is the week with the fewest records of the year.  Over the past few years there have been regular August records in ones and twos, with no real indication in the Bird Report if these are breeding or passage birds except for a series of records from the NE NT a few years ago.

Mike K

Image Attachment: IMG_6563 Black-capped Kingfisher @ DB 16 Aug 2014.JPG (16/08/2014 21:06, 100.68 KB) / Download count 477

Author: wgeoff    Time: 17/08/2014 07:07

Hi Mike
Interesting record away from Deep Bay.

There haven't been any summer records (i.e. June or July) in Hong Kong that I can find since 2002 when one or two were recorded in the Waterbird Counts for Deep Bay in those months.
Since 2002, the last HK spring record in each year has been in May, usually early in May, and the first autumn record in August, the earliest being 5 August 2013 and the average being 17 August.

So this would be an early autumn record.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 18/08/2014 07:16 ]
Author: Pied_Jim    Time: 18/08/2014 01:58

All thanks to your dog, dying to see this bird.
Author: kmike    Time: 27/08/2014 08:25

An Asian Paradise Flycatcher seen this morning at Discovery Bay was another good bird found while walking the dog!

Author: wgeoff    Time: 27/08/2014 08:59

Mike, is your dog available for hire?

You and others may be interested in this Excel File, which lists the average date several autumn migrants have first been seen over the 20 year period 1994 to 2013 and compares with this year (so far)

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 27/08/2014 09:01 ]
Author: tsheunglai    Time: 27/08/2014 20:06


Very interesting tabulation of autumn migratory dates.


Author: kmike    Time: 27/08/2014 21:19

Poncho's prices will will rise and fall according to the quality of the birds he leads me to - a new take on guide dogs!

That table is very interesting Geoff - and helpful for knowing when a description may be necessary for a common species that turn up early.

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 31/08/2014 21:37

Sunday 31 August

The dog walk in DB was again productive this morning, delivering my third sighting of Striated Heron this summer, plus a Brown Shrike between the lower pond and the playground in Central Park.

Tai O produced nowt but a couple of Pacific Swifts and some good views of 6-7 Chinese White Dolphins.

and finally - a Roseate Tern was on the channel marker as the ferry headed into town at 4:30 this afternoon.

Author: kmike    Time: 13/09/2014 00:31

More dog-walking success  . . . a Forest Wagtail was in Central Park, Discovery Bay close to upper pond on Friday morning.

Author: kmike    Time: 13/09/2014 20:26

A hot sticky and very quiet morning at Tai O produced just two species of migrants in three hours!
One of them was my second Siberian Blue Robin in three days, following another juvenile on Po Toi on Thursday. The other was a flock of five White-shouldered Starlings.

Mike K
Author: wilsondring    Time: 13/09/2014 23:40

Original posted by kmike at 13/09/2014 20:26
A hot sticky and very quiet morning at Tai O produced just two species of migrants in three hours!
One of them was my second Siberian Blue Robin in three days, following another juvenile on Po Toi on ...
was the siberian blue robin mature adult/molting or juvenile please?
Author: kmike    Time: 14/09/2014 07:32

A scruffy brown one Wilson, that didn't show very well.

Author: thinfor    Time: 23/09/2014 08:13

Hi Mike,

I saw a pale-legged/Sakhalin leaf warbler, looking paralyzed right at the entrance of my residential block, at least it didn't move when I took this pic with my mobile.
I didn't see it anymore after I was home.

[ Last edited by thinfor at 23/09/2014 08:50 ]
Author: thinfor    Time: 23/09/2014 08:50

Sorry that there was an error for the photo upload.  Here it is:

[ Last edited by thinfor at 26/09/2014 04:26 ]
Author: kmike    Time: 23/09/2014 20:25

I expect it hit a window whilst migrating Manson - hopefully it recovered and flew off  . . .

A good record for DB.

Author: kmike    Time: 2/10/2014 07:09

1 October at Tai O

Black-winged Cuckooshrike - 3
Black-naped Oriole
Hair-crested Drongo - 3
Black Drongo - 20

Black-browed Reed Warbler
Arctic Warbler - 2
Pale-legged/ Sakhalin Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Dusky Warbler - 2
Zitting Cisticola

White-shouldered Starling
Richard's Pipit

+ 3 Chinese White Dolphin

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 4/10/2014 16:39

4 October at Tai O

2 x falcon sp.

Red Turtle Dove
Richard's Pipit
Grey Wagtail
Barn Swallow - 10

Black Drongo - 60
Hair-crested Drongo - 2
Black-naped Oriole - 2

Blue Rock Thrush philippensis

Arctic Warbler - 2
Dusky Warbler - 2
Zitting Cisticola - 2

Taiga Flycatcher - 1

Yellow-breasted Bunting - 1 + 1 bunting sp likely this species

House Crow - rare record away from West Kowloon


Also 3 Chinese White Dolphin
Author: kmike    Time: 6/10/2014 21:20

Discovery Bay 6 October 0700-0800
Striated Heron - 1

Black-naped Oriole - 1

Arctic Warbler - 1
Dusky Warbler - 2

Asian Brown Flycatcher - 3

Black Drongo - 3

White-breasted Kingfisher - 1

Mike K
Author: kmike    Time: 11/10/2014 18:23

11 October

Discovery Bay

Asian Paradise Flycatcher

Tai O

Black-winged Cuckoo Shrike (first time I've seen white fringes on the tertials of this species).
Black-naped Oriole

Asian Paradise Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher 4

Arctic Warbler
Greenish Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler 2
Dusky Warbler 3

Mike K

[ Last edited by kmike at 11/10/2014 18:25 ]

Image Attachment: IMG_7406 Black-winged Cuckooshrike @ Tai O.jpg (11/10/2014 18:24, 141.06 KB) / Download count 403

Author: kmike    Time: 18/10/2014 21:39

Discovery Bay
17 Oct

Yellow Wagtail (taivana)
Grey Wagtail - 2
Blue Rock Thrush - 2 (philippensis)
Dusky Warbler - 4

18 Oct

Bonelli's Eagle - 2 (pair)
Eurasian Kestrel
Eurasian Buzzard
Grey Wagtail
Stejneger's Stonechat
Dusky Warbler - 3

Mike K

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