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Subject: 2012 香港鳥類報告 HK Bird Report 2012 [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 14/05/2014 17:59     Subject: 2012 香港鳥類報告 HK Bird Report 2012

2012 香港鳥類報告 HK Bird Report由香港觀鳥會編輯的《香港鳥類報告2012》,已經正式出版。本會謹 感謝香港鳥類報告編輯組的努力使報告得以順利完成。




1/ 5月31日前到鳥會領取:無需通知,自行於辦公時間(星期一至五09:30-17:45 / 星期六09:30至13:00)到本會領取便成。請攜帶會員證以作證明
2/ 5月31日後才能到鳥會領取:請先以電郵通知本會( membership   @ 請自行取消空格),以停止郵票程序。
3/ 郵寄:未能於上述時間期間領取的會員,其鳥類報告將於3/6這星期內寄出。






印刷版:會員價 ~ HK$130 / 非會員價~HK$160
電子版 (光碟):會員價 ~ HK$100 / 非會員價~HK$140


The latest《Hong Kong Bird Report 2012》has just published.  The Society would like to express our gratitude to Editors of the Reports for their efforts to make this report available.

This Report was printed on 100% recycle paper with soy ink, and is also available in digital version.

For members suscribing PRINTED version:


1/ Pick-up at HKBWS office on or before May 31:  please just come up to our office during office hours ((Mon-Fri 09:30-17:45 &  Sat 09:30-13:00), no prior notice is required. Please bring along your membership card for identification.
2/ Pick-up at HKBWS office after May 31: pleas notify us in advance so that your copy is not posted (email:   membership   @ (Please delete spaces))
3/ By mail: the rest will be posted by mail during the week of Jun 3.

The latest《Hong Kong Bird Report 2012》is a big one, ie 356 pages including front & back cover, 20mmthick, weight around 0.62kg.  Due to its bulkiness, it may suffer from wrinkling or minor suface damages if sent by post. It may also be too thick to put into your mail box which may result in lost mail.   Therefore, if possible, please do come to our office in person to collect a perfect one .

For members suscribing DIGITAL version:

By post to members.

Only the following four member types are entitled to the “Hong Kong Bird Report”: Local & Oversea Individual Member who are paying full subscription fee, Honorary Member and Corporate Member.  (Family member, student member & senior member are not entitled.)

For those who want to purchase the latest《Hong Kong Bird Report 2012》, prices are:

Printed copy:
Member price ~ HK$130
Non-member price ~ HK$160

Digital CD-Rom :
Member price ~ HK$100
Non-member price ~ HK$140

Image Attachment: HKBR 2012_Cover.jpg (14/05/2014 18:04, 1.22 MB) / Download count 683

Author: cgeoff    Time: 15/05/2014 08:36

While I understand it may save the Society money if individuals come to the office to collect copies, perhaps the environmental cost of this needs to be considered? Which has the greater carbon footprint: delivery by the post office as part of its normal, routine activities, or travel to and from the rather inconvenient location of Lai Chi Kok by separate individuals who may use taxis and cars in addition to scheduled public transport?

I would also ask why should most of the membership wait for a month for their copy to be delivered, just to allow this (I presume) minority of people the opportunity to collect their Report?

How much money is actually saved by doing this? How does this compare with the Society's annual income? Is it significant in the context of the impact on the carbon footprint of the Society's activities and the month delay experienced by the majority?

Author: ajohn    Time: 15/05/2014 14:49

Dear Geoff

I think there were a number of factors involved with making this decision. The cost of postage is, of course, one of these, but also the staff time/cost involved with individually enveloping all of the copies of the report and taking these to the Post Office to be sent. I understand this proved to be inconvenient in the past for delivery of the larger two-year reports, and the decision was made that it would save resources for the society if members were able to collect issues from the office rather than needing to send all out by post.

Although the location at Lai Chi Kok may be inconvenient for you, remember that this may not be the case for all members. Some members will live and/or work in this part of Kowloon and may be able to get to the office with only a short MTR ride outside their usual activities, or may even be going to the office for other reasons. I remember last year I was able to stop at the office on my way between meetings, and picked up copies of the report for about 7 or 8 people while I was there, to save them the time. I plan to do the same this year.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the team involved with preparation of the report, in particular to Geoff Welch, Bonnie Chan and Gary Chow (as well as all of those involved with translation of the report). Thank you all for your hard work in preparing the report and congratulations for reaching the point of publication.

John Allcock
Chief Editor
Author: wgeoff    Time: 15/05/2014 17:32

I felt the same way as GeoffC above until I visited the office today to collect my copies and saw the mountain of books to be packed and delivered - over 1000 books with a total weight of 600kg!

As John says, it is not primarily a question of money but time and resources. The staff need to assemble a volunteer force of ten individuals to come over a weekend and help pack and label over 1000 books and carry the 600kg to the local Post Office. Due to uncertainty in the date of delivery from the printers, they are only now able to start that process. This is why a four-week collection period has been declared, although the Office have agreed that this may be reduced in future years, or this year if possible.

In the meantime, anyone who collects their own (and others) copies from the office will help reduce the task considerably - I understand that up to 100 books are usually collected by individuals. I'm sure the need to provide membership cards will be waived for well-known individuals, or some other form of ID accepted.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 15/05/2014 17:33 ]
Author: irsychan    Time: 15/05/2014 19:22

I trust there must be good reasons for printing hard copies, but perhaps there should be a long term plan of turning everything to paperless, in line with the global trend of saving paper?
I purchased a e-book recently and found it very convenient as I can read it on multiple electronic devices including my home computer, my office computer and even my old iPhone4!
Author: wgeoff    Time: 15/05/2014 21:35

There is an option to take an CDROM but as a reference book many people prefer hard copy.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 16/05/2014 12:38


1/ 5月31日前到鳥會領取:無需通知,自行於辦公時間(星期一至五09:30-17:45 / 星期六09:30至13:00)到本會領取便成。請攜帶會員證以作證明

2/ 5月31日後才能到鳥會領取:請先以電郵通知本會( membership   @ 請自行取消空格),以停止郵寄程序。

3/ 郵寄:未能於上述時間期間領取的會員,其鳥類報告將於3/6這星期內寄出。


Many thanks for your comments concerning delivery of this Report. We understand that some members have been expecting for this belated HKBR for long.  The collection and mailing of this report is now amended as follows:

1/ Pick-up at HKBWS office on or before May 31:  please just come up to our office during office hours ((Mon-Fri 09:30-17:45 &  Sat 09:30-13:00), no prior notice is required. Please bring along your membership card for identification.
2/ Pick-up at HKBWS office after May 31: pleas notify us in advance so that your copy is not posted (email: membership   @ (Please delete spaces))
3/ By mail: the rest will be posted by mail during the week of Jun 3.

The latest《Hong Kong Bird Report 2012》is a big one, ie 356 pages including front & back cover, 20mm thick, weight around 0.62kg.  Due to its bulkiness, it may suffer from wrinkling or minor suface damages if sent by post. It may also be too thick to put into your mail box which may result in lost mail.   Therefore, if possible, please do come to our office in person to collect a perfect one .
Author: nfelix    Time: 16/05/2014 17:19

Is it possible to collect the copy on behalf of friends who are HKBWS members? It may further help the distribution within the individual's friend group. If possible, please advise the procedure, thanks.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 16/05/2014 17:35

Yes it ok by:

1/ you bring along your friends membership card, or
2/ ask your friends to inform us by email/fax/letter. (email:  membership   @ (Please delete spaces))
Original posted by nfelix at 16/05/2014 17:19

Is it possible to collect the copy on behalf of friends who are HKBWS members? It may further help the distribution within the individual's friend group. If possible, please advise the procedure, than ...

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 6/06/2014 15:00

所有《香港鳥類報告2012》的印刷版及電子版光碟已寄出。 本會非常感謝幫忙郵寄工作的所有義工。
All HKBR 2012, printed or digital version, were posted.  Many thanks to all volunteers who had help mailing work.

Image Attachment: 20140605_105027.jpg (6/06/2014 15:00, 405.77 KB) / Download count 550

Image Attachment: 20140605_104949.jpg (6/06/2014 15:00, 327.65 KB) / Download count 516

Author: subbuteo    Time: 7/06/2014 16:56

Mine arrived today- an excellent publication.  Thank you to all involved at any stage!

Author: John Holmes    Time: 10/06/2014 17:10     Subject: 2012 Annual Report

Just wanted to belatedly "second" what Dylan wrote:

"Well Done" to everyone involved !


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