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Subject: [Indoor] 16/6/15室內講座Ind Mtg:從觀鳥到尋蛛FmBirdWatchingToSpiderAppreciation [Print This Page]

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 8/04/2015 15:49     Subject: 16/6/15室內講座Ind Mtg:從觀鳥到尋蛛FmBirdWatchingToSpiderAppreciation

室內講座 : 從觀鳥到尋蛛

日期:2015年6月16日 星期二

時間:19:15 - 21:15


語言:廣東話, 中文簡報


** 不需報名 **

Indoor Meeting : From Bird Watching to Spider Appreciation

Speakers: Mr. Dickson Wong
                  Eco-Instructor & Spider Lover

Date: Tue 16 Jun, 2015

Time: 19:15 - 21:15

Venue: HKBWS LCK office
            7C, V Ga Building, 532 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon

Language: Cantonese with Chinese powerpoint

Fee: Member $10, Non-member $30

** No registration required **

Image Attachment: Poster-20150616_Spiker_Talk.jpg (8/04/2015 17:33, 611.21 KB) / Download count 625

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 27/05/2015 16:39

Dickson 當晚將捐出50份"香港蜘蛛200" 海報予本會作義賣之用,每張HK$10-,先到先得,不設預留。

Dickson will offer 50 pcs of "Hong Kong Spiders 200" posters to raise fund for the Society.  
Poster will be sold at HK$10- each, first come first serve and no reservation.  

Image Attachment: HK_Spiders_200.jpg (27/05/2015 16:39, 165.48 KB) / Download count 545

Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 28/05/2015 10:38

"香港蜘蛛200" 海報只在講座當晚義賣,並只限出席當晚講座的會員/鳥友購買,每人限購一張。

The "Hong Kong Spiders 200" poster is available only during the talk. Purchase of the poster is restricted to attendees of the talk and one poster per attendee.
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 10/06/2015 12:36

Next Tue 下星期二
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 15/06/2015 10:10

明晚見 See you tomorrow evening !!
Author: HKBWS Bonnie    Time: 17/06/2015 12:29


Over 60 people came to the talk yesterday.  The meeting room is crowded with people and also their enthusiasm to learn about spiders.
The Society would like to extend our gratitude to Dickson for his informative presentation and to all those who support us with donation for the fund raising spider poster from Dickson. A total of $900 was raised last night.

Dickson 演講中
Dickson in the middle of his presentation

水洩不通 Full house

Ms Vivian Fu, China Programme Assistant Manager, presenting souvenir to Dickson

Image Attachment: 20150616_192103.jpg (17/06/2015 12:29, 462.56 KB) / Download count 550

Image Attachment: IMG-20150616-WA0004.jpg (17/06/2015 12:29, 415.4 KB) / Download count 496

Image Attachment: IMG-20150616-WA0006.jpg (17/06/2015 12:29, 321.38 KB) / Download count 530

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