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Subject: Eurasian Hoopoe [Print This Page]

Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 10/02/2015 21:40     Subject: Eurasian Hoopoe

Date: 08/07/2015

Place: Po Toi Island

Tipped by local residents, 2 Hoopoes were seen perching on a tree at 5pm last Saturday. At Sunday 5 pm, only 1 reported duty punctually, and the other might have taken a causal leave.

Image Attachment: Eurasian Hoopoe (1).jpg (10/02/2015 21:40, 175.56 KB) / Download count 406

Author: wgeoff    Time: 11/02/2015 13:00

Did you see two on Saturday?

There has been a debate for some time whether there are two on Po Toi or just one.
Author: JohnC    Time: 11/02/2015 19:30

Hi Geoff,

From 29th Dec 14

This photo was from the ferry (near sisters cafe) at 8:50am

Then 10 minutes later (9:02am) from the helipad

I thought, at the time, it was the same bird because of the two dots on the front crown feather.  That day I saw it in four different locations.
Author: Dawnleaf    Time: 11/02/2015 23:06

Owner of Two Sisters' Cafe and local resident told me they saw 2 perching on the tree. On Sunday,I met one in Two Sisters' Cafe,flying so close almost knocking my head. However, at 5 pm only 1 appearred on that tree.
Author: wgeoff    Time: 12/02/2015 07:28

Thanks Dawnleaf.

The wing pattern on these two photos looks very similar to me (as well as the head pattern) so I'm inclined to think they are the same bird. It's not far to fly and they do move around quite a lot. They are also quite similar to the bird I have photographed.

So for the moment, I'll continue to assume one.

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