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Subject: Po Toi April 2015 [Print This Page]

Author: kmatthew    Time: 3/04/2015 21:18     Subject: Po Toi April 2015


Plaintive Cuckoo heard
Ashy Minivet x2

Rufous-tailed Robin 6+ heard many in song
Blue Whistling Thrush x3
Grey-backed Thrush x4
Ijima's Leaf Warbler x1 still around, at the staircase past the 3 water tanks.

Yellow-browed Warbler
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Arctic Warbler x1
Black-faced Bunting x2
Author: ivantse    Time: 3/04/2015 22:01


SE water
Ancient Murrelet x1
Arctic Skua x2
Greater Crested Tern x4
Common Tern x4
Author: kmike    Time: 4/04/2015 19:01

Saturday 4 Apr

Ijima's Leaf Warbler (same place, from 1100 - 1200 at least)
Yellow-browed Warbler - 4
Pallas's Leaf Warbler - 2

Ashy Minivet - 2

Rufous-tailed Robin - 1h
Siberian Rubythroat - 1h
Japanese Thrush 1m

Black-faced Bunting - 1

Author: tsheunglai    Time: 6/04/2015 17:38

Hi everybody

Can anyone tells if the Ijima's warbler still seen on Po Toi today 6th of April (Mon)?


S L Tai
Author: lyatming    Time: 6/04/2015 19:06

Dear Mr. Tai
Today, I went to Po Toi for a 7 hours and could not find the bird. On the island, what we could find a few yellow-browed warblers.

Lee Yat Ming
Author: wgeoff    Time: 8/04/2015 12:54     Subject: Easter Weekend on Po Toi

I stayed on Po Toi from Saturday 4th to Tuesday 7th April, my first overnight stay for nearly two years. I had been planning this with great anticipation for several weeks - as it was, it was slightly disappointing although how you can say living within 100 yards of a Hong Kong First Record is disappointing I'm not really sure.

As usual in spring, the weather was the driver and culprit in this case. A typhoon or at least STS forecast for Monday never materialised and Saturday to Monday were hot with light winds - perfect weather for everything to leave or overfly Hong Kong. And for the first three days, that's exactly what happened.

At least the Ijima's stayed one day, well seen on Saturday but not thereafter. I won't embarrass myself showing one of my Ijima's photos, compared with what has been posted elsewhere here, but I can get my own back on the assembled Saturday photo-twitch with this one instead

A dramatic change in weather on Tuesday morning came just a bit too late. Sitting with John Clough at the seawatching point on Tuesday morning, we could see the cold front approach as a massive cloud bank in a straight line across the sky. The weather changed from blue sky to overcast in an instant, and fairly immediately birds started to turn up.

Two flocks of Large-billed Crows came over from Dangan and a flock of Ashy Minivets was calling as they came in, and seen later in the main area although they seemed to fly off towards Lamma later. A single Ferruginous Flycatcher was near the helipad and a Pale-legged Leaf Warbler was heard near the Upper Reservoir.

It still surprises me how quickly migrants turn up when the weather changes in spring.

At sea, no gulls - the passage usually dribbles on into April but not this year, compensated by more Greater Crested Terns than usual in the first week of April - 24 on Sunday and 13 on Tuesday. Here a chart of GCT occurrences from 2006 to 2013 shows week 3 as the peak week in April

In a flock of six terns on Sunday, four were clearly Greater Crested but two were smaller, whiter with narrower wings. I had hoped my photos could have given a definite ID for these but they were simply too far away - I think you can guess what I thought they might have been.

Also at the seawatch point, up to seven Pacific Swifts and my first ever flock of migrant Red-whiskered Bulbuls

Now many more fish shoals to be seen after the fish trawling ban, and also many campers on the headland

I plan to stay again once more this spring, probably to see the Short-tailed Shearwaters in early May. You need to be at the seawatch point by 6am to see these properly.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 10/04/2015 07:02 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 10/04/2015 07:29     Subject: Thursday 9th April

A much better day today, more land bird migrants seen in three hours than in three days over Easter.

Birds and locations were

Chinese Goshawk - three around Helipad and Restaurant
Oriental Pratincole - one flying over
Common Kingfisher - four in the Lagoon
Ashy Minivet - two at the Lower School
Ferruginous Flycatcher - one in Helipad/Stream area, one at Upper School, one between Lower School and Tiger Lane and one near gravesites at Upper Reservoir - altogether at least four different birds
Narcissus Flycatcher - male in Helipad/Stream area
Mugimaki Flycatcher - female reported in Helipad/Stream area
Black-naped Oriole - male in bamboos past Sisters Cafe

plus other common species but no Grey-faced Buzzards (my guess is there were many passing through on Wednesday). Here some photos

Although the HKBWS Boat Trip to outer waters on Saturday has been cancelled, the Ferry will probably still be running in the more protected inner waters. The timetable for Saturday and Sunday is here

Author: JohnC    Time: 12/04/2015 23:04

Ruddy Turnstone on Po Toi, Today (12/04)

One of three, located near Geoff's sea watching point

Author: JohnC    Time: 12/04/2015 23:20

I saw 4 different sea birds migrating up the coast from the sea watching point. I am trying to ID them from blurry photos.  First bird I think is a Greater Crested Turn.

I think Bird 2&3 are the same species as they were together.  Here is bird 2.

Bird 4 another Turn but smaller I think.

[ Last edited by JohnC at 12/04/2015 23:52 ]

Image Attachment: DSC_7590.jpg (12/04/2015 23:52, 84.89 KB) / Download count 553

Author: fatchun    Time: 15/04/2015 11:04

14-4-2015 Sunny day

Ashy minivet x2
Verditer Flycatcher x2
Ferruginous Flycatcher x1
Asian Brown Flycatcger x1
Chestnut Bunting female/imm. male x1
Japanese Yellow Bunting x1 very nice looking male
Little Bunting x1
Large hawk cuckoo x1

[ Last edited by fatchun at 15/04/2015 11:50 ]
Author: wgeoff    Time: 17/04/2015 21:21     Subject: 16th April

Another warm day.

A summer plumage Ancient Murrelet flew across the front of the Ferry just as we approached Po Toi

Quiet on the island, just two Red Turtle Doves, an overflying Osprey (photo by Peter Ho), a Brown Hawk Owl reported by Faijai, a Ferruginous Flycatcher and single Little and Black-faced Buntings.

Hoping for better next week if the rain comes on Tuesday.
Author: JohnC    Time: 21/04/2015 21:06


Male and female Japanese Paradise Flycatcher today.

Author: wgeoff    Time: 24/04/2015 06:21     Subject: 21st and 23rd April

Some unexpected visitors this week, John Allcock on Tuesday and over 70 members of the Crested Bulbul Club on Thursday making a very full Ferry for mid-week. Good to see both.

Unfortunately (for birdwatchers, not the birds) very little rain with the cold front on Monday, so not as exciting a week as hoped. But still some good birds to be found.

Some good Flycatchers, Blue-and-white and male and female Japanese Paradise plus a Narcissus from John Allcock on Tuesday, and at least three newly arrived Grey-streaked on Thursday.
Here three species, two photos from me and one from Peter Ho (can you tell which one is his?)

Also seen during the week (not all by me), Chinese Sparrowhawk, Grey-faced Buzzard, Ashy Minivet, Eyebrowed Thrush and at least four very noisy Indian Cuckoos which arrived to keep the also newly-arrived Black Drongos company and give them an exciting summer rearing cuckoos instead of drongos.

Best bird for me was a good looking male Brambling in the tall trees next to the Ferry Pier on Thursday, but too high up and difficult to see to attract the photographers' interest.

Brambling is mostly an autumn bird but we have been getting more in spring over the last two years.

Please remember to send in your response on the Support Po Toi campaign here

to ensure we protect Po Toi for the migrant birds and future generations of birdwatchers. Thank you.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 24/04/2015 06:30 ]
Author: coconutcat    Time: 24/04/2015 10:33

Good found~!

Hope this Sunday still see these birds...
Author: wazy    Time: 24/04/2015 11:47

April 23:

Hair-crested Drongo_髮冠卷尾

Image Attachment: DSC_8650_Hair-crested Drongo_髮冠卷尾.JPG (24/04/2015 11:47, 160.44 KB) / Download count 514

Author: leo2012    Time: 24/04/2015 20:08


Chinese Goshawk 赤腹鷹

Brambling 燕雀

Author: wgeoff    Time: 1/05/2015 06:21     Subject: Last week in April

I stayed on Po Toi from Tuesday to Thursday, mostly to see seabirds in the early morning and late evening - very hot, very dry and not very rewarding.

No flycatchers at all seen, and no Short-tailed Shearwaters which I had been hoping for.
The only species of note

several flocks of egrets, mostly Little, Cattle and Chinese Pond Heron
a White-breasted Waternhen flushed from the path on the South Peninsular late on Wednesday evening - a migrant newly arrived
seven Grey-tailed Tattler in two flocks, one with a Ruddy Turnstone in tow
a Pintail Snipe
a few terns, Gull-billed, Black-naped and Bridled
a single Collared Scops Owl calling from behind my house late at night
a Dollarbird and two Red-rumped Swallows on Wednesday
Dusky and Yellow-browed Warblers still calling, along with several Arctics and one Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
a good influx of Little Buntings, a regular event in late April
several flocks of migrating Crested Myna - I had realised for some years that Crested Myna numbers are much higher in winter but you don't often see them migrating. They are later departures than Chinese Bulbul, the common migrant

Not much for three days of toil and sweat. April really has been very dry this year (hence not so many birds) and Po Toi is desperate for rain.

Hoping for rain next week as scheduled by HKO, but often the forecast rain doesn't arrive. I will stay on the Island trying to find Short-tailed Shearwaters for another two weeks.

[ Last edited by wgeoff at 1/05/2015 06:40 ]

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