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Subject: Japanese Yellow Bunting Female [Print This Page]

Author: wilsondring    Time: 3/11/2014 18:31     Subject: Japanese Yellow Bunting Female

3rd Nov 2014 LV

More to follow ..

[ Last edited by wilsondring at 4/11/2014 19:01 ]

Image Attachment: WD1D0777 (1).jpg (3/11/2014 18:31, 142.99 KB) / Download count 472

Image Attachment: WD1D0748.jpg (4/11/2014 19:01, 126.99 KB) / Download count 434

Image Attachment: WD1D0828.jpg (4/11/2014 19:01, 123.51 KB) / Download count 388

Image Attachment: WD1D0832.jpg (4/11/2014 19:01, 126.81 KB) / Download count 410

Author: lexusjohn    Time: 4/11/2014 08:23

Good find and Good shot !!
Author: tampccw    Time: 4/11/2014 10:50

Good take !

Can you tell this is M or F ?

Author: wilsondring    Time: 4/11/2014 19:03

Original posted by tampccw at 4/11/2014 10:50
Good take !

Can you tell this is M or F ?

the underparts seem more yellow, i guess would be a male ..
Author: tampccw    Time: 5/11/2014 08:30

Author: wgeoff    Time: 5/11/2014 08:47

Hi tampccw.

Where and when were your photos taken?
Author: tampccw    Time: 5/11/2014 10:41


               I took this photo is in  Po Toi  2011-04-05 afternoon 1325.

PS: Here is another one, in the same time.

[ Last edited by tampccw at 5/11/2014 10:43 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 5/11/2014 16:31

Thanks, excellent photos of a very attractive bird. So it was an April 2011 bird and it does appear in the 2011 HK Bird Report.

Some of our newer members may not know of one of the most remarkable records of all time in Hong Kong which concerned Japanese Yellow Bunting.

In November 2007, four Japanese Yellow Buntings arrived on Po Toi - a remarkable record in itself since it was the first ever autumn record of this species in Hong Kong. But on 27 November, Owen Chiang photographed one of these birds which had a ring and, even more remarkable, the ring could be read. Through the ring, it was found that this bird was ringed as a first year male at Niigata Prefecture, north Honshu in Japan, just 34 days before it's arrival on Po Toi. It's journey can be seen on this map

and the story appears on the website here ... t=japanese%2Byellow

So, all you photographers, can you match Owen's achievement?

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 5/11/2014 17:19 ]
Author: wilsondring    Time: 5/11/2014 18:00

some achievement indeed .. i wasn't even photographing birds or I should say, i didn't own a DSRL in 2011 ....

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