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Subject: 日本鳥書~海鳥/水鳥/海鷗/猛禽圖鑑 Japanese field guides [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 6/11/2014 11:57     Subject: 日本鳥書~海鳥/水鳥/海鷗/猛禽圖鑑 Japanese field guides

本會辦事處有小量日本雀鳥識別圖鑑出售(每書只有兩本),數量有限,售完即止,先到先得,不設預留服務。 Limited quantity of the below Japanese field guides is available for sales in our office (2 copies each only).  Limited supply and first-come-first served. No reservation.

<水鳥識別圖鑑> (A Guide to Waterbirds)

66 pages, in Japanese with English and scientific names

售價 Price:
會員 member - $140
非會員 non-member - $180

<海鳥識別圖鑑> (A Guide to Sea Birds)

80 pages, in Japanese with English and scientific names

售價 Price:
會員 member - $160
非會員 non-member - $200

<猛禽飛翔識別圖鑑> (The Handbook of Raptors in Flight)

80 pages, in Japanese with English and scientific names

售價 Price:
會員 member - $160
非會員 non-member - $200

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