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Subject: [Outing] 19/10/2014 塱原觀鳥活動 Long Valley Outing [Print This Page]

Author: Haley    Time: 29/09/2014 15:35     Subject: 19/10/2014 塱原觀鳥活動 Long Valley Outing


行程時間:上午 8 時至 12 時



會員: 免費
非會員: 港幣$30

** 不用報名 **

因參與由香港觀鳥會 (下稱“本會”) 主辦的一般活動、戶外觀鳥活動或訓練課程 (下稱“活動”) 所出現的個人或財產的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,無論是在活動過程中發生或活動完結後出現,本會不會承擔任何財政或其他方面的責任或義務。所有參與上述活動的參加者,必須確保自己的身體狀況能夠適應活動的要求,如有疑問,應該在參與活動前諮詢合資格的醫務人員,本會建議參加者應自行購買相關保險以保障自己。報名參與上述活動的人士即表示同意即使在活動過程中或活動完結後出現的損失、受傷、死亡或損壞,本會的執行委員會委員、其他委員會委員、職員、僱員、義工、中介機構或人員及分判商均不會承擔任何責任。

Details of the Long Valley Outing to be held on 19 Oct 2014 as below:-

Date: 19/10/2014 Sunday
Activity time: 08:00 - 12:00

Gathering time: 08:00
Gathering place: Pavilion beside public toilet at Yin Kong Village

Target Species: Farmland birds and waterbirds

Free of Charge for all members.
HK$30 for non-member.

**No registration is required **
The Activities Enquiry Hotline for contacting outing leaders at the event date only: 94573196

The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (“the HKBWS”) assumes no responsibility, liability or obligations, whether financial or otherwise, for losses, injuries, death, damages, whether to the person or property, arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the activities, outings or training courses (“the Activities”)organized by the HKBWS. Persons who participate in the Activities must ensure that they are medically fit to do so. If in doubt, they should consult qualified medical practitioners before participating. Participants are recommended to purchase relevant insurance for their own protection. By participating in the Activities, the participants impliedly agree that they will not hold the HKBWS, its Executive Committee members, other committee members, its officers, employees, volunteers, agents or subcontractors responsible or liable for any losses, injuries, death damages arising or occurring in the course or as a result from the Activities.
Author: rosefinch    Time: 19/10/2014 22:55

Hi all,
Some photos of the Mandarin (female) and the Chinese Spot-billed Ducks to share, in HKBWS outing today at Long Valley!

又一次證明,和大家一齊出outing, 運氣都好啲、就會遇到好嘢!相片幾張與大家分享!


[ Last edited by rosefinch at 23/10/2014 23:31 ]

Image Attachment: Mandarin Duck_LV_01_20141019.JPG (20/10/2014 12:19, 32.52 KB) / Download count 467

Image Attachment: Mandarin Duck_LV_02_20141019.JPG (20/10/2014 12:20, 29.23 KB) / Download count 471

Image Attachment: Spot_bill Duck_LV_03_20141019.JPG (20/10/2014 12:20, 23.99 KB) / Download count 465

Image Attachment: Spot_bill Duck_LV_04_20141019.JPG (20/10/2014 12:47, 24.22 KB) / Download count 486

Image Attachment: Spot_bill Duck_LV_05_20141019-001.JPG (20/10/2014 12:58, 23.58 KB) / Download count 442

Image Attachment: Red Throated Pipit_LV_20141019.JPG (20/10/2014 12:58, 88.02 KB) / Download count 500

Image Attachment: Dusky Warbler_LV_01_20141019.JPG (20/10/2014 12:59, 27.11 KB) / Download count 503

Author: pitarhk    Time: 23/10/2014 21:55

約30人參加活動,共記錄56種雀鳥,感謝Mei Ling、Siu Yune、Kenny協助帶領活動!

2014/10/19 Long Valley outing, 28c 70%RH NE wind Level 3
10        Mandarin Duck        鴛鴦
18        Chinese Spot-billed Duck        中華斑嘴鴨
65        Chinese Pond Heron        池鷺
67        Grey Heron        蒼鷺
69        Great Egret        大白鷺
71        Little Egret        小白鷺
81        Great Cormorant        普通鸕鷀
102        Black Kite        黑鳶
112        White-breasted Waterhen        白胸苦惡鳥
119        Common Moorhen        黑水雞
127        Black-winged Stilt        黑翅長腳鷸
135        Little Ringed Plover        金眶鴴
140        Greater Painted-snipe        彩鷸
145        Common Snipe        扇尾沙錐
156        Marsh Sandpiper        澤鷸
161        Wood Sandpiper        林鷸
216        Domestic Pigeon        原鴿
220        Spotted Dove        珠頸斑鳩
230        Asian Koel        噪鵑
261        White-throated Kingfisher        白胸翡翠
264        Common Kingfisher        普通翠鳥
266        Pied Kingfisher        斑魚狗
271        Eurasian Wryneck        蟻鴷
297        Long-tailed Shrike        棕背伯勞
300        Black Drongo        黑卷尾
308        Red-billed Blue Magpie        紅嘴藍鵲
310        Eurasian Magpie        喜鵲
314        Collared Crow        白頸鴉
315        Large-billed Crow        大嘴烏鴉
321        Cinereous Tit        蒼背山雀
325        Eurasian Skylark        雲雀
327        Red-whiskered Bulbul        紅耳鵯
328        Chinese Bulbul        白頭鵯
335        Barn Swallow        家燕
350        Dusky Warbler        褐柳鶯
371        Oriental Reed Warbler        東方大葦鶯
387        Zitting Cisticola        棕扇尾鶯
389        Yellow-bellied Prinia        黃腹鷦鶯
390        Plain Prinia        純色鷦鶯
391        Common Tailorbird        長尾縫葉鶯
398        Masked Laughingthrush        黑臉噪鶥
411        Crested Myna        八哥
412        Common Myna        家八哥
413        Red-billed Starling        絲光椋鳥
414        White-cheeked Starling        灰椋鳥
415        Black-collared Starling        黑領椋鳥
435        Oriental Magpie Robin        鵲鴝
474        Stejneger's Stonechat        黑喉石(即鳥)
483        Eurasian Tree Sparrow        樹麻雀
485        White-rumped Munia        白腰文鳥
486        Scaly-breasted Munia        斑文鳥
489        Eastern Yellow Wagtail        東黃鶺鴒
490        Citrine Wagtail        黃頭鶺鴒
492        White Wagtail        白鶺鴒
499        Buff-bellied Pipit        黃腹鷚
518        Yellow-breasted Bunting        黃胸鵐

Total: 56 species

[ Last edited by pitarhk at 23/10/2014 22:05 ]

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