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Subject: [Oversea] London Wetland Centre [Print This Page]

Author: irsychan    Time: 16/10/2014 08:57     Subject: London Wetland Centre

I visited the wetland centre, which is located inside London city (Yes, you wouldn't believe it) on 27 Septemeber 2014 during my UK trip with my wife and daughter.  The visit was at the right time, when lots of migratory birds just arrived there.  Unfortunately I didn't bring my heavy photo equipment and only took the Sony NEX-6 and 70-400mm zoom lens without tripod. Far away birds couldn't be photographed though seen through the telescopes installed at the Peacock Tower.
(Oops!  Can't upload more photos... need to wait)


Mallard (male)

Mallard (female)

European Wigeon (male)

ID 1? (African Black Duck?) [ Indian runner duck (a domestic breed) ]

Common Moorhen

ID 2? [ Mallard duck (probably some domestic hybridisation here with the coloration) ]

ID 3? (Tufted Duck (female)?)

Eurasian Coot

Great Crested Grebe

[ Last edited by irsychan at 28/10/2014 14:49 ]

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Author: John Holmes    Time: 16/10/2014 20:51

The London Wetland Centre at Barnes is a good site… looking forward to seeing more photos !
Author: irsychan    Time: 17/10/2014 13:57

Original posted by John Holmes at 16/10/2014 20:51
The London Wetland Centre at Barnes is a good site… looking forward to seeing more photos !
Thank you John.  I shall try to add more photos tonight.
Author: Pied_Jim    Time: 17/10/2014 14:29

You could just upload all your photos to an image hosting site like imgur, and then get all your photos into one post by pasting the in the links.
Author: irsychan    Time: 17/10/2014 22:20

Original posted by Pied_Jim at 17/10/2014 14:29
You could just upload all your photos to an image hosting site like imgur, and then get all your photos into one post by pasting the in the links.
Thank you for the advice.  Looks like a good idea next time.
Some photos have been uploaded in the top thread above.

[ Last edited by irsychan at 24/10/2014 11:43 ]
Author: irsychan    Time: 20/10/2014 00:46     Subject: More photos added

More photos added.  London Wetland Centre is like Hong Kong Wetland Park and Kowloon Park combined, i.e. one side (the South Route) is all wild birds and the other side (the West Route) is mainly captive birds, mixed with some wild birds.

Rock Dove

Common Magpie

Mute Swan

ID 4? [Black-headed Gull]

ID 5? (Ring-necked Parakeet?) [Correct; AKA Rose-ringed Parakeet]

Grey Heron

Red-breasted Goose

Greylag Goose [Should be Lesser White-fronted Goose instead]

Whooper Swan [Should be Bewick Swan instead]

ID 6? (Smew (female)?) [Correct]

Barnacle Goose

Egyptian Goose


[ Last edited by irsychan at 28/10/2014 08:41 ]

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Author: irsychan    Time: 22/10/2014 08:26     Subject: ID please

Please help to identify those birds marked ID 1 to ID 6.  Thank you.
Author: John Holmes    Time: 26/10/2014 17:32     Subject: Barnes Birding

ID 1 = domestic duck
ID 2 = domestic duck
ID 3 = (juv) Tufted Duck
ID 4 = Black-headed Gull
ID 5 = Rose-ringed Parakeet
ID 6 = Female Smew

Your "Greylag" Geese are White-fronted Geese.
Author: ajohn    Time: 27/10/2014 09:41

I agree with John's IDs, except that the geese are Lesser White-fronted (yellow eye-ring, small  bill).
Author: irsychan    Time: 27/10/2014 10:20

Original posted by John Holmes at 26/10/2014 17:32
ID 1 = domestic duck
ID 2 = domestic duck
ID 3 = (juv) Tufted Duck
ID 4 = Black-headed Gull
ID 5 = Rose-ringed Parakeet
ID 6 = Female Smew

Your "Greylag" Geese are White-fronted Geese.
Thank you for your advice.  I have also got the ID from the centre, which I shall post below very soon.
Author: irsychan    Time: 27/10/2014 10:21

Original posted by ajohn at 27/10/2014 09:41
I agree with John's IDs, except that the geese are Lesser White-fronted (yellow eye-ring, small  bill).
Thank you ajohn.  You are correct.  I have got the IDs from London Wetland Centre which I shall post below soon.
Author: irsychan    Time: 27/10/2014 10:43

I have sent an email to London Wetland Centre for their help in the identification and received their reply, which is pasted below.  The centre is easily accessible by car or public transport.  For this UK trip, I didn't hire a car and simply took the tube to Hammersmith Station (which is on the Piccadilly/District/Circle Line), and then bus 209 to 'Red Lion' stop, which is 150m from the entrance of the centre.  The centre is worth visiting when you are in London for whatever reason.  I met several local birders at the Peacock Tower and they were very kind in helping me to identify interesting birds.  One birder even guided me to search for Chiffchaff, but unfortunately although we heard its call, we couldn't see the bird. May be next time...

Reply from London Wetland Centre:

Dear Mr Chan,
Thank you for your email. Please find ID information below as requested:
1)      Indian runner duck (a domestic breed)
2)      Mallard duck (probably some domestic hybridisation here with the coloration)
3)      Female tufted duck – correct
4)      Black headed gull
5)      Ring-necked parakeet – correct
6)      Female smew – correct
In addition, the ‘greylag’ goose is actually a lesser white fronted goose and the ‘whooper swan’ is actually a Bewick swan.
I hope this helps and it was lovely to see your pictures – they are excellent! I like the bufflehead image particularly.

Best wishes,


Catherine Beazley

WWT London Wetland Centre
Queen Elizabeth’s Walk, Barnes, London SW13 9WT

T        0208 409 4400 (ext 0)

[ Last edited by irsychan at 28/10/2014 08:43 ]

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