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Subject: Spoon-billed Sandpiper leaflet 勺嘴鷸辨識小冊子 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Vivian    Time: 17/03/2014 12:29     Subject: Spoon-billed Sandpiper leaflet 勺嘴鷸辨識小冊子

As you know, the Spoon-billed Sandpipers are once again on their way north. Attached is a leaflet developed by the SBS Task Force detailing how and what information to record if you have the luck to see one. Please do share this leaflet widely.
Produced by N.A. Clark (BTO) on behalf of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force. Graphic design by MaoMorning Studios, Hong Kong. Design and production funded through BirdLife International, as part of a project supported by the RSPB (the BirdLife International Partner in the UK) and the UK Government’s Darwin Initiative.

勺嘴鷸是世界上最罕見的候鳥之一,牠們的種群數目正以驚人的速度下跌,若得不到大家及時的幫助,牠們很可能在未來十年內於野外滅絕。我們需要對勺嘴鷸的繁殖地、遷飛路線及越冬地等得到充分的了解, 才能制定訂定合適的保育工作。為鼓勵大家提供有關勺嘴鷸的有用資料,勺嘴鷸工作組製作了一小冊子,闡釋了勺嘴鷸在各階段的換羽狀況及羽色,希望有助大家記錄更多有用的資料。

此折頁由N.A. Clark (BTO)代表勺嘴鷸工作組製作, 由香港貓魔鈴工作室設計。此為英國皇家鳥類保護協會及英國達爾文基金透過國際鳥盟提供設計及製作資金。特別鳴謝為翻譯本給予協助及意見的人士: 王學思、朱偉旗、許桓峰、傅詠芹、余日東、章麟、洪貫捷、蔣忠佑。

English version: 2. factsheet_SBS_A4_put online_low ver.pdf (1.43 MB)
中文版: SBS leaflet_SimChi (2).pdf (768.03 KB)

Attachment: 2. factsheet_SBS_A4_put online_low ver.pdf (17/03/2014 12:29, 1.43 MB) / Download count 908

Attachment: SBS leaflet_SimChi (2).pdf (17/03/2014 12:29, 768.03 KB) / Download count 1002

Image Attachment: SBS leaflet_SimChi_cover.jpg (17/03/2014 12:29, 167.97 KB) / Download count 564

Author: siulanl    Time: 17/03/2014 13:40

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