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Subject: [Oversea] Rail Babbler at Khao Luang N.P., Thailand [Print This Page]

Author: Paux    Time: 14/05/2014 20:30     Subject: Rail Babbler at Khao Luang N.P., Thailand

One of the stars of the national park; it also attracted many local birders to bring their own bird hides for taking photos of this bird. Without a bird hide, one was unlikely to see it on the trail.

Image Attachment: IMG_6673rrb.jpg (14/05/2014 20:30, 112.52 KB) / Download count 475

Image Attachment: IMG_6722rb.jpg (14/05/2014 20:30, 89.54 KB) / Download count 450

Author: kmike    Time: 14/05/2014 20:48

One of my dream birds! - loved the night bird pix too - looks like a great trip Paux
Author: passerby-b    Time: 14/05/2014 21:20

Yes! A dream bird for me!
Author: Paux    Time: 15/05/2014 00:52

Thanks Mike.
Yes, I enjoyed this trip very much even though it's long-hour bird-watching. In the K.L.N.P., we started at 7 am & returned to the guest house after 10 pm.

I think it's not very difficult to get a view of this bird if you're there in the right time.


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